

作者: Zi青_6709 | 来源:发表于2019-01-12 16:00 被阅读1次

练习材料:Lesson 90 What's for supper? 时长: 88s

Fish and chips has always been a favorite dish in Britain, but as the oceans have been overfished, fish has become more and more expensive.

fɪʃ ænd ʧɪps hæz ˈɔːlweɪz biːn ə ˈfeɪvərɪt dɪʃ ɪn ˈbrɪtn, bʌt æz ði ˈəʊʃənz hæv biːn ˌəʊvəˈfɪʃt, fɪʃ hæz bɪˈkʌm mɔːr ænd mɔːr ɪksˈpɛnsɪv.

So it comes as a surprise to learn that giant fish are terrifying the divers on North Sea oil rigs.

səʊ ɪt kʌmz æz ə səˈpraɪz tuː lɜːn ðæt ˈʤaɪənt fɪʃ ɑː ˈtɛrɪfaɪɪŋ ðə ˈdaɪvə(ː)z ɒn nɔːθ siː ɔɪl rɪgz.

Oil rigs have to be repaired frequently and divers, who often have to work in darkness a hundred feet under water, have been frightened out of their wits by giant fish bumping into them as they work.

ɔɪl rɪgz hæv tuː biː rɪˈpeəd ˈfriːkwəntli ænd ˈdaɪvə(ː)z, huː ˈɒf(ə)n hæv tuː wɜːk ɪn ˈdɑːknɪs ə ˈhʌndrəd fiːt ˈʌndə ˈwɔːtə, hæv biːn ˈfraɪtnd aʊt ɒv ðeə wɪts baɪ ˈʤaɪənt fɪʃ ˈbʌmpɪŋ ˈɪntuː ðɛm æz ðeɪ wɜːk. 

Now they have had special cages made to protect them from these monsters.

naʊ ðeɪ hæv hæd ˈspɛʃəl ˈkeɪʤɪz meɪd tuː prəˈtɛkt ðɛm frɒm ðiːz ˈmɒnstəz.

The fish are not sharks or killer whales, but favourite eating varieties like cod and skate which grow to unnatural sizes, sometimes as much as twelve feet in length.

ðə fɪʃ ɑː nɒt ʃɑːks ɔː ˈkɪlə weɪlz, bʌt ˈfeɪvərɪt ˈiːtɪŋ vəˈraɪətiz laɪk kɒd ænd skeɪt wɪʧ grəʊ tuː ʌnˈnæʧrəl ˈsaɪzɪz, ˈsʌmtaɪmz æz mʌʧ æz twɛlv fiːt ɪn lɛŋθ.

Three factors have caused these fish to grow so large: the warm water round the hot oil pipes under the sea; the plentiful supply of food thrown overboard by the crews on the rigs;  the total absence of fishing boats around the oil rigs.

θriː ˈfæktəz hæv kɔːzd ðiːz fɪʃ tuː grəʊ səʊ lɑːʤ: ðə wɔːm ˈwɔːtə raʊnd ðə hɒt ɔɪl paɪps ˈʌndə ðə siː; ðə ˈplɛntɪf(ə)l səˈplaɪ ɒv fuːd θrəʊn ˈəʊvəbɔːd baɪ ðə kruːz ɒn ðə rɪgz;  ðə ˈtəʊtl ˈæbsəns ɒv ˈfɪʃɪŋ bəʊts əˈraʊnd ði ɔɪl rɪgz.

As a result, the fish just eat and eat and grow and grow in the lovely warm water. Who eats who?

æz ə rɪˈzʌlt, ðə fɪʃ ʤʌst iːt ænd iːt ænd grəʊ ænd grəʊ ɪn ðə ˈlʌvli wɔːm ˈwɔːtə. huː iːts huː?





注意:/n/是个鼻音、浊辅音,依靠声音震动发声,当/n/出现在音节结尾处时要略微延长,以防止吞没末尾的/n/,把ten /ten/错发成/te/是不正确的。/n/和/m/是同一组浊辅音,所不同的是/m/是"闭嘴音",而/n/是"开口音"。




