The human relationships formed the moral principles that differentiated man from birds and beasts. The state and society developed due to the existence of human relationships. So Mencius maintained that the state was a moral institution and the leader a moral one. But it is a failure to ensure every leader is a sage. Thus the people have the moral right of revolution to overthrow the bad leader.
1. 托马斯·霍布斯(Thomas Hobbes)
2. 《利维坦》(Leviathan)
托马斯·霍布斯于1651年出版的一本著作,全名为《利维坦,或教会国家和市民国家的实质、形式、权力》(Leviathan or The Matter, Forme and Power of a Common Wealth Ecclesiastical and Civil;又译《巨灵》、《巨灵论》)。“利维坦”原为《旧约圣经》中记载的一种怪兽,在本书中用来比喻强势的国家。该书系统阐述了国家学说,探讨了社会的结构,其中的人性论、社会契约论、以及国家的本质和作用等思想在西方产生了深远影响,是西方著名和有影响力的政治哲学著作之一。