b. Recognize that decision making is a two-step process: First take in all the relevant information, then decide. Most people are reluctant to take in information that is inconsistent with what they have already concluded. When I ask why, a common answer is: “I want to make up my own mind.” These people seem to think that considering opposing views will somehow threaten their ability to decide what they want to do. Nothing could be further from the truth. Taking in others’ perspectives in order to consider them in no way reduces your freedom to think independently and make your own decisions. It will just broaden your perspective as you make them.
People typically try to prove that they have the answer even when they don’t. Why do they behave in this unproductive way? It’s generally because they believe the senseless but common view that great people have all the answers and don’t have any weaknesses. Not only does this view not square with
reality, it stands in the way of their progress. People interested in making the best possible decisions are rarely confident that they have the best answers. They recognize that they have weaknesses and blind spots, and they always seek to learn more so that they can get around them.
b.认识到决策应当分成两步:先分析所有相 关信息,然后决定。
大多数人不愿考虑与他们已经得出的结论不 符的信息。当我问其原因时,常见的回答 是:“我想自己做决定。”这些人似乎以为,考虑 对立观点会威胁他们自行做决定的能力。没有比 这更荒谬的了。听听其他人的观点并加以考虑, 绝不会削弱你独立思考、自主决策的自由,只会 让你在决策时有更宽广的视角。
人们通常在其实没有办法的时候试图证明自 己有办法。人为什么会做这种毫无成效的事情? 这一般是因为他们相信一种常见的荒谬观点:厉 害的人知道所有答案,没有任何缺点。这种观点
既不符合事实,也会阻碍他们成长。致力于做出 最佳决策的人,很少坚信自己已经掌握了最好的 答案。他们承认自己有缺陷和盲点,并总是试图 了解更多,以克服缺陷和盲点。