Steve Jobs-7

作者: 飞鸟逐溪 | 来源:发表于2018-07-27 22:33 被阅读1次
"I hate the way people use slide presentations instead of thinking," Jobs later recalled. "People would confront a problem by creating a presentation. I wanted them to engage to hash things out at the table, rather than show a bunch of slides. People who know what they're talking about don't need Powerpoint."

hash something out: American English Informal, to discuss something very thoroughly and carefully, especially when you  reach an agreement.

Example: The reorganization was hashed out on September 16th.

Advanced technology has been created and improved to simply people's lives. With pictures, words, sound and some techniques, PPT becomes the best way to present speaker's thoughts if making reports to many people. But audience or listeners are hoping for an authentic and emotional speech rather than technology or clusters of words. Unexpected technology problems will make unprepared speakers panic and stressed. I have such bad experiences that I have been afraid of making public speech. At most circumstances,  I have enough time to prepare for the speech. But I avoid it for fearness. Thinking of nothing but do it as much as possible.


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