【英文小说】The girl in the picture(1)

【英文小说】The girl in the picture(1)

作者: 年年underage | 来源:发表于2022-10-28 10:30 被阅读0次

    writer作者:Nile Cappello



    A sketch artist and a grieving mother set out to solve a cold case. The more they dug, the more terrifying the truth became.


    The Atavist Magazine, No. 118


    For most residents of Holland, Michigan, there was nothing remarkable about March 11, 1989, a Saturday. Frost on the ladders of the city’s water towers thawed in the sun—spring was just over a week away. Mothers poured milk over cereal for kids watching back-to-back(除了有背靠背的意思,还有连续的意思) episodes of their favorite cartoons. Fathers who worked weekends drove pickup trucks to industrial jobs at local automotive and concrete companies.

    皮卡货车pickup trunk是轻型货车,一般是敞篷的,可以参考这个图

    But all was not well in the house on the corner of Lincoln Road and 52nd Street. It belonged to Dennis and Brenda Bowman, a married couple with two children. For the Bowmans, March 11 marked the last time they saw their 14-year-old daughter, Aundria, alive.
    但在林肯路和52街拐角处的房子里,似乎不太平。这栋房子属于Dennis和Brenda Bowman夫妇,他们有两个孩子。3月11日是他们最后一次看到活蹦乱跳的14岁的女儿Aundria。

    Dennis was the one who contacted the police. He told them that he’d come home from his job as a wood machinist to find Aundria missing, along with some of her belongings and $100 from his dresser(dresser本身有梳妆台,衣橱的意思,但一个男人的梳妆台,我觉得可能有点别扭,所以更倾向于衣柜的说法). Dennis described Aundria—whom he and Brenda had adopted when she was an infant—as a troubled teenager who frequently fought with her mother and had run away to a friend’s house once before.

    Dennis agreed to call around to the homes of kids Aundria knew to find out if anyone had seen her. But his wife soon took over as the family’s point of contact. It was Brenda who called the police regularly, and Brenda who corrected the amount of cash missing from her husband’s dresser to $150. That was enough for police to issue a warrant for Aundria’s arrest for larceny(盗窃); the warrant listed Dennis as the victim of his daughter’s alleged crime.

    With no foul play suspected, the police labeled Aundria a runaway and passed her case along to the Youth Services Bureau. Few (few几乎没有,a few有一点)people who knew the Bowmans questioned the official narrative. Over the years, there had been whispers about the family. Once, when Aundria was in middle school, she boarded the school bus bleeding from her wrist. Some kids gossiped about a suicide attempt, but others said Aundria had cut herself trying to get back into her house after her parents locked her out. There were rumors that Dennis, a former Navy reservist with reddish-brown hair, a goatee, and wire-rimmed glasses, and Brenda, a portly woman with curled bangs who’d once worked at the jewelry counter at Meijer department store, abused Aundria. But back then, what happened behind closed doors was considered family business.

    Fifteen months before Aundria disappeared, Brenda gave birth to a daughter, Vanessa. Aundria went from being an only child to more than a big sister—she was a third parent to the chubby, redheaded baby. While other kids her age went to afterschool clubs and Friday night football games, Aundria stayed home changing diapers and cleaning bottles. She kept a photo of her sister in a school folder, where other teens might stash a magazine cutout or a polaroid of their crush. When she wasn’t with Vanessa, Aundria was anxious about the baby’s well-being.

    Many people in Holland assumed that Aundria had gotten so fed up with her home life that she finally split. Maybe she’d gone looking for her birth mother. People heard that she’d hitched a ride at a local truck stop, had left town with an older boy, or was pregnant.

    Brenda reported a series of tips in the weeks and months following her daughter’s disappearance, all of which seemed to confirm that Aundria had run away. At the end of March, Brenda claimed Aundria had been spotted at a 7-Eleven. In mid-April, Brenda said she received an anonymous call from someone claiming that police were looking for the teenager in the right area, but on the wrong street—whatever that meant. In June, she reported a sighting at a local property, where Aundria had supposedly been hanging out with a group of young men. And in October, Brenda said a friend had seen Aundria, pregnant and with dyed hair, in a line at Meijer. Police investigated but found nothing.

    Aundria’s classmates went to prom and graduated, then got jobs or headed to college. Eventually they married and had children of their own. But Aundria remained forever 14. A single photograph formed most people’s memory of her. It was given to police when she first vanished. In it, Aundria is sitting against a blue studio backdrop and looking just off camera, with her green eyes cast hopefully upward and pieces of her dark, shaggy hair hanging over her forehead. Her smile is charmingly off-balanced. She looks suspended between adolescence and adulthood.

    Photos of missing children were often printed on the sides of milk cartons or on flyers taped to the top of pizza delivery boxes. Aundria’s picture wound up somewhere else. In 1993, the band Soul Asylum debuted a music video for its song “Runaway Train,” featuring the images and names of missing kids across America. The video was a huge hit, with several versions airing on MTV and VH1. In the one that played in Michigan, Aundria’s photo appears just after the two-minute mark.
    失踪儿童的照片经常被印在牛奶盒的侧面或贴在比萨送餐盒顶部的传单上。Aundria的照片却出现在其他地方。1993年,灵魂避难所乐队在他们的歌曲 "失控列车 "中首次推出了音乐视频,其中包括全美失踪儿童的图像和名字。该视频大受欢迎,有几个版本在MTV和VH1播出。在密歇根州播放的那个版本中,Aundria的照片在两分钟后出现。

    Reflecting on the video 20 years after its release, director Tony Kaye claimed that more than two dozen missing children were found because of the video. Aundria Bowman wasn’t one of them.
    在这段视频发布20年后,导演Tony Kaye回忆到,有二十多个失踪儿童因为这段视频而被找到。Aundria Bowman却不在其中。



        本文标题:【英文小说】The girl in the picture(1)
