Our Love

作者: 梦榕 | 来源:发表于2018-12-21 12:18 被阅读11次
    Our Love


    My love to you is

    The iceberg in the ocean

    It will stand there still

    Even thousands of year later

    It is made by the ice ---- son of water

    And the water, it’s the mother of life

    So our love

    It’s filled with strength and power

    Possibility and wish

    Nothing needs to be worried

    Because nothing of it will decay

    The thousands of year’s future

    Must be based on its

    Thousands of year’s history

    Nothing is present

    There are only past and future

    Once upon a time the world was

    Covered by darkness

    It only created hopeless and coldness

    There was a seed given by

    A mysterious man

    He said it could bring the brightness

    Just they had to find the way

    To let it open

    So many people,

    Devoted themselves

    In creating the brightness

    How hard it was,

    To let a seed

    Grow in completely darkness

    The hardship they had passed

    Is incredible to tolerate

    There were only lives finished

    And the seed,

    Had never blossomed

    Finally, the last person who had tried

    Gave up his hope

    He was sighing in the coldness

    Under the darker sky

    His heart, full of hatred to the world

    And there was much more to the seed

    A seed, which was only like

    A shade of the moon in water

    Then, he ruined the plant

    Under the anger and desperation

    And a knife,

    Cut down the plant,

    Dig out his heart.

    He died with surrounded by blood

    The blood,

    Flowed out of the cold body

    Dyed the soil into red

    Flooded the withering plant

    Then, everything was finish

    No more breathe, any more life

    The bloody plant

    Melted into the heart

    Changed back a seed

    Flying away with the wind

    Just the color was red

    Nobody knew this tragedy happened

    People became forgetting of the seed

    The darkness still controlled

    And everybody was still slaved

    Now, is it the end of the story?

    Does it finish so sad?

    Guess with your mind

    Or feel it by your heart?


    With the death of the poor man

    The seed got reborn

    It changed into red, which was

    The spirit of this human

    It flowed with the wind

    Through all over the world

    Coming into people’s heart

    Wherever it went

    It sowed the seed of brightness

    Whoever got it could

    Feel the warmth and sweatiness

    See hopes and lights

    The way to pullulate of the seed

    Is to sacrifice material

    For purifying soul

    When all the unnecessary expectation

    And lust totally disappear

    Everything can complete to the truth

    About the name of the seed

    I call it as love

    The story I told probably is made up

    But who can be so sure

    That it is not true

    Anyway, there must be one thing is real----

    “The color of love is red”

    Red reminds us of fire----

    The father of death

    With the flame.

    It can take all the material

    Back to the resource

    Only the true thing

    Will be left

    At the time that water and fire combine

    The peace and balance will appear

    And in the peace and balance

    Love ------could be kept

    forever and ever……ever!



        本文标题:Our Love
