You Drive Your Own Life 20190912

作者: JackyHCXP | 来源:发表于2019-09-14 06:36 被阅读0次


    Don't dream it, be it. 临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网。

    I woke up at 4:00 this morning, and then I learned 32 English words after washing.

    Word Group

    I am ok at math, but I have never been good at multiplication. 我算术还可以,但是乘法我一直不擅长。

    Yoghurt goes well with mixed nuts.  酸奶与混合坚果很配。

    if you sow the seeds, they will grow into crops.  如果你播种这些种子,他们将会成长为农作物。

    it takes a lot of tactical moves in order to win a game of chess.  为了赢得国际象棋活动,需要采取很多战术上的步法。

    Relative Automotive News:

    Several environmental group are calling for an end to SUV productuon, such as greenpease etc.

    The CEO of VW said that they also can't immune the effect of global economy slowdown.

    we will continue to do the acetone extraction testing for the 6307 formula with different manufacturing parameters, two pieces are scorching, and the other two are without scorching, so we need to run four groups testing in this afternoon.

    we will have a three days off for mid-autumn festival. and I will go home this afternoon.

    Wallace checked the packaging process for the status of the shim assembly.

    Roy checked the air way for the Dyno, and he said the design was right.

    You Drive Your Own Life 20190912 You Drive Your Own Life 20190912



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