Day 22 Words and expressions
N-COUNT Pilgrims are people who journey to a holy place for a religious reason. 朝圣者
ADJ A barren landscape is dry and bare, and has very few plants and no trees. 荒芜的
e.g. barren land
3.Communist revolutionaries "共产主义革命分子"
N-COUNT Something that is an impediment to a person or thing makes their movement, development, or progress difficult. 妨碍; 障碍物[正式]
e.g. He was satisfied that there was no legal impediment to the marriage.
V-RECIP If one thing is entwined with another thing, or if you entwine two things, the two things are twisted around each other. (使)缠绕[oft ADJ 'with' n]
e.g. So they set about destroying the entwined belief system of ......
n. 三位一体;三人一组;三个一组的东西;三倍
e.g. ... and replaced it with the new trinity of Lenin, Marx and Mao.
V-T/V-I If someone's authority, right, or confidence erodes or is eroded, it is gradually destroyed or removed. 削弱[正式]
e.g. When Mao died in 1976, belief in communism began to erode.
V-I When the tide or the sea ebbs, its level gradually falls. 退潮
e.g. ... the ebb of the Christian tide left a deeply rooted rule of law.
ADJ If you describe someone or something as compassionate, you mean that they feel or show pity, sympathy, and understanding for people who are suffering. 有同情心的; 表示同情的[表赞许]
e.g. a compassionate welfare state.
10. shorn
v. 抢夺(shear 的过去分词)
adj. 剪了毛的;被剥夺了的
e.g.Shorn of Dao and Mao, modern China has been left with a corrupt party state and a brutal, wild west capitalism.
V-T/V-IWhen something rattles or when you rattle it, it makes short, sharp, knocking sounds because it is being shaken or it keeps hitting against something hard. 使发出嘎嘎声; 发出嘎嘎声
e.g. She slams the kitchen door so hard I hear dishes rattle.
e.g. The nation's feng shui has been rattled.
V-T If an organization or state is reconstituted, it is formed again in a different way. 再构成
e.g. Slowly Jewish communities were reconstituted and Jewish life began anew.
N-UNCOUNT Renewal of something lost, dead, or destroyed is the process of it growing again or being replaced. 新生; 复兴
e.g. ...a political lobbyist concentrating on urban renewal and regeneration.
V-T To revitalize something that has lost its activity or its health means to make it active or healthy again. 使恢复元气; 使复苏
e.g. ...based on revitalising China's traditional values.
V-I If several things meld, or if something melds them, they combine or blend in a pleasant or useful way. (使)融合; 融合[正式]
e.g. ...and melding them to the Communist Party.
N-UNCOUNT Christianity is a religion that is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and the belief that he was the son of God. 基督教
V-T If you deride someone or something, you say that they are stupid or have no value. 嘲笑[正式]
e.g. Long derided as a foreign religion....
18. abhor
V-T If you abhor something, you hate it very much, especially for moral reasons. 憎恶[正式]
e.g. ...the very things the party abhors.
V-I If you delve into something, you try to discover new information about it. 探索
e.g. Mr Johnson has long delved into the Chinese soul......
20. panorama
N-COUNT A panorama is a broad view of a state of affairs or of a constantly changing series of events. 概述; 全貌
e.g. The play presents a panorama of the history of communism.
V-T If you instil an idea or feeling in someone, especially over a period of time, you make them think it or feel it. 逐渐灌输
e.g. A government that relies on fear cannot instil morality;
N-COUNT A truce is an agreement between two people or groups of people to stop fighting or arguing for a short time. 停战协议
e.g. but it will continue to be an uneasy truce.
N-COUNT A sermon is a talk on a religious or moral subject that is given by a member of the clergy as part of a church service. 布道; 讲道
e.g. The sermons of Wang Yi, a house-church pastor in the city of Chengdu..
V-T If you say that something or someone epitomizes a particular thing, you mean that they are a perfect example of it. 为…的典型; 为…的代表
e.g. ...epitomise the changes taking place across the country.
n. 耶路撒冷(以色列首都);耶路撒冷〔巴勒斯坦古城,犹太教、基督教和伊斯兰教的圣地〕
26. protagonist
N-COUNT Someone who is a protagonist of an idea or movement is a supporter of it. 倡导者; 拥护者[正式]
e.g. As one of the book's protagonists says: " You create your own fate."
Day 23 神句+逻辑导图
1. In a society without universal rules, many yearn for a new, or reconstituted moral order.
2. A state without virtue can not flourish;a person without virtue can not succeed.
3.Aware of the political implications of a society lacking virtue, Mr. Xi has launched a campaign of national renewal based on revitalizing China’s traditional values and melding them to the Communist Party.
Launch a campaign 已经至少第三次粗现了,表和我缩不眼熟哦~
Implication: a possible effect or result of an action or a decision,可能的影响,作用,结果。
e.g. The development of the site will have implications for the surrounding countryside.
e.g. They fail to consider the wider implications of their actions.
4.The party wants believers’morality without their activism, but is finding that the two are inseparable, especially for Christians.
5.The sermons of Wang yi,a house church pastor in the city of Chengdu, epitomize the changes taking place across the country, perhaps because he presents a clear vision of the future that is neither the party narrative nor just a reversion to the past.
笃师讲解:Wang yi是成都的一位家庭教会牧师,也许因为他清晰的描绘了中国宗教未来的景象,他的布道可以说是集中体现了中国在这一方面正在经历的变化:未来的宗教格局既不会遵照中国共产党的舆论发展,也不会纯粹恢复过去的模式。
1. Moral decay:道德沦丧(固定搭配,建议内化)
2. A resurgence of religious faith: 宗教信仰的复兴
3. an impediment to progress:视作进步的绊脚石
4. Set about doing sth:着手/开始做….事情=to start doing sth
Eg. We need to set about finding a solution.得着手寻找一个解决方法。
5. Four decades on: 四十年后(建议内化,以丰富用词,以后可以替代 After four decades这种常规用法啦~~)
6.Work out:
PHRASAL VERB If you work out a solution to a problem or mystery, you manage to find the solution by thinking or talking about it. 找到 (解决办法等)
7. Delve into: try hard to find more information about sth 探究 (非常常见的词组,列为主动储备哦)钻研
8.Fascinating panorama: 精彩的全景,衍伸为(某专题或事件的)全面叙述,综合研究;全景画卷
9.Top-down morality campaign:自上而下的道德宣传活动
10.Adapt the rhythms of the past to a more modern beat:使传统适应现代的节拍
11."A city upon a hill":源自圣经马太福音五章十四节,耶稣说:“你们是世上的光。城造在山上,是不能隐藏的。”
“A city upon a hill",山巅之城:举世瞩目之下,言为人师,行为世范。这是美国政治家心中的美国。
1630年,英国律师,清教徒John Winthrop,率领1000多在英国受迫害的清教徒乘船前往新大陆,期望并坚信在大西洋的另一边找到自己的“应许之地”。他们到达波士顿,还没下船,他就告诫大家:“We must always consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill—the eyes of all people are upon us.”。早期移民美国的清教徒整体受教育程度很高,不少牛津,剑桥(大多数)毕业的。六年后,1636年就创立了哈佛大学。美国精神跟清教徒精神一脉相承,包括开拓,进取,创新,勤奋,节俭,诚实守信,回馈社会的意识,和维护正义的勇气等等。
此后的美国政治家经常援引John Winthrop上面那句话,愿意相信美国是God's country, "a city upon a hill"。 比如肯尼迪总统1961年说:“Today the eyes of all people are truly upon us—and our governments, in every branch, at every level, national, state and local, must be as a city upon a hill — constructed and inhabited by men aware of their great trust and their great responsibilities.”
now, four decades on modern China
are likely to be
Day 24 总结
The topic of beliefs in China, I cannot agree more on its opinion. With an experience of exchange to America, I have realised how powerful the belief can be and how happy people are when they have a belief. I think the belief is just like a commitment which is similar to an association. You have a belief and you have connection with it everyday and it will give you the motivation to live. In China now, there is a lack of morality. People are tend to be money worship and actually they are not happy. So, it's quite necessary for us to find our own beliefs because ' A state without virtue cannot flourish; a person without virtue cannot succeed."