

作者: 进击的Unicorn | 来源:发表于2021-04-10 00:14 被阅读0次


A questionnaire is, generally speaking either a nuisance or a bore.

【xxx  is, generally speaking either a nuisance or a bore.】

the interrogated被询问者;被审问者

long-faced adj. 闷闷不乐的

prophet n. 先知;预言者

say dolefully

dolefully adv with sadness; in a sorrowful manner

A few weeks slip into a few months;

face affliction

an unendurable/unbearable present

a blurred past

an unendurable present transformed into a blurred past


reach maturity


the passion is fleeting


cut loose from its most painful moments.

cut loose informal phrase

    if someone cuts loose or is cut loose, they stop being influenced or controlled by someone

shielding itself behind the armor of crime.


humanity can be appallingly base.

base adj. 道德低下;令人厌恶的;卑鄙的

not entirely unfounded

at every turn在每一个转折点

But as we come to know people better we find that they are capable of kindliness, of enduring tenderness, of great heroism.
Life's second lesson—at least for me—is that few people are wholly evil.
“What is the most valuable lesson life has taught me?” A passionate belief in human nature, in spite of her crimes, in spite of her madness. For that madness is a result: it is not a cause.
      …,  escape from torment is possible by the enjoyment of reading, of music, and of some form of creation.
The function of Art in life is to substitute for futile and painful concentration upon oneself the serene and selfless contemplation of Beauty.

宁静的 ,无我的

irk vt. 使厌烦;使恼火

Limiting himself to a choice irks him

造句:The cold and wet weather really irks her.

the whys and wherefores n. 解释及原因

compromise n. 妥协;折衷

doctrinal creeds n. 教义;信条

provided they are whole-heartedly believed in.

It is not well for a man or a woman to be ceaselessly seeking the whys and wherefores of everything.
A young person is tempted by every possibility.

But one of life's conditions is that he must limit himself; he has to choose. Then, and only then, can he live deeply and steadily.


with an amicable perplexity.

give you something as a recollection of your visit

worthy of your acceptance (=worthy for you to accept)  值得您笑纳

be obliged to do sth.  被迫去做;指迫于情理、面子、形势等等,而不得不去做一件事。

oblige someone 卖给某人一个人情/一个面子

feel obliged 觉得欠别人人情,受惠于人(that you owe someone)

obliging adj. 乐于助人的(=helpful)

discretion  n. 谨慎;判断力 discretion由形容词discreet派生。discreet adj. 谨慎的;小心的

obtuse provincials

provincial  n. 乡巴佬 provincial adj. 缺乏见识的;省的;地方性的

obtuse  adj. 迟钝的;愚蠢的

stores of  大量的 stores of = large quantities of

degenerate  adj. 堕落的;变坏的

hanker after/have a hankering to/yearn to

bring sth. to a successful issue  成功地解决

letters  n. 文学 借代(metonymy)用一个事物的一个局部来替代其整体

short of hands 指代缺人手

have a genius for mechanics  有机械天赋 have a genius for mechanics = have a gift for mechanics = be mechanics-savvy

have a facility/ gift/ genius for…

speak (某种语言)with facility

diligent,industrious  adj. 勤劳的

His erudition was great and his eloquent phrases gave a multicolored vitality to the incidents he related to me of the history of his country.


a.If he had not known French, Qian won't do this kind of thing, which accurately proved his formidable erudition.

如果他不懂法语,也就不会有这样的趣事了, 由此可见钱钟书学问之渊博。

b.Quizical, erudite and clear-sighted, Tony Judt never let matters rest.


c.He is known for his burning wit and formidable erudition.


造句:Not only his achievements but also his formidable erudition really strikes me.

He talked vehemently

vehemently  adv. 激动地;情绪激烈地(带有一定贬义)

He loathed the modern cry for individualism.

a / the cry for sth.  对某个事情的渴求;渴望;呼吁

repose  n. 平和;平静(=peace / tranquility)

canon  n. 经典

temperament  n. 性情(更多地指人在待人接物或是看待外界事务时展现的倾向,相比之下character指的是内在的秉性)

sacrilegious  adj. 不敬的,大逆不道的(having or showing a lack of proper respect for a sacred person, place, or object)

bear out  支持;佐证(=support)



