

作者: 羊皮卷的味道 | 来源:发表于2020-11-01 14:08 被阅读0次
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    Steven Lee 李司提反
    Philippians 1:12–18 腓立比书1:12-18
    12 I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel, 13 so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ. 14 And most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear. 15 Some indeed preach Christ from envy and rivalry, but others from good will. 16 The latter do it out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. 17 The former proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely but thinking to afflict me in my imprisonment. 18 What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice. Yes, and I will rejoice 12 弟兄们,我愿意你们知道,我所遭遇的反而使福音更加兴旺了,13 以致整个宫里的卫队和其余一切的人,都知道我是为了基督才受捆锁的;14 而且大多数主内的弟兄,因我所受的捆锁,就笃信不疑,毫无畏惧,更勇敢地传讲 神的道。15 有些人传扬基督是出于嫉妒和纷争,但也有些人是出于好意。16 这些人是出于爱心,知道我是派来为福音辩护的。17 那些人传讲基督却是出于自私,动机并不纯正,只想加重我在捆锁中的烦恼。18 那有甚么关系呢?真心也好,假意也好,无论怎么样,基督总被传开了,为此我就欢喜;并且我还要欢喜
    [Prayer] Father in Heaven, We need your help this morning. You know that some are overwhelmed and distracted. You know that others are anxious and fearful. Uncertainty plagues our hearts and minds. So come now in the power of your Spirit to open our ears to hear the voice of our Savior. Open our eyes to behold the glory of God revealed in the person of Jesus. Free us this morning from the shackles of fear, anxiety, and the pursuit of comfort, so that we would live our lives to see the name of Christ exalted. Do far more than we can ask or even imagine for the sake of your name. In Jesus we pray, amen. [祷告]天父,今天早上我们需要你的帮助。你知道,有些人不知所措,心神不宁。你知道还有些人担惊受怕。不确定感困扰着我们的心。所以,现在就请来到我们中间,用你圣灵的大能,打开我们的耳朵,听我们救主的声音。打开我们的眼睛,看神的荣耀在耶稣的身上显露出来。今天早上,让我们从恐惧、焦虑和追求安逸的枷锁中解脱出来,使我们的生活能看到基督的名被高举尊崇。为了你名的缘故,你所做的远超我们的所求所想。奉耶稣的名祷告,阿们!
    [Introduction] This morning is the second week of our Global Focus. I have two aims this morning: [引言]今天上午是我们一年一度聚焦全球宣教活动的第二周。我今天上午有两个目标。
    (1)To call some of us to pursue advancing the gospel among the nations as missionaries. (1)呼召我们中的一些人作为宣教士在万民中拓展福音。
    (2)To call all of us to participate in advancing the gospel wherever God has placed us. (2)号召我们所有人无论在哪里,都要参与推动福音的传播。
    [Expand Aim #1] One of our yearly rhythms, in this second week of Global Focus, is to call you to consider using your life to advance the gospel among the nations as a vocational missionary. Whether you’re 8, 18, 28, 58, or 88, we want you to prayerfully consider whether God is calling you to go to the nations. It’s my prayer that God would raise up next Amy Carmichael or Hudson Taylor in our children’s and youth ministry. I imagine that the next Jim & Elizabeth Elliot is a student at Northwestern or Bethel, sitting here this morning. Perhaps the next William Carey is a young adult pondering the next season of life. Be praying for God to raise up the next Ola and Minnie Hanson in our congregation right now. [第1个目标的扩展]在这聚焦全球宣教活动的第二周,我们每年的一个惯例就是呼召大家考虑用投身为全职宣教士,在万国万民中拓展福音。无论你是8岁、18岁、28岁、58岁还是88岁,我们都希望大家都能在祷告中考虑神是否呼召你到万民中去。我的祷告是,求神在我们的儿童和青少年事工中兴起下一个艾米·卡迈克尔或戴德生。我想象下一个吉姆和伊丽莎白·埃利奥特是西北大学或伯特利大学的学生,今天早上就坐在这里。也许下一个威廉·克理式的年青人,正在思考人生的下一个阶段。祈求神现在就在我们的会众中兴起下一个欧拉和米妮·汉森。
    [Missions Call] At the end of this service, after we take communion together, we are going to call for three groups to come forward to bear witness to their own conscience and to the church that they believe God is or has been stirring in them to go to the nations. The three groups are as follows: [宣教呼召]在这场敬拜的最后,在我们一起领圣餐之后,我们要呼召三组人站出来为自己的良心和教会作见证,他们相信神正在或已经在他们身上搅动,要他们到万民中去。这三组人如下:
    1. Global Partners. Global partners who are here this morning in any of these services on each campus, come forward. We want our people to know who you are. 1.全球宣教伙伴。今天上午在座的全球宣教伙伴,无论参加哪个堂区的哪一场敬拜,都请上前来。我们想让大家都认识你们。
    2. Nurture Program. We want any who are presently in the Nurture Program and hoping to be sent out for vocational, cross-cultural missions to come forward. 2. 培育计划中的人员。我们希望目前正在参加培育计划,并希望被差派出去参加全职跨文化宣教的人上前来。
    3. Fresh Stirring. We want any who sense that God is leading you toward vocational global missions (not short-term), and who intend to pursue this leading until the Lord directs otherwise. You are simply saying, “I believe God is leading me toward vocational, cross-cultural mission. And until he shows me otherwise, I’m going to act on that leading.” 3. 第一次受到感动。我们想邀请任何一位感觉到神正在带领你走向全职的全球宣教(不是短期的),并且打算追求这种带领,直到主另有指示。你只是说:“我相信神正在带领我走向全职跨文化宣教使命。除非祂另有指示,我将照着目前的这个带领行事。”
    [Expand Aim #2] If you know you’re not called to be a vocational, cross-cultural missionary, you’re not off the hook. I want to call all us to participate in advancing the gospel wherever God has placed you right now. You may never go overseas—you don’t even own a passport and you’ll never leave this country—but you can advance the gospel in your neighborhood. We are all called to be disciple-making disciples—none of us is exempt. [第2个目标的扩展]即使你知道自己没有蒙召成为一个全职跨文化的宣教士,你也不能置身事外。我想呼召我们所有人参与推进福音,无论神现在把你放在哪里。你可能永远不会出国—你甚至没有护照,你可能永远也不会离开这个国家—但你可以在你的社区推进福音。我们都蒙召成为培养门徒的门徒—我们谁也不能例外。
    [Transition] So what I want to do this morning is look at Paul’s passion for gospel advance in Philippians 1:12–18. The picture I have in mind is this. The Apostle Paul is a red hot glowing ember, and we want to gather around him, and ask the Spirit to blow on that ember, so that we all become red hot glowing embers that burn with a passion for God’s global glory. [Main Point] Every believer is to burn with gospel ambition so that Christ is preached and the nations are reached. [过渡]所以我今天早上要做的是看保罗在腓立比书1:12-18中对福音拓展的热情。我脑海中出现的画面是这样:使徒保罗是一颗炽热发光的火种,我们要聚集在他的周围,求圣灵吹在这颗火种上,让我们都成为炽热发光的火种,为神的普世荣耀而激情燃烧。[要点]每一个信徒都要燃烧福音的雄心,以传扬基督,传遍万民。
    [Context of Philippians] Let me give just some brief background if you’re unfamiliar with Philippians. Paul is writing from prison. Many believe Paul is writing from Rome, but he could also be writing from Caesarea or Ephesus. Paul is confined to specific living quarters, likely chained to a Roman soldier. Paul is writing to thank the Philippians for their partnership in the gospel through their financial gifts, prayers, and tangible love and support in sending Epaphroditus. The Philippians sent Epaphroditus to deliver their gift, nearly dying in the process. So Paul is writing a missionary update letter full of thanksgiving and specific updates on his situation. [腓立比书的背景]如果你对腓立比书不熟悉,我就简单介绍一下背景。这是保罗从狱中写的。许多人认为保罗是从罗马写的,但他也可能是从凯撒利亚或以弗所写的。保罗被限制在特定的地方,很可能被套上锁链,由罗马士兵看守。保罗在信中感谢腓立比人通过他们的捐款、祷告,以及实实在在的爱和支持,并派遣以巴弗提来参与福音的合作。腓立比教会派以巴弗提去送他们的捐项,在这个过程中差点死掉。所以,保罗要写一封充满感恩和具体更新情况的宣教更新信。
    [Read Passage] So why would I call Paul a red hot glowing ember that burns with a passion for God’s glory? Is there anything in our passage that would reveal Paul’s ambition, desire, or passion? [读经文]那么,我为什么要称保罗为炽热的火种,为神的荣耀而燃烧激情呢?在我们的经文中,是否有什么可以揭示保罗的雄心、渴望或激情?
    Philippians 1:12–18 12 I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel, 13 so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ. 14 And most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear. 腓立比书1:12-1812 弟兄们,我愿意你们知道,我所遭遇的反而使福音更加兴旺了,13 以致整个宫里的卫队和其余一切的人,都知道我是为了基督才受捆锁的;14 而且大多数主内的弟兄,因我所受的捆锁,就笃信不疑,毫无畏惧,更勇敢地传讲 神的道。
    15 Some indeed preach Christ from envy and rivalry, but others from good will. 16 The latter do it out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. 17 The former proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely but thinking to afflict me in my imprisonment. 18 What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice. 15 有些人传扬基督是出于嫉妒和纷争,但也有些人是出于好意。16 这些人是出于爱心,知道我是派来为福音辩护的。17 那些人传讲基督却是出于自私,动机并不纯正,只想加重我在捆锁中的烦恼。18 那有甚么关系呢?真心也好,假意也好,无论怎么样,基督总被传开了,为此我就欢喜;
    [Gospel Ambition] Did you see the repetition in this passage? In every single verse, Paul either mentions Jesus Christ or the message of Christ, namely the gospel. When Paul says “I want you to know what has happened to me,” he doesn’t tell them about his arrest, his accommodations, or even about his health. Paul tells them about the one thing he cares most about: the preaching of gospel of Christ. Paul’s burning passion is to see the gospel of Jesus Christ go forth. I’m calling this Paul’s gospel ambition. His desire, his dream, or his aspiration is to see the gospel of Christ proclaimed, advanced, and preached. More than anything in the world, he wants gospel advance. [福音雄心]你看到这段经文中什么一直在重复?在每一节经文中,保罗不是提到耶稣基督,就是提到基督的信息,即福音。当保罗说“我愿意你们知道,我所遭遇的”时,他并没有告诉他们他的被捕、他的食宿,甚至他的健康状况。保罗告诉他们他最关心的一件事:传扬基督的福音。保罗炽热的激情是要看到耶稣基督的福音传扬出去。我称此为保罗的福音雄心。他的渴望,他的梦想,或他的志向,就是要看到基督的福音被宣扬,被推进,被传扬。在这个世界上,他更多的是希望福音被推进。
    [Romans 15:20] Paul actually was even more explicit about his ambition in Romans 15:20, “I make it my ambition to preach the gospel, not where Christ has already been named, lest I build on someone else’s foundation…” Paul’s ambition was to preach Jesus! But not just any old preaching, but to do it where the name of Christ had not been named. It’s a missionary ambition. He wants new territory and to build new foundations. He wants to go to people that have not yet heard. [罗马书15:20]其实保罗在罗马书15:20中更明确地表达了他的雄心。“我立定主意,不在宣扬过基督的地方传福音,免得建立在别人的根基上”保罗的雄心就是传扬耶稣!而且不是普通的传扬,而是要在基督的名还没有被提起的地方去传扬。这是宣教的雄心。他要开辟新的疆域,建立新的根基。他想去找那些还没有听说过基督的人。
    [Plan] So here’s our plan in walking through this passage. I want to ask three questions of this passage to understand how and why Paul responds the way he does to this particular situation in order to understand his attitude and perspective. [计划]所以我们串讲这段经文的计划是这样的。我想对这段经文提出三个问题,以了解保罗如何以及为何对这一特殊情况做出这样的回应,从而理解他的态度和观点。
    Question #1: How does Paul respond to his imprisonment? (12–13) 问题一:保罗对他自己的监禁反应如何?(第12-13节)
    [Surprise of Philippians 1:12–13] Paul says “12 I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel, 13 so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ.” (Philippians 1:12–13). This is the exact opposite of what one might expect. Paul has been thrown into prison. Here is the end of his evangelistic career. But Paul’s update is surprising because he says the opposite: his imprisonment has been a launching pad for gospel advance. Why? Let’s see. [腓立比书1:12-13中的惊喜]保罗说:“12 弟兄们,我愿意你们知道,我所遭遇的反而使福音更加兴旺了,13 以致整个宫里的卫队和其余一切的人,都知道我是为了基督才受捆锁的”(腓立比书1:12-13)。这与人们的预期完全相反。保罗被关进了监狱。这是他传道生涯的终点。但保罗的更新报告令人惊讶,因为他说的是相反的:他的监禁是推进福音的发射台。为什么?让我们来看看。
    [Whole Imperial Guard] Paul says “it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ.” Everyone knows that Paul is in prison for the name and sake of Jesus. This likely refers to all the guards and soldiers stationed in that general region as part of the Roman government. Paul has a captive audience day after day, hour after hour. So was Paul waiting for the right time to share the gospel? No! Paul was relentlessly preaching Christ. Imagine being an unsuspecting Roman soldier that gets shackled next to Paul. You think he learned about Jesus Christ? You bet he did. Paul responded to his imprisonment by preaching Christ all the more. [整个宫廷卫队]保罗说:“整个宫里的卫队和其余一切的人,都知道我是为了基督才受捆锁的。”所有人都知道了,保罗是为了耶稣的名而入狱。这很可能是指作为罗马政府的一部分,驻扎在该地区的所有卫兵和士兵。保罗有了一批身不由己的听众,日复一日,时复一时地听他布道。那么保罗是否在等待合适的时机来了才分享福音呢?不是的!保罗在不遗余力地传扬基督。想象一下,作为一个毫无防备的罗马士兵,被铐在保罗身边。你认为他会了解耶稣基督?你敢打赌他肯定会。在监禁中保罗更多地传扬基督。
    [Why Didn’t Chains Stop Paul?] Paul’s chains could have sunk him deep into depression, fear, anxiety, and paralysis. Why didn’t it? Why didn’t Paul’s imprisonment stifle him? This is key to understand, because if it can be true of Paul it can be true of us. Paul’s ambition was not comfort, financial prosperity, or even the advance of his reputation. If Paul was mainly concerned with living a comfortable life then imprisonment would have horrible. [为什么锁链没能阻止保罗?]保罗的锁链本应该让他深陷抑郁、恐惧、焦虑和瘫痪之中。为什么没有呢?为什么保罗的监禁没能扼杀他?这是理解的关键,因为如果保罗能做到这一点,那我们也应该能做到。保罗的雄心不在于追求舒适,不是经济上的繁荣,更不是名望的提升。如果保罗主要关心的是过上舒适的生活,那么坐牢就太可怕了。
    [Paul’s Ambition: Honor Christ] Paul’s ambition is preaching Christ, for the gospel to advance. How do we know this for sure? Later in Philippians 1:20–21, he says, “it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” (Philippians 1:20–21). That is the key to Paul’s gospel ambition. Paul’s life ambition was that Christ would be honored—whether by life or death. What matters more than me—my comfort, my reputation, my prosperity—is the name and fame of Christ. That perspective transforms prison into a platform and launching pad for the gospel. Paul’s chief concern is not with his ability to move about freely, but with the gospel’s ability to move about freely. [保罗的雄心:荣耀基督]保罗的雄心是传扬基督,为了福音的拓展。我们怎么能确认这一点呢?随后在腓立比书1:20-21中保罗说:“我所热切期待和盼望的,就是在凡事上我都不会羞愧,只要满有胆量,不论生死,总要让基督在我身上照常被尊为大。因为我活着就是基督,我死了就有益处。”(腓立比书1:20-21)。这是保罗福音雄心的关键所在。保罗一生的志向就是要让基督得尊崇—不论生是死。比我更重要的—我的舒适、我的名誉、我的成功—是基督的名字和名声。这种观点将监狱转变为福音的月台和发射台。保罗最关心的不是自己能否自由行动,而是福音能否自由行动。
    [Word Not Bound] Paul said the same thing 2 Timothy 2:8–9, “[8] Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, the offspring of David, as preached in my gospel, [9] for which I am suffering, bound with chains as a criminal. But the word of God is not bound!” Though there are chains on my arms and legs, they cannot stop my mouth from proclaiming the gospel of Christ. [神的话不被捆绑] 保罗在提摩太后书2:8-9中也是这么说的:”[8] 你要记得那从死人中复活的耶稣基督,他是大卫的后裔所生的,这就是我所传的福音。[9] 我为了这福音受了磨难,甚至像犯人一样被捆绑起来;可是,神的话却不被捆绑。“虽然我的手脚上有铁链,但不能阻止我的口宣扬基督的福音。
    [Illustration: Samuel Lamb] Let me illustrate this with one hero of the faith I had the privilege of meeting. I was in college at the time, on a mission trip, and we trekked through the flooded streets of Guangzhou, China with water up to our knees to get to this unassuming house, a house church. Inside were people packed together like sardines (the complete opposite of social distancing), shoulder to shoulder on tiny stools, and intently listening for two hours to this little man preach by the name of Samuel Lamb. Afterwards he shared with us that he had been imprisoned for 20 years for refusing to register his church with the Chinese government. Fifteen of those years had been in labor camps. When he was finally released from prison what did he do? He began preaching, the very thing that landed him in jail the first time. And God caused his house church to grow from 900 to eventually 4,000 people attending services almost every day of the week. The police would come regularly to arrest him and beat him, and to take all of the Bibles and hymnals. But he said every time they came and arrested him, the church grew larger. His ambition was not comfort or fame, but rather the advance of the word of God. [示例:林献羔]让我用我有幸见到的一位信心英雄来示例说明。当时我还在上大学,参加一次宣教活动,我们跋涉在中国广州被水淹没的街道上,水淹到膝盖,才来到这个不起眼的房子,一个家庭教会。里面的人像沙丁鱼一样挤在一起(与社交距离完全相反),肩并肩坐在小凳子上,专心致志地听一个叫林献羔的小个子讲道两个小时。事后,他与我们分享了他因拒绝向中国政府注册教会而被囚禁了20年。其中有15年是在劳改营中度过的。当他终于出狱后,他做了什么?他开始传道,正是这件事让他第一次进了监狱。而神使他的家庭教会从900人发展到最终的4000人,几乎每周每天都有聚会。警察会定期来抓他,打他,还要把所有的圣经和赞美诗都没收。但他说每次他们来抓他,教会就会变得更大。他的雄心不在于舒适或名声,而是神的道得传扬。
    [God’s Gospel Advances] Why can Paul and others like him preach Christ even in imprisonment? Because Jesus is our superior treasure: “to live is Christ, and to die is gain!” Dying in service to Jesus is better than 80 years of life where we try to get as much money or comfort or prosperity as is possible. Do we believe that? The superior pleasure of know Christ in his death and resurrection free us advance the gospel even in the face of pain or prison. We cannot share what we do not have: namely a burning passion for the supremacy of God in Christ Jesus. [神的福音拓展]为什么保罗和其他像他一样的人即使在监狱里也能传扬基督?因为耶稣是我们的无上珍宝:”活着就是基督,死了就有益处!“在服侍耶稣的过程中死去,胜过80年的庸碌生活,在那里面,我们试图尽可能地获得更多的金钱、舒适或成功。我们相信这一点吗?在基督的死和复活中认识祂的超胜喜乐,使我们自由地推进福音,即使面对痛苦或监狱。我们不能分享我们所没有的东西:即在基督耶稣里对神至高无上地位的炽热激情。
    [Mission Field] What will sustain aspiring missionaries and Global Partners as they step out into hostile mission fields? What’s going to sustain parents who send their 20 and 30 years olds into dangerous places? Only a gospel ambition that treasures the glory of God above all else. And the way we get that, is by cultivating that ambition for gospel advance right now. Jim Elliot, missionary to Ecuador, put it famously this way, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” Is our ambition—our dream, aspiration, and desire—over and above all else, to advance the gospel? [宣教工场]当有抱负的宣教士和全球宣教伙伴踏入充满敌意的宣教工场时,是什么在支撑着他们?那些把二三十岁的孩子送进危险地区的父母们,拿什么来支撑?只有珍视神的荣耀高于一切的福音雄心。而我们得到的方式,就是现在就培养这种推进福音的雄心。到厄瓜多尔的宣教士吉姆·艾略特有句名言:”为了得到他不能失去的而付出他不能保留的,这样的人不是傻瓜。“我们的雄心—我们的梦想、愿望和渴望—高于一切的,是否就是推进福音?
    Question 2: How do others respond to Paul’s response to his imprisonment? (14) 问题二:其他人对保罗入狱的反应如何?(第14节)
    [Emboldened] The second surprising thing Paul points out is similarly counterintuitive. He says “And most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear” (14). Again, this is the opposite of what we expect. If Paul’s in prison, everyone else is supposed to be afraid. Why are they “much more bold to speak the word without fear?” It says they have become confident in the Lord. How did they become confident in the Lord? Paul’s example of confidence in God gave them confidence in God. His trust in God is contagious and inspiring. This is the red hot ember heating up cold coals around him to become red hot embers themselves. If Paul is bold and courageous in prison, how much more should we be bold and confident to preach? [毫无畏惧]保罗指出的第二件令人惊讶的事情同样是反直觉的。他说:”而且大多数主内的弟兄,因我所受的捆锁,就笃信不疑,毫无畏惧,更勇敢地传讲 神的道“(第14节)。同样,这与我们的预期恰恰相反。保罗入狱了,其他人都应该害怕才对。为什么他们”更勇敢地传讲神的道“?这是说他们对主更有信心了。他们怎么会对主更有信心呢?保罗对神有信心的榜样让他们对神更有信心。他对神的信靠是有感染力的,是鼓舞人心的。这是炽热的火苗将他周围的冷炭加热,也变成炽热的火苗。既然保罗在狱中毫无畏惧,勇往直前,那么我们更应该信心满满地去传道?
    [Contagious Courageousness] Paul has a contagious courage to advance the gospel. Paul’s gospel ambition is contagious for others. By whatever means possible, let the gospel go forth. Paul’s example is inspiring and encouraging others to speak the word of God without fear. Why without fear? Paul’s fearlessness is contagious. And why is Paul fearless? “To live is Christ and to die is gain!” Because Paul doesn’t care if he lives or dies, as long as Christ is preached and proclaimed. When we stop fearing things that are frightening, we can then become bold evangelists for Christ. [有感染力的勇气]保罗有一种感染性的勇气来推动福音。保罗的福音雄心对别人是有感染力的。不管用什么方法,都要让福音传出去。保罗的榜样是在激励和鼓励别人无畏地传讲神的道。为什么无所畏惧?保罗的无畏精神是有感染力的。而保罗为什么无所畏惧?”我活着就是基督,我死了就有益处。“因为保罗不在乎自己的生死,只要传扬和宣扬基督。当我们不再害怕那些可怕的事情时,我们就可以为基督成为勇敢的传道人。
    [Illustration: Explosion of the Church in Iran] Let me share an account of how God uses contagious courage to advance the gospel. [示例:伊朗教会的爆炸]让我来分享一个关于神如何使用会有感染力的勇气来推动福音的故事。
    The Iranian revolution of 1979 established a hard-line Islamic regime. Over the next two decades, Christians faced increasing opposition and persecution: All missionaries were kicked out, evangelism was outlawed, Bibles in Persian were banned and soon became scarce, and several pastors were killed. The church came under tremendous pressure. Many feared the small Iranian church would soon wither away and die. 1979年的伊朗革命产生了一个强硬的伊斯兰政权。在随后的20年里,基督徒面临越来越多的反对和迫害。所有宣教士都被赶出,传福音被宣布为非法,波斯语的圣经被禁,很快就变得稀缺,有些牧师遭杀害。教会受到了巨大的压力。许多人担心幼小的伊朗教会很快就会凋零死亡。
    But the exact opposite has happened. Despite continued hostility from the late 1970s until now, Iranians have become the Muslim people most open to the gospel in the Middle East. 但情况恰恰相反。尽管从20世纪70年代末到现在伊朗当局一直对福音持敌对态度,但伊朗人已经成为中东地区对福音最开放的穆斯林民族。
    How did this happen? Two factors have contributed to this openness. First, violence in the name of Islam has caused widespread disillusionment with the regime and led many Iranians to question their beliefs. Second, many Iranian Christians have continued to boldly and faithfully tell others about Christ, in the face of persecution. 这是怎么发生的?有两个因素促成了这种开放性。首先,以伊斯兰教名义实施的暴力引起了人们对该政权的普遍失望,并导致许多伊朗人质疑自己的信仰。第二,许多伊朗基督徒面对逼迫,继续大胆而忠心地告诉别人有关基督的事。
    As a result, more Iranians have become Christians in the last 20 years than in the previous 13 centuries put together since Islam came to Iran. In 1979, there were an estimated 500 Christians from a Muslim background in Iran. Today, there are hundreds of thousands—some say more than 1 million. Whatever the exact number, many Iranians are turning to Jesus as Lord and Savior.1 因此,在过去20年里,成为基督徒的伊朗人比伊斯兰教传入伊朗后的前13个世纪加起来还要多。1979年,伊朗估计有500名穆斯林背景的基督徒。今天,有几十万人—有人说有100多万人。不管确切的数字是多少,许多伊朗人都转向耶稣,以祂为救主和生命的主。2
    [Be Courageous for Christ] Though there is no threat of imprisonment here in America, no threat of chains or of being beaten, I know that fear is one of the greatest obstacles to our witness. We fear awkwardness, we fear being ostracized, and we fear offending. We fear getting fired, getting cancelled, or getting labeled “one of those Christians.” But we need to let the example of the Apostle Paul, the example of Samuel Lamb, the example of Iranian Christians, and the example of thousands of Christians around the world rebuke us for being afraid to share the gospel. There’s nothing to fear! All they can do is kill you and then you get heaven! God’s people have the greatest message in all the world, supplied with strength through the indwelling Holy Spirit, and are destined for eternal glory with Christ. We have nothing to fear but fear itself. God has numbered your days, and numbered the hairs on your head, so fear not. [为基督而勇敢]虽然在美国这里没有监禁的威胁,没有被锁链或被打的威胁,但我知道,恐惧是我们作见证的最大障碍之一。我们害怕尴尬,害怕被排挤,害怕得罪人。我们害怕被解雇,被取消,或者被贴上”那帮基督徒之一“的标签。但我们需要让使徒保罗的榜样,林献羔的榜样,伊朗基督徒的榜样,以及全世界成千上万基督徒的榜样来责备我们不敢分享福音。没什么好怕的!他们能做的无非就是杀了你,然后你就上天堂了!神的子民拥有世界上最伟大的信息,通过内住的圣灵得到力量的供应,注定要与基督一同获得永恒的荣耀。除了恐惧本身,我们没什么好怕的。神已经数算了你的日子,数算了你头上的头发,所以不要害怕。
    [Transition] Paul’s gospel ambition frees him to see imprisonment as a platform to preach Christ. His confidence in God, and fearlessness, inspire others to preach fearlessly. But now we turn to those that are seeking to afflict Paul. [过渡]保罗的福音雄心使他自由地将监狱视为传扬基督的平台。他对神的信心,和无所畏惧的精神,激励别人无畏地传道。但现在我们转到那些试图折磨保罗的人身上。
    Question #3: How does Paul respond to those seeking to afflict him? (15–17) 问题三:保罗如何回应那些想折磨他的人?(第15–17节)
    [Philippians 1:15–17] In verses 15–17 we see two different groups and how they respond to Paul’s imprisonment. Paul writes, “15 Some indeed preach Christ from envy and rivalry, but others from good will. 16 The latter do it out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. 17 The former proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely but thinking to afflict me in my imprisonment. 18 What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice.” [腓立比书1:15-17]在15-17节中,我们看到了两个不同的群体,以及他们对保罗入狱的反应。保罗写道:”15 有些人传扬基督是出于嫉妒和纷争,但也有些人是出于好意。16 这些人是出于爱心,知道我是派来为福音辩护的。17 那些人传讲基督却是出于自私,动机并不纯正,只想加重我在捆锁中的烦恼。18 那有甚么关系呢?真心也好,假意也好,无论怎么样,基督总被传开了,为此我就欢喜;
    [Two Groups] So there are two groups. One group shares Paul’s love of the gospel: they preach “out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel.” They love the gospel that Paul loves, and so they preach Christ. But there is another group that is preaching from envy, rivalry (15), and selfish ambition (17), thinking to afflict Paul in his imprisonment (17). Why are they doing this? [两群人]所以这里有两群人。有一群人和保罗一样热爱福音:他们传道“是出于爱心,知道我是派来为福音辩护的”。他们爱保罗所爱的福音,所以他们传扬基督。但还有另一群人,是出于嫉妒、纷争(第15节)和自私的野心(第17节)而传道,以为要加重保罗在监禁中的痛苦(第17节)。他们为什么这样做?
    [Envious, Rivalry & Selfish Ambition] We don’t get all the details of who this group is. All we know is that they are envious of Paul and they see him as a rival. They are seemingly preaching the true gospel, but with wrong motives (selfish ambition). Paul doesn’t say they are preaching a false gospel, that they are wolves among the sheep, or that they are false teachers. They aren’t those who are subtracting or adding to the gospel. It seems that they are jealous of Paul and see this as their opportunity to make a name for themselves. Here we see the stark contrast of selfish ambition and gospel ambition. Their chief desire is themselves rather than Christ. Paul later goes to call the Philippians to look to Christ’s example of humility, likely with this group in view. [嫉妒、纷争和自私的野心]我们并不了解有关这群人的所有细节。我们只知道他们嫉妒保罗,把他当成竞争对手。他们看似在传真福音,但动机不对(自私的野心)。保罗并没有说他们在传假福音,说他们是羊群中的狼,或者说他们是假教师。他们没有对福音信息添加什么或减少什么。看来他们是嫉妒保罗,认为这是他们扬名立万的机会。在这里我们看到了自私野心和福音雄心的鲜明对比。他们的主要愿望是关于自己而不是基督。保罗后来呼召腓立比人学习基督谦卑的榜样,很可能就是针对这个群体。
    [Attitude Required to Finish the Task] But this group of selfish ambition preachers is the perfect backdrop to see the stunning nature of gospel ambition. Paul wants the gospel to go out no matter what, even if it’s not him preaching. Paul says, “What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice.” As long as Jesus is preached, I’m content. These people want the recognition and fame. Paul, in contrast, says whatever it takes, even if I am on the sidelines, let Christ be preached. This is the type of attitude and ambition that is required to finish the Great Commission. [完成任务所需的态度]但是,这群自私的野心传道人是看清福音野心惊人本质的最佳背景陪衬。保罗希望无论如何都要把福音传出去,即使不是他在讲传。保罗说:“那有什么关系呢?真心也好,假意也好,无论怎么样,基督总被传开了,为此我就欢喜;只要传扬耶稣,我就满足了。这些人要的是认可和名声。保罗则说,无论怎么样,即使我被晾在一旁,也要让基督被传扬。这就是完成大使命所需要的态度和雄心。
    [Response of Joy] How does Paul respond to this envy, rivalry, and affliction? He responds with joy and rejoicing as long as Christ is proclaimed. See that in verse 18 again: “Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice.” [喜乐的反应]对于这种嫉妒、纷争和烦恼,保罗如何回应?只要宣扬基督,他就以喜乐回应,欢欣鼓舞。再看第18节:”真心也好,假意也好,无论怎么样,基督总被传开了,为此我就欢喜。“
    [Singular Passion] The gospel of Jesus Christ is his singular passion and purpose in life. He believes without a shadow of doubt that “to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21) and that Christ will be honored in his body, by life or by death. So Paul recognizes a truth that we all should likewise recognize. We live to make Christ known, and as long as that is happening, we can rejoice. We do not live for our creature comforts. We do not live to grow our portfolio as big as it can be. We do not live to establish the fame of our names. But we live for the Lord Jesus Christ. [专一的激情]耶稣基督的福音是他生命中唯一的激情和目的。他毫不怀疑地相信,”活着就是基督,死了就有益处“(腓立比书1:21),基督在他的身上,无论生或死,都会得着荣耀。所以保罗认识到一个真理,我们大家同样应该认识到这个真理。我们活着是为了让人知道基督,只要这一切正在发生,我们就可以欢喜。我们不为我们的舒适生活而活。我们的投资组合不是越大越好。我们活着不是为了建立自己的名声。但我们为主耶稣基督而活。
    [Whatever It Takes] Do we have Paul’s attitude of “whatever it takes for the gospel to advance, I want to be part of it.” If it’s through my giving, my prayers, my children or grandchildren signing up to go, if it’s going in my golden years, or prime earning years, or forgoing that other dream, do we aspire to see the gospel advance? Most of us are not going to be on the frontlines. We’re mainly going to be prayers and senders and givers and rope holders. So it even more important to have Paul’s gospel ambition: let the gospel go forth, even if I play a supporting role. The attitude we want us to cultivate is let’s do whatever it takes, no matter our particular role in it. This is so hugely important because I want all of us to cultivate this Paul-like gospel ambition that would manifest right here in the Twin Cities and wherever God has placed us. [无论怎么样]我们是否有保罗的态度:“无论为福音的推进付出什么代价,我都想成为其中的一部分。”如果是通过我的捐款,我的祷告,我的儿孙们报名去,如果是在我的黄金岁月,或者在事业巅峰时去,或者是放弃其他的梦想,我们是否渴望看到福音的推进?我们中的大多数人都不会上前线。我们主要是要做祈祷者、差派者、资助者和持绳者。所以更要有保罗的福音雄心:让福音传出去,哪怕我是个配角。我们希望我们培养的态度是让我们不惜一切代价,不管我们在其中的具体角色是什么。这一点非常重要,因为我希望我们所有人都能培养这种像保罗一样的福音雄心,这种雄心会在双子城这里以及神安排我们去的任何地方表现出来。
    [Summary of 3 Questions] [三个问题的总结]
    1. How does Paul respond to his imprisonment? By preaching Christ. 1. 保罗对他自己的监禁反应如何?传讲基督。
    2. How do others respond to Paul’s response to his imprisonment? By preaching Christ more boldly. 2. 其他人对保罗入狱的反应如何?更勇敢地传讲基督。
    3. How does Paul respond to those seeking to afflict him? By rejoicing as long as Christ is preached. 3. 保罗如何回应那些想折磨他的人?只要基督被宣扬,他就欢喜。
    Application & Conclusion: Cultivate Gospel Ambition 应用与结论:培养福音的雄心
    [So What Question?] How do we go from people who care a lot about our creature comforts, our reputations, and our safety to becoming more like the Apostle Paul? In these cold Minnesota winters, I’ve thought it’d be really nice to have heated seats, a heated steering wheel, and remote start for my car. How do we go from wanting those things to signing up to potentially be thrown into a dark, cold, and damp prison cell for sharing the gospel? [那又如何?]我们如何从一个很在乎我们的生活舒适、名誉、安全的人,变得更像使徒保罗?在这几年寒冷的明尼苏达冬天里,我一直在想,如果能给我的车装上加热座椅、加热方向盘和遥控启动,那就真的太好了。我们是如何从想要这些东西,到报名参加可能因为分享福音而被扔进黑暗、寒冷、潮湿的牢房?
    [Overcome By the Glory of God] Answer: We are to be overcome by the glory of God revealed in the gospel of Jesus Christ. “To live is Christ and to die is gain.” Comfort, reputations, and safety are lousy life ambitions. Only the kingdom of God, the gospel’s advance, and eternal joy in Christ is worth giving our lives to. Don’t pass up joy in Jesus by taking hold of lesser joys. Don’t drink the muddy puddles on the pavement, when Jesus offers springs of living water and everlasting joy in the path of obedience. [用神的荣耀来征服]答:我们要被耶稣基督福音中所揭示的神的荣耀所征服。“活着就是基督,死了就有益处。”舒适、名誉、安全是糟糕的人生抱负。只有神的国度,福音的推进,以及在基督里永远的喜乐,才值得我们付出生命。不要因为贪图小乐而放弃在耶稣里的大乐。当耶稣在顺服之路上提供活水的泉源和永远的喜乐时,不要去喝人行道上的泥浆。
    [Gospel Ambition Locally] God has placed you wherever you’re at right now to preach Christ. In your workplace, in your neighborhood, in your dorm, and with your family. The same ambition Paul has on the frontlines, is the same that will send our missionaries, and is the same for us to have on the home front. Gospel ambition is not just for missionaries, it is to be true of Christians. [本地的福音雄心]神已经把你放在了你现在所在的地方,不管在什么地方,都要你去传扬基督。在你的工作场所,在你的社区,在你的宿舍,和你的家人。保罗在前线拥有的雄心,同样地也会感动我们的宣教士出征,我们在大后方也有同样的雄心。福音的雄心不仅仅是宣教士才有的,基督徒也要如此。
    [Closing: My Faith is the Fruit of Missions] Let me close with why this feels so weighty for me this morning. I have shared this before but I’ll share it again to illustrate how we never know how God might use his sovereign call in the lives of his people to radically transform lives. [结束语:我的信仰是宣教的果实]最后让我说一下,为什么今天上午我觉得这句话如此有分量。我以前曾分享过这一点,但我要再分享一次,以说明我们永远不知道神会如何在他的子民的生命中使用祂的主权呼召,从根本上改变许多人的生命。
    Robert Jaffray was born in 1873, was the son of Robert Jaffray and Sarah Bugg, and his family was wealthy. His father owned Canada’s Toronto Globe (today it’s the Globe and Mail); it was the most widely read newspaper in Canada, essentially the New York Times of Canada. Instead of becoming the owner and CEO of the family business, he became a missionary and labored in China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines, while living with a heart condition and diabetes (your health ailments do not limit how God might use you). 翟辅民出生于1873年,是罗伯特-贾弗里和莎拉-巴格的儿子,家境富裕。他的父亲拥有加拿大的《多伦多环球报》(今天是《环球邮报》);这是加拿大阅读量最大的报纸,相当于加拿大的《纽约时报》。他没有成为家族企业的老板和经理,而是成为了一名宣教士,在中国、越南、印尼、泰国和菲律宾等地劳苦,同时他还患有心脏病和糖尿病(你的疾病并不限制神如何使用你)。
    He served a total 45 years, 32 in China. During World War II, he was captured in Indonesia by the Japanese, placed in an internment camp, and died a month before the Japanese surrendered. God saved my great grandfather in China. My great grandfather went on to graduate from the Alliance Bible School, and became the first ordained minister in that province of China. His two sons followed in his footsteps and served as pastors and evangelists in the surrounding region, one of which is my grandfather. 他总共服事了45年,其中32年在中国。二战期间,他在印尼被日军抓获,关进了拘留营,在日军投降前一个月去世。神在中国救了我的曾祖父。我的曾祖父后来从联盟圣经学校毕业,成为中国该省第一位被按立的牧师。他的两个儿子跟随他的脚步,在周边地区担任牧师和传道人,其中一位就是我的祖父。
    I do not take for granted God’s mysterious ways. I am a fourth generation Christian, my faith is the fruit of missionary endeavors. I have this awesome privilege to call some of us to go, and all of us to possess gospel ambition for gospel advance. God is accomplishing his work of gathering people for himself from every tribe, tongue, language, and nation. It’s not done yet. Join me in praying that God would give us gospel ambition for gospel advance to finish the task, and then the end will come, and Christ will return. Hallelujah! I can’t wait. 我不把神的奥秘之道当作是理所当然的。我是第四代基督徒,我的信仰是宣教的成果。我有这个令人敬畏的特权,呼召派遣我们一些人出去,我们所有人都拥有福音的野心,以促进福音的推进。神正在完成祂的工作,从每一个支派、方言、语言和邦国为自己聚集子民。这个使命还没完成。和我一起祷告,求神赐给我们福音推进的雄心,完成使命,然后末日来临,基督再来。哈利路亚!我等不及了。
    Sermon Discussion Questions 讲道讨论问题
    Sermon Title: Gospel Ambition for Gospel Advance 讲道标题:推进福音的福音雄心
    Sermon Text: Philippians 1:12–18 讲道经文:腓立比书1:12-18
    Main Point: Every believer is to burn with gospel ambition so that Christ is preached and the nations are reached. 要点:每一个信徒都要燃烧福音的雄心,以传扬基督,传遍万民。
    Outline: 纲要:
    1. How does Paul respond to his imprisonment? (12–13) 1. 保罗对他自己的监禁反应如何?(第12-13节)
    2. How do others respond to Paul’s response to his imprisonment? (14) 2. 其他人对保罗入狱的反应如何?(第14节)
    3. How does Paul respond to those seeking to afflict him? (15–17) 3. 保罗如何回应那些想折磨他的人?(第15–17节)
    4. Application & Conclusion 4. 应用与结语
    Intro Question: If you were to fill in the blank in the following sentence, what would you say? “Based on my time, energy, and thoughts, my strong ambition is to ____________________.” 引言中的问题:如果让你在下面的句子中填空,你会怎么说?“根据我的时间、精力和思想,我的强烈愿望是____________________”。
    Discussion Questions: 讨论问题:
    1. Why might Paul want to inform the Philippian church of what has happened to him? How might have the Philippians received this news? 1. 为什么保罗要把自己的遭遇告知腓立比教会?腓立比教会是如何收到这个消息的?
    2. What are the three surprising observations that Paul makes of his situation, and why are they surprising or counterintuitive? 2. 保罗对自己的处境提出了哪三点令人惊讶的看法,为什么这些看法令人惊讶或反常?
    3. Why would some preach Christ from envy, rivalry, selfish ambition, and to afflict Paul? How is this type of behavior and preaching viewed? 3. 为什么有些人要从嫉妒、纷争、自私的野心出发,传扬基督,让保罗加重烦恼?如何看待这种行为和传道?
    4. How does Paul respond, and what seems to be Paul’s overall attitude and perspective about his imprisonment throughout this letter? 4. 保罗是如何回应的,在整封信中,保罗对自己被监禁的总体态度和观点是什么?
    5. Why does Paul rejoice even in seemingly hard and difficult experiences such as imprisonment and affliction? 5. 为什么保罗即使在监禁和苦难等看似艰难困苦的经历中也会欢欣鼓舞?
    Application Questions: 应用问题:
    6. Do you tend to rejoice in hardships, trials, and suffering? Why or why not? What makes a difference whether you do or don’t rejoice? 6. 你是否倾向于在困难、磨难和苦难中欢喜?为什么是,或为什么不是?你欢喜不欢喜有什么区别?
    7. What is compelling or contagious about Paul’s gospel ambition for gospel advance? 7. 保罗在福音方面的雄心壮志,对福音的推进有什么说服力或感染力?
    8. How can we cultivate and develop a greater and deeper gospel ambition like Paul in our lives, actions, and prayers? 8. 我们如何在生活、行动和祷告中培养和发展像保罗那样更大更深的福音雄心?
    9. How can we actively pursue gospel advance wherever God has placed us right now? Is there someone you can be praying for regularly? 9. 无论神现在把我们安排在哪里,我们怎样才能积极追求福音的推进?你是否可以经常为某个人祈祷?
    10. Is God calling you to consider long-term vocational ministry? If so, how can you explore that calling? If not, is there someone you can encourage, support, or send? 10. 神是否呼召你考虑长期的全职事奉?如果是,你如何探索这种召唤?如果没有,有没有可以鼓励、支持或差派的人?
    Prayer Focus: 祷告焦点:
    Spend a moment praising God for calling you to himself in the gospel of Jesus Christ, granting us forgiveness of sins, and rescuing us from the wrath to come. Confess any indifference that you have to God’s global work of drawing all nations to himself. Confess any idols of comfort, safety, or prosperity that prevent you from prioritizing gospel advance in your life. Thank God for the forgiveness we have in Jesus and the renewed desires we have as children of God. Ask God for wisdom how to pursue God’s global glory and gospel advance wherever he has placed you. 花点时间赞美神,因为祂在耶稣基督的福音中呼召你归向祂自己,赐给我们罪的赦免,拯救我们脱离即将到来的愤怒。承认你对神吸引万民归向自己的全球工作有哪怕一点冷漠。承认任何阻碍你在生活中优先考虑福音推进的舒适、安全或成功的偶像。感谢神,让我们在耶稣里得到了饶恕,也让我们作为神的儿女有了新的愿望。求神赐下智慧,如何追求神在普世的荣耀和福音的推进,无论祂把你放在哪里。
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