what is stoicism?A definition
什么是斯多葛哲学? 诠释。
For those of us who live our lives in the real world,there is one branch of philosophy created just for us:stoicism .
A brief synopsis and definition on this particular school of hellenistic philosophy:stoicism was found in Athen by zeno of citium in the early 3rd century BC,but was famously practiced by the likes of Epictetus,Seneca and Marcus Aurelius. The philosophy asserts on behavior,rather than words.That don't control and cannot rely on external events,only ourselves and our responses.
stoicism has just a few central teachings. It sets out to remind us of how unpredictable the world can be.How brief our moment of life is.how to steadfast,and strong,and in control of yourself.And finally,that the source of our dissatisfaction lies in our impulsive dependency on our reflexive senses rather than logic.
Stoicism doesn't concern itself with complicated theories about the world,but with helping us overcome destructive emotions and act on what can be acted upon. It's built for action,not endless dabate.
It had three principle leaders.Marcus Aurelius,the emperor of the roman empire,the most powerful man on earth,sat down each day to write himself notes about restraint,compassion and humility.Epictetus endured the horrors of slavery to found his own school where he taught many of rome's greatest minds. Seneca,when Nero turned on him and demanded his suicide,could think only of comforting his wife and friends.
But it is not only those three——stoicism has been practiced by kings,presidents,artists,writers and entrepreneurs.Both historical and modern men illustrate Stoicism as a way of life.
Prussian king,Frederick the Great,was said to ride with the works of the stoics in his saddlebags because they could,in his words,“sustain you in misfortune”.Meanwhile,montaigne,the politician and essayist,had a line from Epictetus carved into the beam above the study in which he spent most of his time.
The founding fathers were also inspired by the philosophy.George Washington was introduced to Stoicism by his neighbors at age seventeen,and afterwards,put on a play about Cato to inspire his men in that dark winter at Valley Forge.whereas Tomas Jefferson had a cope of Seneca on his nightstand when he died.
The economist Adam Smith’s theories on the interconnectedness of the world——captitalism——were significantly influenced by the Stoicism that he studied as a schoolboy,under a teacher who had translated Marcus Aurelius' works.
经济学家亚当斯密理论中的互联性——资本主义——极大的被斯多葛哲学影响,当他还是学生的时候,老师就给他们教授Marcus Aurelius的文献。
The political thinker,john stuart Mill,wrote of Marcus Aurelius and Stoicism in his famous treatise On Liberty,calling it“the highest ethical product of the ancient mind.”
政治思想家约翰·斯密福特·米尔,将Marcus Aurelius和斯多葛哲学写入他最著名的著作《论自由》中,并陈述“这是古代思想产中最高的道德的产物”。
Stoicism differs from most existing schools in one important sense:its purpose is practical application.it is not a purely intellectual enterprise.
It’s easy to gloss over the fact that Marcus Aurelius was the Roman Emperor without turly absorbing the gravity of that position.Emperors were Deities,ordinary men with direct access to unlimited wealth and adulation.Before you jump to the conclusion that the Stoics were dour and sad men,ask yourself,if you were a dictator,what would your diary look like?
一个非常容易掩盖的事实是Marcus Aurelius是一位没有真正吸收斯多葛哲学意义的罗马帝王,因为帝王都是神一般的存在,可以轻易地获得无尽的财富和谄媚。在你给无趣、少言、悲惨的斯多葛式的人们下定义之前,问问你自己,如果你是一个独裁者,你的日记会写些什么?