【先了解】Avalokitesvara 观世音菩萨(也可以写作Avalokiteshvara),即regarder of the world’s sounds or cries。八大菩萨之一,也称为观音、观自在、观世自在、阿婆卢吉低舍婆罗等等。观音菩萨本是男身,从南北朝起在中国内地奉为女身。因为中国人与观音菩萨的因缘颇深,为了方便度化众生,将观音菩萨演化为慈悲的女相。菩萨实为女相男身,诸佛菩萨皆是男身,因为十方诸佛国土都没有女人。
In Indian and early Chinese Buddhism he was represented as a male figure, but subsequently, and at the present day, as a gracious female, Kuan-yin or Goddess of Mercy.
在中国内地,观音菩萨常常被译作“Kuan-yin或者Kuan-shi-yin”。只有中国和日本佛教的观音菩萨才可以翻译为“the Goddess of Mercy”。在唐代,由于忌讳唐太宗李世民的名字,因此将观世音的“世”字去掉,称为观音。
【简单用】Namo就是我们所说的“南无”,即“皈依、皈命”的意思。因此汉语的“南无观世音菩萨”就可以翻译成“Namo Avalokiteshvara”。你不用担心你念这句菩萨听不懂跟你没感应,菩萨是能解一切语言的。
【小拓展】当你说“菩萨”这个统称的时候,要用“bodhisattva”这个词,你可以这样来介绍观音菩萨:“He is the bodhisattva of compassion, the most widely worshipped of the Mahayana bodhisattvas and one of the earliest to appear in Buddhist literature.”这段话兔小白翻译一下:“观音菩萨拥有着广大的慈悲心,是大乘佛教的诸菩萨中,被人们最为熟知和崇拜的一位菩萨,也是最早出现在佛教经典中的菩萨之一。”
I am a monk with Mahayana Buddha Dharma. As the representative of compassion, Avalokiteshvara is worshipped by all of us in Chinese Buddhism. He is a so responsive bodhisattva that as long as you are in trouble and call his name, he will surely come to help you immediately. And so in ordinary time, I am always holding the Great-Pity Dharani. 我是一名修习大乘佛法的出家人。在中国佛教,观世音菩萨作为大慈大悲的代表,受到了无数信众的尊敬和礼拜。菩萨有求必应,当你遇到任何怖畏急难时,只要持诵观音菩萨名号,一切苦厄皆得解脱。所以,平时我也一直都在持诵大悲咒。
Namo Avalokiteshvara!
【摄影:兔小白 作者:兔小白】