

作者: 穿西装的肥尧尧 | 来源:发表于2017-04-30 09:02 被阅读0次

                          破产姐妹 第一季 第二集


    high school guidance counselor  高中辅导员

    I'll have the veggie plate.   我要个蔬菜盘    

    But instead of beets, I want more kale.   不要甜菜甘蓝

    And instead of broccoli, more kale.  不要花椰菜  多放点甘蓝

    I want the veggies steamed.  蔬菜用蒸的

    And instead of dressing, I want lemons.  色拉调料改用柠檬代替


    ADJ Veggie means the same as . 同vegetarian

    You can cook a cheap veggie chilli in 15 minutes.


    N-COUNTA veggie is someone who is vegetarian. 素食主义者

    N-COUNT Veggies is an abbreviation for vegetables. vegetables的缩写

    dressing n. 穿衣 调味品   v. 给...打扮

    That's the exact same sentence that got me hooked on cocaine in the '80s.  正是因为这句话 我才会在八十年代 染上吸毒的恶习

    hook  n. 钩子 挂钩   v.钩住

    hook on  迷上  染上

    Delicious dark chocolate the ladies can't help but love.  是那种女人无法抗拒的美味黑巧克力口味

    can not help 情不自禁 忍不住

    I was running late so I decided to hail a cab.  本来我以为要迟到了 想打个的

    hail a cab 叫出租车

    Three blocks and 15 "hola chicas" away.  三条街 外加十五声“你好 妹子”那么远

    hola chicas <西班牙语> 你好 妹子

    My father was indicted in a Ponzi scandal. 我的父亲因为非法敛财而被起诉了。

    I've lost my family fortune and my Manhattan townhouse. 我的家产和曼哈顿的豪宅都没了。

    townhouse 联排别墅

    Ponzi scandal 庞氏骗局

    <百科一下>查尔斯·庞兹(Charles Ponzi)是一位生活在19、20世纪的意大利投机商,1903年移民到美国,1919年他开始策划一个阴谋骗子向一个事实上子虚乌有的企业投资,许诺投资者将在三个月内得到40%的利润回报,然后,狡猾的庞兹把新投资者的钱作为快速盈利付给最初投资的人,以诱使更多的人上当。由于前期投资的人回报丰厚,庞兹成功地在七个月内吸引了三万名投资者,这场阴谋持续了一年之久,才让被利益冲昏头脑的人们清醒过来,后人称之为“庞氏骗局”。

    You took money from a homeless man. 你居然连流浪汉的钱都要

    homeless 无家可归的

    She recently lost her dignity, so you might have a shot. 她最近没了最严,所以或许你有机会

    have a shot    枪毙    有机会    

    I'm killing it.   我赞爆了

    I am sucking it. 我太二逼了

    I'm killing it意为“I'm doing it extremely well. 我做得太赞了,我打败它了,我做得太棒了”.


    How's your new job? 你的新工作干得如何?Well,I'm killing it! 嗯,我做得很赞哦!

    John's playing game on his iphone,I think he's killing it. 约翰正在iphone上玩游戏,他打得太棒了。

    He'll go in the back and throw himself on a sword. 他等会会离开背地里拔剑自刎

    throw oneself on a sword  拔剑自刎

    No trap in my name. 我的名字好记(我的名字里没陷阱)

    Creat a buzz.    制造点气势

    buzzer beater  压哨球

    buzz   嗡嗡声  嗡嗡响

    I am mocking you.  我在模仿你

    mock  模仿

    This  new cupcake business is our lifeline.   这个蛋糕事业是我们的救生索

    lifeline   救生索

    You mean besides starting to wait on tables?   你是指除了招待客人以外吗?

    besides  除...之外

    I meant, anything I can do to help you through your breakup with Robbie. 我是说,任何能帮你平复和Robbie分手的难过心情的事

    I sold my tear ducts to an organ bank for cash two years ago. 早在两年前,我就把我的泪腺拿去器官银行卖钱了。

    tear duct  泪腺

    duct   n.输送管 导管

    tear   n.眼泪   v.撕破

    organ     器官

    Rommie   室友

    I forgot you're Equestrian Barbie. You came with a horse. 我忘了你是骑士芭比,过来还带个马。


    英[ɪ'kwestrɪən; e-]  美[ɪ'kwɛstrɪən]

    adj. 马的;骑马的;骑术的

    n. 骑手;骑马者


    英['bɑːbɪ]  美['bɑrbi]

    n. 户外烤肉(等于barbecue)

    n. BARBIE,芭比娃娃


    英['tʃesnʌt]   美['tʃɛsnʌt]

    n. 栗子;栗色;[园艺] 栗树;栗色马

    adj. 栗色的

    n. (Chestnut)人名;(英)切斯特纳特

    No need to yell, he's a champion.  没必要喊,它可是冠军马


    英[jɛl]  美[yel]

    vi. 大叫,叫喊

    n. 喊声,叫声

    vt. 喊叫着说

    Champion stink bomb.  屎炸弹冠军吧


    英[stɪŋk]  美[stɪŋk]

    n. 臭味;讨厌的人

    vi. 发出臭味;招人讨厌

    vt. 使发出臭气;用臭味驱赶

    [ 过去式 stank 或 stunk 过去分词 stunk 现在分词 stunking ]

    It's smelling pretty ripe out in that yard.   整个院子臭味四溢


    1. A ripe smell is strong and unpleasant.    刺鼻的  难闻的

       There was a ripe smell form his socks.  他的袜子发出一股刺鼻的味道。

    2. used to describe language that is rude

       a ripe joke  粗俗的笑话

    3. (of fruit or crops) completely developed and ready to be collected or eaten


    Is there any way to do a yelp review of Wharton Business School?  有什么办法去Yelp网上去给沃顿商学院做个评论吗?


    英[rɪ'vjuː]   美[rɪ'vju]

    n. 回顾;复习;评论;检讨;检阅

    vt. 回顾;检查;复审

    vi. 回顾;复习功课;写评论

    I'm a cutter.     <我会割腕>

    cutter    One who cuts themselves to releive themselves from an emotional pain.

    I think Ikea might be the Scandinavian word for sciatica.  我想 宜家是日耳曼语系里坐骨神经痛的意思吧

    Ikea  宜家


    英[,skændi'neiviən; -vjən]

    n. 斯堪的纳维亚人;斯堪的纳维亚语;北欧日耳曼语系

    adj. 斯堪的纳维亚的;斯堪的纳维亚人的;斯堪的纳维亚语的;北欧日耳曼语系的


    英[saɪ'ætɪkə]  美[saɪ'ætɪkə]

    n. [内科] 坐骨神经痛

    That's Puerto Rican noise.   只是波多黎各的噪音

    Purto Rican   波多黎各  波多黎各人

    I can't get into your issues right now.    我现在对你的问题没兴趣

    get into : to become interested in an activity or subject, or start being involved in an activity

    You hit on me.   你调戏我

    hit on 调戏

    You blow me off because you like the ladies.   你踢了我是因为你喜欢女人

    blow off :to treat something or someone as if that thing or person were not important:

    Just blow off his comments, he's only joking.

    Can I get a hit off that?   我能尝一口吗?

    From now on, think of me a vampire without all the annoying marketing.   从现在开始,把我当做不会行销的吸血鬼     (意思是 把我当做吸血鬼 把这些鬼窗帘拉上 不要和我说话)

    I also stopped at the health food store and got us a fresh-squeezed juice to split.  我还去了健康食品店并且给咱俩买了一杯鲜榨果汁分着喝

    It's ginger-apple-strawberry. 是生姜苹果草莓口味的

    I prefer my usual cash on the beside table.   在我的床头柜上留点钱我会更喜欢

    beside table  :  a small table that is kept at the side of a bed

    I speak to the counter girl.   我和前台女孩聊了会

    counter girl   前台女孩

    counter  :  a long, flat, narrow surface or table in a shop, bank, restaurant, etc. at which people are served

    make an appearance  开场白

    That is dry-clean only.   这只能干洗

    meet-and-greet  见面会

    meet-and-greet :  a meet-and-greet event

    Contour that neck.   拿粉修修脖子

    contour   ['kɔntuə]

    n. 轮廓;等高线;周线;电路;概要

    vt. 画轮廓;画等高线

    n. (Contour)人名;(法)孔图尔

    Did you take a nap at Peach's.    你是不是在Peach那眯了一会

    take a nap   睡午觉   小睡一会

    The thread count was calling to me.   高档柔软的寝具勾引我

    thread count    <知道它是一种高级的床单就行了>

    Peach found blonde hairs in her bed and thought her husband was cheating on her.  Peach在她的床上发现了金色毛发,以为是她老公出轨了

    cheat on   对...不忠

    Classy burp on your outgoing message.   录留言信息还打嗝,救你这么恶心

    burp    打嗝  嗝

    You can't have me anymore, sucka.   蠢蛋 你不会再拥有我了  

    I don't know how you've been surviving without your chin-up bar and Axe body spray. 少了单杠和香体喷雾的日子,想必是度日如年吧

    hang up  挂电话

    Charging in everywhere you don't belong.   在别人的地盘上肆意妄为




    n. 费用;电荷;掌管;控告;命令;负载

    vt. 使充电;使承担;指责;装载;对…索费;向…冲去

    vi. 充电;控告;索价;向前冲;记在账上

    n. (Charge)人名;(法)沙尔热;(英)查奇

    I don't know how smart that was, blowing by our potential business contact.



    英[bləʊ]  美[blo]

    n. 吹;打击;殴打

    vi. 风吹;喘气

    vt. 风吹

    n. (Blow)人名;(英)布洛


    The only remotely good thing about breaking up with a guy is telling him how much better you are than him when you give him back his stuff.  跟男人分手仅有的一点点乐趣就是在还他东西的时候告诉他自己比他好个千万倍



    adv. 遥远地;偏僻地;(程度)极微地,极轻地

    I will always land on my feet.   我一定会逢凶化吉的

    land onyourfeet

    1. (uk also fall on your feet) to be successful or lucky, especially after a period of not having success or luck:

    Don't worry- she always landson her feet.

    2. to return to a good situation after experiencing problems, especially because of good luck rather than skill or hardwork:

    She's really landed on her feet with this new job.

    You gonna load up your dream-filled wheelie bag and ride away on Sir muds-a-lot?


    wheelie bag  有轱辘的旅行箱


    an act of raising the front wheel of a bicycle off the ground and keeping it in the air while riding the bicycle.

    I candogreatwheelies on thisbike.

    Me and drunk Caroline worked it all out.   我已经和醉鬼卡洛琳协调好了

    work out   解决;算出;实现;制定出;消耗完;弄懂;锻炼

    I will no longer meddle in her relationships.   我以后再也不会干预她的恋情了


    英['med(ə)l]   美['mɛdl]

    vi. 管闲事,干预他人之事

    [ 过去式 meddled 过去分词 meddled 现在分词 meddling ]

    You laughed about that until you threw up.   在你狂吐之前对此大笑不已

    throw up    呕吐;抛起;匆匆建造;放弃

    The puke stains will not void this contrct.   呕吐污渍不会让这份合同失效


    英[pjuːk]   美[pjuk]

    n. 呕吐;呕吐物(等于vomit);吐剂

    vt. 呕吐

    vi. 呕吐

    n. (Puke)人名;(瑞典)普克

    [ 过去式 puked 过去分词 puked 现在分词 puking ]


    英[vɒɪd]  美[vɔɪd]

    adj. 空的;无效的;无人的

    n. 空虚;空间;空隙

    vt. 使无效;排放

    n. (Void)人名;(俄)沃伊德



