Tips For Girls

作者: Kim5erly | 来源:发表于2016-08-31 16:04 被阅读40次

What are you gonna do if the boy you crashing into has no interest in you? Are you gonna cry to death? To cry for the excuse made up by yourself that you are not excellent, that you are not beautiful?

Let me tell you. You should let the boy screw himself. You are beautiful and you are amazing. Stop permitting the boys doing asshole things on you. You do not deserve this.

BUT first off, we need to get a glimpse of the unreasonable inner structure of the most immature animal on this planet.

What they want is maybe simply some sex. Instead of an actual relationship, which is even poisonous to them. They think they can fuck the world up without any paying, they can game the world without any chance to lose, they can just have sex with you and not think of anything about getting into a relationship. They have the excuse that being afraid of taking responsibility of a family or even taking care of you. And it is those kind of excuses which make you to consider that the blame is on you. You will think maybe it is you who pushes him to much, it is you who stirs everything into a mess, it is you who needs to clear up the head.

Then what? BANG! It’s our fault. Boys have the ambition for the future, but we do not have anything in the box up our shoulder. EXCUSE ME? What we have in mind is far more that what you may probably get. It is a world where the equality is permeating everywhere. What you boys get come to us as well. We need to struggle to survive. We need to work to feed ourselves. We need to save our money for the intangible future life. We need to better ourselves to realize those above.

AND second, which is also crucial to our girls, we need to and must have to a life belonging to us, which will be the same whether you have boys around or not. We need to help the boys to learn the most obvious fact that we can live without you. The world of I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT YOU is past. We can solve any troublesome problems by ourselves.We can live the life in our universe.We can heal our own wounds. There is not need for us to yield to the boys.SORRY FOR THAT.

AND the last we should do is to love ourselves. That is simple. Hold the belief that ourselves are the most perfect girls on the plant. No matter what happens, the gorgeous face cannot be ignored. Many girls will fall into trash after being hurt which is totally unnecessary. The beauty is for ourselves. It is the most direct that makes us happy and, most important, makes us confident.


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