All Luciano Faggiano wanted when he purchased the seeminglyunremarkable building at 56 Via Ascanio Grandi, was to open a restaurant. Theonly problem was the toilet. Sewage kept backing up. So Mr. Faggiano enlistedhis two older sons to help him dig a trench and investigate. He predicted thejob would take about a week. “We found underground corridors and otherrooms, so we kept digging,” said Mr. Faggiano, 60. His search for a sewagepipe, which began in 2000, became one family’s tale of discovery.
Lecce was once a critical crossroads in the Mediterranean.Severo Martini, a member of the City Council, said archaeological relics turnup on a regular basis — and can present a headache for urban planning. Aproject to build a shopping mall had to be redesigned after the discovery of anancient Roman temple beneath the site of a planned parking lot.
One week quickly passed, as father and sons discovered a tomb ofthe Messapians, who lived in the region centuries before the birth of Jesus.Soon, the family discovered a chamber used to store grain by the ancientRomans.
If this history only later became clear, what was immediatelyobvious was that finding the pipe would be a much bigger project than Mr.Faggiano had anticipated. He did not initially tell his wife about the extentof the work. He tied a rope around the chest of his youngest son, Davide, then12, and lowered him to dig in small, darkened openings. “I made sure to tellhim not to tell his mama,” he said. His wife, Anna Maria Sanò, soon becamesuspicious. “We had all these dirty clothes, every day,” she said. “I didn’tunderstand what was going on.”
After watching the Faggiano men haul away debris in the backseat of the family car, neighbors also became suspicious and notified theauthorities. Investigators arrived and shut down the excavations, warning Mr.Faggiano against operating an unapproved archaeological work site. Mr. Faggianoresponded that he was just looking for a sewage pipe.
A year passed. Finally, Mr. Faggiano was allowed to resume hispursuit of the sewage pipe on condition that heritage officials observed thework. An underground treasure house emerged, as the family uncovered ancientvases, Roman devotional bottles, an ancient ring with Christian symbols,medieval artifacts, hidden frescoes and more. Today, the building is MuseumFaggiano, an independent archaeological museum authorized by the Leccegovernment.
Mr. Faggiano is now satisfied with his museum, but he has notforgotten about the restaurant. A few years into his excavation, he finallyfound his sewage pipe. It was, indeed, broken. He has since bought anotherbuilding and is again planning for a restaurant, assuming it does not need anyrenovations. “I still want it,” he said of the restaurant. “I’m very stubborn.”
part 1:听一段文章,然后回答判断10个问题正误。听完有2分钟作答。
part 2:passage listening。这个主要是要把笔记做好,问题看好。有三个passage;故事有关于古巴总统卡斯特罗生平的,还有美国禁止象牙交易,以及中国制造自主研发飞机。
part 3:gap-filling。有关G20的材料填空,这个语速真是最慢的,较简单。
part 4:summary
part 1 汉英对话,关于故宫文物保护与经济发展;part2英译汉,是中国昆明市和利物浦的合作论坛的发言;然后part3是在蒙特利尔市灯光节开幕式上的讲话。语速适中,平时勤加练习应该没有太大问题。还有要注意的就是,记笔记一定要分清楚哪段笔记是哪段的。这有助于当你做完了还有时间的时候再来对照笔记做题,提高正确率。
part 3 英译汉
Remarks by Ambassador Luo Zhaohui At Montreal EnLumière Opening Ceremony女士们,先生们:晚上好。很高兴出席第17届蒙特利尔灯光节开幕式。
His Worship Denis Coderre, Mayor of Montreal, Ms. Wu Yihuan, Vice Mayor of Shenzhen Municipality,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Bonsoir. Good evening.
It is a pleasure to join you all at the 17th edition of the Montreal en Lumière festival. Light represents justice, kindness, hope, brightness and future. In a few days, on 22 February, Chinese will celebrate the Yuanxiao Festival, also known as the Lantern Festival.
In Christianity, light is an embodiment of warmth. Hindus celebrate Diwali, the festival of lights. Humankind's worship and love of light are universal. All beautiful things have something to do with light.
The world-famous Montreal en Lumière festival inherits the glorious history of Montreal and heralds a bright future for this great city. Under the leadership of the Montreal government and His Worship. MayorDenis Coderre, the city has made tremendous economic and social progress and is heading towards a better future.
Like Montreal, Shenzhen is also a city full of vigour and promise. More than 30 years ago, Shenzhen was only a small fishing village in Southern China's Guangdong Province. It is now an international metropolis with a population over 18 million. Shenzhen's spectacular development is an epitome of China's reform and opening-up. It is also a good example of how the 1.3 billion and more Chinese people are endeavouring to realise the Chinese dream of great national rejuvenation.
We appreciate it that Shenzhen is featured as the City of Honour at Montreal's festival of lights this year. I think the festival offers a significant platform for the two cities to strengthen friendship and identify more and new opportunities for cooperation.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
A new start has been made since the new Canadian government took office. China-Canada relations are on a fast track of development. Three weeks ago, the Chinese Embassy and Global Affairs Canada jointly hosted a reception in Ottawa to mark the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau attended and addressed the event.
Forty-five years ago, there was no direct air link between our two countries. Now there are 132 direct flights every week between Chinese and Canadian cities.
Forty-five years ago, only 3,000 people travelled to and from China and Canada a year. Now the daily figure is over 3,000. I would like to express our special thanks to Mayor Denis Coderre, who led a largest trade mission in Montreal's history to China a few months ago. The launch of non-stop flights between Beijing and Montreal makes it more convenient for economic cooperation and for cultural and people-to-people exchanges between China and Canada, particularly Montreal.
While the government efforts are important, the great achievements in our relations would not have been possible without the support and engagement of our two peoples. I am very optimistic about the future of relations between our two nations.
I am sure that if both sides work together, China-Canada relations will have a future as bright as the lights of the Montreal en Lumière festival
Thank you.
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