Born a Crime读书笔记

作者: 闾得水 | 来源:发表于2022-02-04 13:10 被阅读0次

实话说, 比Educated好看。摘录一下印象深刻的句子。

1. Learn from your past and be better because of your past.

2. I moved to the B classes with black kids. I decided I'd rather be held back with people l liked than move ahead with people a I didn't know.

3. I have so many friends who still, as adults, wrestle with feelings of betrayal.

4.Okay, how do you create order without having different groups Feel like they've been left out of power again?

5. I'd find my niche. Since I belonged to no group I learned to move seamlessly between groups.

6. I never felt poor because our lives we're so rich with experience.

7.In America, the history of racism is taught like this: there was slavery and then there was Jim Crow and then there was Martin Luther King Jr. And now its done.

8.remember a man is not determined by how much he earns. You can still be the man of house and earn less than your woman. Being a man is not what yoihavr, its who you are.Being more of a man doesn't mean your woman has to be less than you.


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    本文标题:Born a Crime读书笔记
