

作者: Thinkando | 来源:发表于2018-01-24 17:44 被阅读134次

    第十九章 关系从句

    第十九章 关系从句

    1.1 关系从句的构造
    • 关系从句并没有外加连词,而是将一个内含的重复元素改写为关系词。
    • 要制造关系从句有一个前提:这个从句和主要从句之间必须要「有关系」,也就是两个 从句之间必须要有一个重复的元素产生关系、在这个重复点上改写为关系词,才能够制造出 关系从句。两个句子之间如果没有任何交集、没有关系,就无法写成关系从句。
    • 这个交集点,在主要从句中称为先行词(antecedent)。在关系从句中则可能是代词
      改写为关系代词、也可能是副词改写为关系副词。主要从句中的先行词一定是名词类。而 在从属从句中,不论用的是关系代词还是关系副词,它所引导的关系从句一定是形容词子 句、用来修饰先行词。
    1. I know something.
    2. Nobody else knows it.
      something 和 it 产生关联, 用连词which 替换it
    3. I know something which nobody else knows.
    1.2 关系代词
    先行词 代词 关系代词
    he, she, they who, 宾格whom, 所有格whose
    事,物 it, they which, 所有格 whose
    • 另外,不论先行词是人还是物,关系从句只要具有「指示」功能(指 出「哪一个、哪一些」),那么关系代词(who, whom 或 which)都可以采用由指示代名词衍生出来的 that 来取代。
    1.2.1 Who 的用法(包括 whom, whose, that)

    如果主要从句中的先行词是「人」,那么从属从句中的交集点改写为关系词时应该采用who 这一类。

    1. 主语位置
    1. People shouldn’t throw stones.
    2. They live in glass houses.
    3. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
      关系词是和先行词重复的元素。如果从修辞的角度来考虑,只要是重复都有可能是累 赘,应该尽量精简。所以,关系词经常会被省略掉以避免重复。以关系代词而言,能不能 省略要看省略之后的句子是否够清楚而定。如果会造成不清楚,就不能省略关系代词。
    4. People live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. (错)(这句话乍一看有两个谓语,所以who 不能省)(关系代词在关系从句中当主语使用时不能省略。)
      who live in glass houses 具有指示功能(指出是「哪一种」人),所以关系代词 who 也可以改 写为来自指示代词的 that(表示「那种」)
    5. People that live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
    1. 宾语位置
    • 代表「人」的关系代词,主格是 who、宾格是 whom。但是大部分情况下都可以选择 忽略主格宾格的差别、一律采用 who 来表示。只有在关系代词直接放在介词后面的时 候(如 to whom, with whom 之类)才必须采用宾格 whom,因为这个位置是非常明显的宾语 位置
    1. Jack is a man.
    2. I trust the man completely.
    3. Jack is a man [whom I trust completely].
    4. Jack is a man who I trust completely. (也可以用who)
      这个关系从句具有指示功能、指出先行词是「哪一种」人,所以关系代词也可以用来自指示代词的 that 来取代
    5. Jack is a man that I trust completely.
      最后,关系代词 who、whom 或 that 在关系从句内扮演宾语的角色,如果选择把它省略掉以避免重复,句子仍然够清楚
    6. Jack is a man I trust completely.
    1. 介词的宾语位置
    1. Jack is a man.
    2. You should talk to him.
    3. Jack is a man [whom you should talk to].
    4. Jack is a man who you should talk to.
    5. Jack is a man you should talk to. (可省略)
    6. Jack is a man that you should talk to.
      还有一种做法:如果选择不拆开、而是把整个介词词组一起移到句首,只有在这种情况,whom 仍然置于明显的宾语位置,才有必要采用宾格。而且,这种情况既不能省略 whom、也不能改成 that,所以没有什么别的变化。
    7. Jack in a man [to whom you should talk].
    1. 补语位置
    1. After the stroke, John is not the man.
    2. He used to be the man.
    3. After the stroke, John is not the man who he used to be.
    4. After the stroke, Joh is not the man he used to be. (可省略)
    5. After the stroke, Joh is not the man that he used to be. (「哪一种人」)
    1. 所有格
      如果先行词是人、从属从句中与其交集的是人称代词的所有格(如 his, her, their 之 类),那么改写成关系代词就是 whose
    1. Jack is a man. (先行词)
    2. I trust his judgment.
    3. Jack is a man whose judgment I trust.
      所有格的关系代词 whose 无法改写为其他形式、也不能省略。
    1.2.2 Which 的用法(包括 that)

    如果先行词是「物」,关系代词应该采用 which(改写自人称代词 it 或 they)。它 引导的关系从句如果具有指示功能(关系从句前后没有用一对逗点隔开),那么这个关系代 名词也可以改写为来自指示代词的 that。1. 主语位置

    1. I like movies.
    2. The movies make me think.
    3. I like movies which make me think.
    4. I like movies that make me think. 「哪种」
    1. 宾语位置
    1. The movie was excellent.
    2. I saw the movie last night.
    3. The movie which I saw last night was excellent.
    4. The movie that I saw last night was excellent. 「哪一部」
      关系代词 which 或 that 在关系从句中当宾语使用,所以也可以省略
    5. The movie I saw last night was excellent.
    1. 介词的宾语位置
    1. My favorite movies are those.
    2. All ends well in those movies.
    3. My favorite movies are those in which all ends well. (in which 不能拆开)
    1. That chair is an antique.
    2. You are sitting on that chair.
    3. That chair on which you are sitting is an antique.
    4. That chair which you are sitting on is an antique. (which 可以省略,也可以用that代替)
    1. 补语位置
    1. The name is a really odd one.
    2. John calls his dog the name.
    3. The name which John calls his dog is a really odd one.
    4. The name that John calls his dog is a really odd one.
    5. The name John calls his dog is a really odd one.
    1. 所有格
      which 的所有格有两种方式表示,1 whose,2 of which.
    1. I saw a mountain.
    2. Its top was completely covered in snow.
    3. I saw a mountain whose top was completely covered in snow.
    1. I saw a mountain.
    2. The top of the mountain was completely covered in snow.
    3. I saw a mountain the top of which was completely covered in snow.
    4. I saw a mountain of which the top was completely covered in snow. (也可以选择把 of which 移到句首充当连)
    1. Which 为限定符
    1. You can marry any daughter of mine.
    2. You like that (daughter). (这里的that 为代词)
    3. You can marry any daughter of mine which you like.
    4. You can marry any daughter of mine that you like. (这里的that 为关系连词)
    5. You can marry any daughter of mine you like.
    1. 主要从句为先行词
      关系从句如果以逗点和主要从句隔开、并且采用关系代词 which,那么这个关系代名 词的先行词有可能是前面整个主要从句。这种状况在写作时很容易产生出模棱两可的句子, 是必须小心避免的一个陷阱,应该要注意交代清楚。
    1. The whole house was overrun with ants, which was rather weird.
      (整个房子爬满了蚂蚁,这件事情有点怪异。)(关系从句动词为was,说明which 指的是这件事)
    2. The whole house was overrun with ants, which were rather weird.
      (整个房子爬满了蚂蚁,这种蚂蚁有点怪异。)(关系从句动词为were,说明which 指的是蚂蚁)
    3. The whole house was overrun with ants, which frightened the visitor. (不佳)
      (不知道which 指的是「这件事情」还是 「这种蚂蚁」).改写的办法很多,有一种很好用的办法是加个同位语在关 系代词 which 前面
    4. The whole house was overrun with ants, a sight which frightened the visitor.
      加个名词词组 a sight 做前面整个主要从句的同位语,那么关系代词只能代表这个先行词 a sight,所以很清楚:吓人的是「这幅景象」。
    5. The whole house was overrun with ants, nasty insects which frightened the visitor.
    1.3 指示功能

    关系从句如果具有指出「哪一个」的功能,我们称为具有指示功能。如果关系从句具有 指示功能,关系代词 who 或 which 才能够借用来自于指示代词的 that。反之,如果关系 从句并不具有指出「哪一个」的功能,而只是个可有可无的补充说明,即一般语法书所谓的非限制用法(nonrestrictive usage),那么这个关系从句通常要在前后加上一对逗点(也有 可能是前面加逗点、后面刚好碰上句尾的句点之类)。这一对逗点可以视为一对括号看待。 关系从句放在括号里面,表示这个关系从句不重要、只是个可有可无的补充说明,同时也表 示这个关系从句不具有指示功能。不具有指示功能的关系从句,关系代词只能用 who 或 which,不能改为 that、而且也不能省略。

    1. I met a friend who(that) went to the same high school with me.
    2. I met Jack Wang, who went to the same high school with me.
      专有名词当先行词时,后面的关系 从句也并不具有指示功能,只是个可有可无的补充说明。
    • 「有没有逗点隔开」,这是判断关系从句「有没有指示功能」最明显的线索。但是要小 心别看错。

    I met a friend, quite by chance, who(that) went to the same high school with me.
    一对逗点,关系子 句仍然具有指示功能,所以关系词仍然可以采用具有指示功能的 that。

    1. The Harry Potter movies are not as good as the books themselves.
    2. Many people like the Harry Potter movies.
    3. The Harry Potter movies, which many people like, are not as good as the books themselves.
      关系从句放在括号式的逗点中只是补充说明而不具指示性,因此这个 which 不能借用具 有指性作用的 that。而且,which 虽然在关系从句中扮演宾语角色(是及物动词 like 的宾语), 但是因为在关系从句前后有一对逗点,所以即使关系代词 which 是宾语也不再能够省略。 因此上面那个句子没有进一步的变化可言。
    1.3.1 何时应该用 that
    • 关系代词 who 和 which,如果引导的关系从句缺乏指示功能(放在括号式的逗点中当 补充说明使用),就不能改写为具有指示性的 that。反之,如果关系从句具有强烈的指示功 能,那么采用具有指示作用的 that 会比采用 who 或 which 来得更好。
    • 下列两种情况,关系从句都具有强烈的指示功能:
      一、先行词是 all, anything, everything 之类标示出「明确范围」的字;
      二、先行词有 first, next, last, only 等等限定符在内、或者有最高级修饰语,因而产生明 确的指示时。

    Thirty minutes is all the time that I can spare.
    You are the only person that really understands me.

    1.3.2 何时不能省略

    如前所述,关系代词如果是宾语,可以选择把它省略掉。但是,关系从句如果是放在 括号性的逗点中作补充说明、不具有指示性,就不再适合省略宾语位置的关系代词。一旦有逗点断开,主要从句和关系从句分别都必须「自给自足」,因此不能再有省略。

    1. My uncle Tom, [whom you met the other night], is quite a character.
    2. I like The Da Vinci Code, [which many people like, too].
    1.4 关系从句的位置

    关系从句是表语从句,用来修饰先行词。因此,关系从句最常见的位置就是放在先行词后面。这是因为修饰语和它所修饰的对象应该尽量接近,这样才比较清楚。关系从句应该放在什么位置,其实要视情况而定:放在什么位置最清楚,就应 该放在什么位置

    1. I can’t leave a man behind.
    2. This man has done so much for my family.
    3. I can’t leave a man [who has done so much for my family] behind. (不佳)
      这个句子不好,是因为关系从句虽然和它修饰的对象(先行词 a man)很接近、够清楚, 但是主要从句的宾语补语(behind)和宾语(a man)之间却隔了一个长长的从句,造成主 要从句的句型不清楚:读者很可能会误以为 behind 是属于关系从句的一部分、用来修饰 my family 的。为了避免这种误解、增加句子的清楚性,应该选择把关系从句移到后面
    4. I can’t leave a man behind, [who has done so much for my family].
      主要从句的句型变清楚了,而关系从句和它修饰的先行词 a man 之间固然是有距离,但是只隔一个地方副词 behind,并不会造成不清楚,所以这样才是比较恰当的处理方式
    1. I found a book in the library.
    2. The book focuses on social relations.
    3. I found a book [which focuses on social relations] in the library. (不佳)(有歧义)
    4. I found a book in the library [which focuses on social relations]. (不佳)(有歧义)
    5. In the library I found a book [which focuses on social relations].
    1.5 复合关系代词
    • 关系代词因为和先行词重复,只要条件符合(例如关系代词当宾语使用),往往会选择把关系代词省略掉。不过,也不是一定拿关系代词开刀。如果它的先行词是空洞、 无意义的字(如 anybody, something),也可以选择留下关系代词而省略掉空洞的先行词。
    • 一旦省略掉先行词,关系代词必须改写为「复合关系代词」来取代它。采用复合关系代词,等于是把空洞的先行词并入关系代词中。这时候,关系从句因为兼具形容词子句与先行词两重角色、取代了先行词,所以关系从句会从表语从句升格为名词从句。
    • 复合关系代词一共只有 what, whatever, whoever(whomever), whichever 四个
    1.5.1 一、what
    1. You mustn’t let something bother you.
    2. He said something.
    3. You mustn’t let something [that he said] bother you.
    4. You mustn’t let something [he said] bother you.
      另一种避免重复的方式是选择省略掉空洞的先行词 something。但是先行词 something 是名词、在主要从句中扮演动词 mustn’t let 的宾语角色。如果选择将先行词 something 省略 掉,那么关系从句中的关系代词 that 必须改写为复合关系代词 what,整个关系从句变 成 what he said,升格为名词从句取代 something,如下:
      You mustn’t let [what he said] bother you.
      这时候 what 扮演双重角色:它既是先行词 something、又是关系代词,因而称为复合关系代词。它引导的关系从句 what he said 也升格成为名词从句、取代了先行词,直接当作动词 mustn’t let 的宾语使用。
    1.5.2 二、whatever

    如果关系代词的先行词是 anything「任何东西」,那么省略先行词时就要采用 whatever「不论任何东西」这个复合关系代词来取代。

    1. Anything may be used against you in court. (任何事情都有可能在法庭上用来对你不利。)
    2. You say anything now.
    3. Anything [that you say now] may be used against you in court.
    4. [Whatever you say now] may be used against you in court.
      这时候,复合关系代词 whatever 引导的关系从句因为包含先行词在内,已经升格成为名词从句、直接当做主要从句的主语使用。
    1.5.3 三、whichever
    1. Any day is fine with me.
    2. You choose that day.
    3. Any day [which you choose] is fine with me.
    4. [Whichever day you choose] is fine with me.
      这时候,复合关系代词 whichever 引导的关系从句因为包含先行词在内,已经升格成 为名词从句、直接当作主要从句的主语使用。
    1.5.4 四、whoever(whomever)
    1. Any person will win 1,000 dollars.
    2. The person reaches the mountaintop first. (这个人最早爬到山顶。)
    3. Any person [who reaches the mountaintop first] will win 1,000 dollars.
    4. [Whoever reaches the mountaintop first] will win 1,000 dollars.
    1. The girl will marry any person.
    2. The person gives her a diamond ring.
    3. The girl will marry any person [who gives her a diamond ring].
    4. The girl will marry [whoever gives her a diamond ring].
    1. I’ll give 100 dollars to any person.
    2. The person returns first.
    3. I’ll give 100 dollars to any person that returns first.
    4. I’ll give 100 dollars to whoever returns first.
      在这个从句里面,whoever 仍然扮演动词 returns 的主语的角 色,所以还是采用主格才对,不用whomever.
    1. Any person qualifies for the job.
    2. You see the person in this room
    3. Any person [whom you see in this room] qualifies for the job.
    4. Whomever you see in this room qualifies for the job.
      主要从句的主语是整个关系从句。而在这个关系从句中,主语是 you、动词是 see,复合关系代词 whomever 是 see 的宾语,所以应该用宾格。不过,复合关系代词 whoever/whomever 的情况跟关系代词 who/whom 相同:只要搬离开宾语位置就可以不必 交代宾格。像上面这句,宾语 whomever 搬到句首当连词去了,所以可以不管宾格、写成 whoever 也是正确的。
    1.6 关系副词

    常用的关系副词有 when, where, how, why 这四个,分别由时间副词 then、地方副词 there、方法状态副词 so、以及表示原因的副词 for what 改写而来。主要从句中的先行词仍是 名词,所以关系副词引导的关系从句仍是表语从句。

    1.6.1 一、when
    1. The earthquake hit at a time.
    2. Most people were sound asleep then.
    3. The earthquake hit at a time when most people were sound asleep.
    4. The earthquake hit at a time that most people were sound asleep. (关系从句具有指示功能(指出是「那个」 时间))
    5. The earthquake hit at a time most people were sound asleep.
    6. The earthquake hit when most people were sound asleep. (这里的when为从属连词。)
      上面这个句子正确的诠释是把 when 视为从属连词看待,外加在直述句 most people were sound asleep 的 前面、引导一个时间状语从句,直接修饰主要从句动词 hit 的时间。同时,这里的 when 既然是状语从句外加的从属连词、并非关系词,当然不能够改写为 that。而且,状语从句外加的连词不是关系副词、不能省略。所以上面那个句子中的 when 也不能省略。
    • 关系副词的先行词为何不能省略
    1. Every year the superstar set aside some time [when he can travel incognito with his wife].
    2. Every year the superstar set aside some time that he can travel incognito with his wife.
    3. Every year the superstar set aside when he can travel incognito with his wife.(省略 some time 意思变了)
      (第一句和第三句的区别是, 第一句的超级巨星知道什么时候带他太太出去玩,而第三句不知道什么时间)
    1.6.2 二、where
    1. The artist lived in a place.
    2. It was impossible to work there.
    3. The artist lived in a place where it was impossible to work.
    4. The artist lived in a place that it was impossible to work.
    5. The artist lived in a place it was impossible to work.
    6. The artist lived where it was impossible to work.
      这里的 where 不是改写而来的关系副词,而是外加的从属连词、引导一个地方副词子 句,直接修饰主要从句动词 live 的地方。这时候,where 既然不是关系词,当然也就不能改写为 that,而且也不能省略。
    1. The artist rented an apartment [where he could work].
    2. The artist rented an apartment that he could work.
    3. The artist rented an apartment he could work.
      先行词 an apartment 显然不能省略,不然就会出现这个错误的句子:
    4. The artist rented where he could work. (误)
    1.6.3 三、how
    1. I never found out the way.
    2. He escaped so.
      第 2 句中表示方法状态的副词 so,意思就是 in this way,和第 1 句中的先行词 the way 有交集而建立关系,可以改写为关系副词 how,移到句首来连接两句,成为这个复合句。
    3. I never found out the way how he escaped.
    4. I never found out the way that he escaped.
    5. I never found out the way he escaped.
    6. I never found out how he escaped.
      句中的 how he escaped 来自疑问句 How did he escape?,是个有疑问词引导的名词从句, 直接当做主要从句动词 found out 的宾语。这个 how 是疑问词而非关系副词,所以既不能改 写为 that、也不能省略
    7. I never found out (that) he escaped.
      这并不表示名词从句的疑问词 how 可以改写为 that 或可以省略,而是意思不同:that he escaped 来自直述句 he escaped 外加无意义的连词 that,表示「那件事」,引导一个名词子 句。所以整句话的意思是「他逃跑了,这件事情我一直不知道。」
    1.6.4 四、why
    1. The man didn’t explain the reason.
    2. He wanted a divorce for a reason.
    3. The man didn’t explain the reason why he wanted a divorce.
    4. The man didn’t explain the reason that he wanted a divorce.
    5. The man didn’t explain the reason he wanted a divorce.
    6. He didn’t explain why he wanted a divorce. (关系副词的先行词 the reason 不能省略。)
      这时候 why 是疑问词,why he wanted a divorce 是疑问词引导的名词从句,由疑问句 Why did he want a divorce?改写而来,代表一个「问题」,直接当做主要从句动词 didn’t explain 的宾语使用。Why 既然是疑问词、不是关系副词,当然不能改写为 that、也不能省略
    7. He said that he wanted a divorce.
      That 是直述句 he wanted a divorce 外加的连词,制造出一个名词从句当做 said 的受 词,意思是「那件事」,所以整句话的意思是:「他说他想要离婚。」
    • 有逗点隔开时 请注意:一旦有一对括号式的逗点隔开关系从句,这种关系从句就丧失了指示功能、只
      是补充说明。所以关系词不再能够改写为 that,而且也不再能够省略。在四个关系副词之中,只有 when 和 where 这两个引导的关系从句可以用逗点和先行词隔开、不具指示功能

    Written history of America began in 1492, [when Christopher Columbus arrived with his ships].
    (美洲的正史自 1492 年开始,当时哥伦布率船抵达。)
    The civilization of ancient Egypt was born along the Nile, [where the soil was kept fertile by annual floodings].
    这两个复合句中,先行词(1492 与 the Nile)都是专有名词,所以后面的关系从句都只是 补充说明的性质、不具指示功能,因而用逗点和先行词隔开。这种补充说明性质的关系从句 没有指示功能,所以关系词不能采用 that。而且这里的 when 和 where 也不能够省略,因为 括号与主要从句切断开来,必须自给自足。

    1.6.5 分裂句

    有一种句型称为分裂句(split construction),做法是把一个单句套进 it is … that …的 构造而分裂成为一主一从的复合句。这种句型的目的是用来加强语气,里面必须动用到关系子句

    Your friend stole a can of peaches at a 7-11 last night.
    It was your friend [that(or who) stole a can of peaches at a 7-11 last night].
    分裂句的主语 it 是个纯粹的虚字,完全没有内容。只是因为句型上需要有一个主语, 因而用 it 这个虚字填充。这个用法和下面这些虚字的用法相同:
    What time is it?
    Who is it?
    It’s cold today.

    It was a can of peaches [that(or which) your friend stole at a 7-11 last night].
    It was at a 7-11 [that(or where) your friend stole a can of peaches last night].
    It was last night [that(or when) your friend stole a can of peaches at a 7-11].

    1.6.6 强调动词的分裂句

    如要强调的是「动词」这个元素,不能采用一般分裂句 it is … that 的句型,而必须动用 类似「what one does is (to) V」的句型。

    1. Your friend stole a can of peaches at a 7-11 last night.
    2. [What your friend did at a 7-11 last night] was (to) steal a can of peaches.
    3. The thing [that your friend did at a 7-11 last night] was (to) steal a can of peaches.
    4. All [(that) your friend did at a 7-11 last night] was (to) steal a can of peaches.
    5. The only thing [(that) your friend did last night] was (to) steal a can of peaches at a 7-11.
      这两句分别采用笼统的 all 与 the only thing 当主要从句的主语,后面用关系从句(中括 弧内的部分)修饰主语。因为关系从句中有助动词 did 在,所以后面的补语部分可以采用不 定词词组 to steal 或原形动词 steal。
    • 强调动词部分的分裂句比较复杂,我们多看几个例子:
    1. I can hope.

    这个句子如果要强调动词 hope,可以用 what one does is (to) V 的分裂句来强调如下:

    1. What I can do is (to) hope.
    2. All [(that) I can do] is (to) hope.
    3. The only thing [(that) I can do] is (to) hope
      要强调动词 hope,就是要把句型改写成「我可以做(do)的事情(the thing)就是 hope」。 先选择用笼统的 the thing, all, 或 the only thing 当主要从句的主语。后面用关系从句 that I can do 来修饰主语(the thing 和 that 亦可合并为复合关系代词 what)。主要从句的动词用 be 动词 is,后面的补语部分可以用动词不定词 to hope,也可以直接用原形动词 hope

    The program backs up important files.
    [What the program does] is (to) backup important files.
    主语部分亦可作 all that the program does 或 the only thing that the program does。请注意: 主语部分的修饰语必须有助动词 do 在内,后面的补语才可以直接采用原形动词。没有助动 词 do 就不能用原形动词。
    All [(that) I wanted] was to help him.
    主要从句的主语 all 后面有关系从句修饰它,里面有助动词 do。后面补语位置就可以选 择采用原形动词 help 了。
    All [(that) I wanted to do] was (to) help him.

    1.7 厘清混淆点
    1.7.1 一、Wh-的混淆
    1. 关系词,包括关系代词(who, which)与关系副词(when, where, how, why)。关 系词引导的从句是关系从句,也就是表语从句,修饰先行词。
    • 关系代词

    My father is a man [who always keeps his word].
    Paris, [which has a long history], is a legendary city.

    • 关系副词

    I’ll never forget my high school days, [when life seemed so simple].
    Let’s spend the weekend at Tommy’s, [where we can be quite free].
    (我们到 Tommy 家过周末吧,在那里可以自由自在。)
    Please show me the way [how I can start this motorcycle].
    Money is one reason [why I don’t take any vacations].

    1. 疑问词(who, which, what, when, where, how, why)。疑问词引导的从句是由疑问句 改写而来的名词从句。例如:

    [Who stole the money] will be revealed soon.
    Tell me [which of the two designs is prettier].
    The question is [what you’re going to do about it].
    Nobody knows [when he will return].
    I have a pretty good idea [where he may be hiding].
    The most important thing in fishing is [how you prepare the bait].
    That is [why I need your help].

    1. 外加的从属连词(when, where)。这种从属连词引导的从句是状语从句,修饰 动词的时间与地方。
      The game ended [when he hit a homerun].
      The ship is to boldly go [where none has gone before].
    1.7.2 二、Wh-ever 的混淆

    拼成 wh-ever 形状、具有连词功能的字,可以分成两种:

    1. 复合关系代词(what, whatever, whoever, whichever),解释为 anything that, anyone that 等等,包含先行词在内。复合关系代词引导的从句是名词从句

    [What(ever)(= Anything that) he says] can’t be true.
    复合关系代词 名词从句
    I sincerely envy [whoever(= anyone that) lives in that grand mansion].
    复合关系代词 名词从句
    I’ll buy [whichever car(= any car that) you recommend].
    复合关系代词 名词从句

    1. Whoever, whichever, whatever, whenever, wherever, however,用法相当于在疑问词 who,
      which, what, when, where, how 的前面外加 no matter 表示「让步」语气。这种连词引导的 从句是状语从句,例如:

    1.7.3 三、that 的混淆

    拼成 that、具有连词功能的字,可以分成三种情况:

    1. 直述句外加单独无意义的连词 that,引导的是名词从句,例如:

    Are you sure [that everything is all right]?
    连词 名词从句

    1. 外加(so that, such that, in order that, in that)等有意义的连词,引导的是状语从句, 例如:

    He started work early [so that he could finish on time].
    连词 状语从句
    It was such a great meal [that everyone of us ate too much].
    连词 状语从句

    1. That 是关系词,改写自关系代词(who, which)与关系副词(when, where, how, why),引导的从句没有逗点和先行词隔开、是具有指示功能的关系从句(表语从句), 修饰先行词

    He’s the man [that I told you about]. (that 相当于 who)
    先行词 关系代词 关系从句
    What’s the best movie [that you’ve ever seen]? (that 相当于 which)
    先行词 关系代词 关系从句
    The accident happened at a time [that traffic was heaviest]. (that 相当于 when)
    先行词 关系代词 关系从句
    That restaurant is a place [that most gourmets in town go]. (that 相当于 where)
    先行词 关系代词 关系从句
    I’ve found several ways [that I can be of help to you]. (that 相当于 how)
    先行词 关系代词 关系从句
    Is this the reason [that he left so early]? (that 相当于 why)
    先行词 关系代词 关系从句

    1.8 结语

    关系从句的特色在于关系词不是外加、而是由内含的重复元素改写而来。所有的关系子句都是表语从句。只有复合关系代词引导的从句,因为取代了先行词,所以升格为名词从句。关系从句与先行词之间若有逗点隔开,表示这个从句是放在括号内作补充说明之用、 也就是不具指示功能。



