- But knowing is one thing, and actually doing it is another thing entirely.
- When you tax it too much, the well of self-control will certainly run dry.
- Increasing your motivation, in whatever way works for you, is an excellent way to tip the scales back in your favor when you’re just too tired to resist temptation.
- 方法:Recent research has shown that engaging in daily activities such as exercising, keeping track of your finances or what you are eating— or even just remembering to sit up straight every time you think of it— can help you develop your overall self-control capacity.
- Success is more likely when you focus on the right details, in the right way.
- Difficult but possible is the key. That’s because more difficult goals cause you to, often unconsciously, increase your effort, focus, and commitment to the goal; persist longer; and make better use of the most effective strategies.
- Succeeding at something hard is more pleasurable, gives greater satisfaction and happiness, and increases your overall sense of well-being.
- When what you need to do is particularly difficult to get done, it pays to forget about the bigger picture and focus on the task at hand.
解决方法就是:1. 适当休息,可以让自控力肌肉恢复能量;2. 锻炼,通过培养一些微习惯可以让自己的自控力增强。