

作者: 师千璎 | 来源:发表于2022-05-21 06:51 被阅读0次


    Today we began harvesting. We got up at daybreak and after an early breakfast we started off for the rice fields. We got there after half an hour's walk。

    The fields around us looked like a golden sea .I have never seen anything so beautiful!we worked side by side with the commune members. At first some of us were rather slow . The peasants showed us how to cut the rice and how to tie the bandles. soon we learned to work faster。

    We worked in three groups," Faster, faster !" We mustn't fall behind the others !" That was the thought in everybody's mind。

    Evening came before we realized it .We put down our sickles and looked at each other.our lclothes were wet with sweat .On every face there was a smile.

    We harvested thirtymualtogether .That was not bad for the first day. But tomorrow we shall certainly do better—much better.

    第十:our lclothes were wet with sweat .我们的衣服都被汗水湿透了。

    介词with在句中表示原因,意同 because of,例如:

    The road was wet with rain.    因为下雨,路上湿漉漉的。

    The boy is shivering with cold.  那孩子冷得发抖。

    第十一:We harvested thirty mu altogether .我们共收割了30亩稻子。


    第十二:That was not bad for the first day.第一天干活那就算不错了。

    That指前句“We harvested thirtymualtogether .”不仅用作句子的主语,还有连接上句的意思。not bad等于quite good,相当好。


    ——What time is it now?Comrade chang?Will there be enough time for a bath?

    ——Yes, I think so. It's half past six .There is still half an hour to go.but you'd betterhurry up .Our study group is meeting at seven.

    ——Don't worry. I'll be back in twenty minutes。Don't forget to turn off the light before you  go.

    第一:There is still half an hour to go.  还剩半个钟头。to go指还剩多少时间。例如:

    There are fives minutes to go.

    第二:you'd better(=had better)you'd better. 你最好赶快。

    had better是一种习惯说法。had在句中不是过去时态,后面要接不带to的动词不定式。

    第三:Our study group is meeting at seven. 我们学习小组将在7点开会。

    is meeting表示即将发生的动作。类似的词还有go、 come、stay 、 leave、 start等动词。

    例如:I'm going to a film in the evening.

    He's Coming to see you tomorrow.

    The meeting is starting soon.

    Both of us are liaving for Shanghai in a day or two.



