Thematic Vocabulary: Education &

Thematic Vocabulary: Education &

作者: 赤蛇 | 来源:发表于2024-09-24 23:37 被阅读0次

alma mater n. 母校

burn the midnight oil (idiom) 开夜车

beneficial to adj. 有益于

co-educational school n. 男女同校

devoted to adj. 致力于

expectation n. 希望

extra-curricular activities n. 课外活动

fear n./v. 害怕

feasible adj. 可行的

gifted children n. 有天赋的孩子

graduate n. 毕业生

hesitate v. 犹豫

industrious adj. 勤奋的

lay the ground for sth. phr. v. 为某事奠定基础

moral, intellectual, physical, interpersonal and aesthetic development phr. n. 德智体美与人际发展

peers n. 同龄人

render v. 给予

sense of belonging n. 归属感

sense of community n. 社区意识

on everyone's lips (idiom) 在每个人口中



    本文标题:Thematic Vocabulary: Education &
