

作者: 我就是杨妞儿 | 来源:发表于2019-07-26 07:14 被阅读22次



    I may you have a wonderful experience.🍨




                            Now let's enjoy.



    欢迎来到纽约,来到Hudson River(哈德孙河),来到自由女神面前!Let’s hit the road!

    💫The Statue of Liberty


    🍅The Statue of Liberty is more than a monument.


    🍅She is a beloved friend, a living symbol of freedom to millions around the world.


    🍅The Statue of Liberty is a figure of Libertas, a robed Roman liberty goddess.


    🍅She holds a torch above her head with her right hand, and in her left hand carries a book with the Rome numeral date July 4, 1776, the date of the U.S. Declaration of Independence.


    🍅A broken chain lies at her feet as she walks forward.


    🍅The statue became an icon of freedom and of the United States, a national park tourism destination, and is a welcoming sight to immigrants arriving from abroad.


    🍅Here are a few interesting things you may not have known about the 101-year-old attraction.


    🍅It was a gift from France, given to America in 1886.


    🍅From the ground to the top of the torch the statue measures 93 meters, and weighs 204 metric tonnes.


    🍅Lady Liberty wears a size 879 shoe.


    🍅There are 25 windows in the crown.


    🍅The seven spikes on the crown represent the seven continents of the world, indicating the universal concept of liberty.


    🍅300 different types of hammers were used to create the copper structure.


    🍅Next time when you travel to the NewYork City, remember to check more interesting facts of the statue of liberty yourself.



    🌺①​The Statue of Liberty is more than a monument.

    🍄the statue of liberty


    e.g. Who loses liberty loses all. 失去了自由就等于失去了一切。

    🍄Monument 纪念碑 the monument of…

    e.g. the monument of freedom

          the monument of those heroes

    🌺②​A broken chain lies at her feet as she walks forward.

    🍄lie “位于” 和三个不同介词to,on,in搭配的时候不同用法

    1、lie in ... 在...范围内

    China lies in Asia.


    2、lie to ... 不接壤,不在一个范围内

    Japan lies to the northeast of China.


    3、lie on ... 接壤,

    North Korea lies on China.


    🍄at one’s feet 在…脚下

    The sculpture is lying at the mountain’s feet.


    如遇天气原因,自由女神像会关闭,游船航班会取消,前往参观时注意天气情况。(weather condition)

    鉴于行船位置和自由女神的角度关系,建议大家早上前往,因为下午会碰到摄影逆光(black light)问题。

    🌺③​From the ground to the top of the torch the statue measures 93 meters, and weighs 204 metric tonnes.

    1公吨是1千公斤  204000公斤 408000斤

    🍄measure测量 weigh重量

    e.g. It measures three meters.

          The tower measures 10 meters.

    e.g. The car weighs 2 tons.

          The cat weighs 3 kilograms.

    🌺④​Lady Liberty wears a size 879 shoe.

    4614号的的鞋,相当于110双42号的鞋。(the foot of liberty)

    🌺⑤​The seven spikes on the crown represent the seven continents of the world.

    🍄spike 长钉,尖状物

    e.g. A 30 meters’ wall topped with glass spikes.

    🍄volleyball spike排球扣球


    为防止恐怖袭击,上轮渡登岛前要接受安全检查(Security Inspection),在旺季加上排队等船的时间可能会超过2小时,需合理安排旅行时间。

    💫生存口语训练 道歉

    🍄My apologies.

    🍄I shouldn’t have done that.

    🍄Sorry about the inconvenience.

    🍄Oh, I owe you an apology.

    A:Hey, you jumped the queue!

    B:  My apologies. /Oh, I owe you an apology.



    欢迎来到法国巴黎, 来到埃菲尔铁塔所在地战神广场!Let's hit the road!

    💫The Eiffel Tower


    🍅Whether you're lucky enough to have visited Paris or have only ever dreamed of going there, chances are you know of the French capital's most beloved landmark: the Eiffel Tower.


    🍅The Eiffel Tower sells about 7 million tickets annually and is appreciated at a distance by all Paris visitors. Completed for the 1889 Exposition Universelle after two years of construction, it has 1,665 steps to the top and elevators to two observation levels.


    🍅Computer programmed beacons, which are seen up to 50 miles away, complement the tower’s 20,000 lightbulbs as part of a thrilling, hourly night show designed to celebrate the millennium.



    🍅You may not believe that the Eiffel Tower was built as a temporary building at the very beginning. When the project came to being, it had been established that the licensing rights linked to the convention for the tower’s construction would last only 20 years, followed by imminent destruction.


    🍅However, two million people visited the Tower during the Universal Exposition. Following this incredible success, the building became a symbol of French industrial power.


    🍅The Tower was as equally as successful during the 1900 Universal Exposition. Determined to avoid the Tower’s destruction, Gustave Eiffel went to great lengths to prove its scientific utility.


    🍅Scientific experiments were conducted in the fields of astronomy and physiology but what would really save the Tower in the end was its use as a radio antenna tower, first for military communications and then for permanent, radiotelegraphy communications;


    🍅In fact, the Tower served many a purpose during the First World War. The Eiffel Tower is part of the French History.


    🍅The tower was built to sway slightly in the wind, but the sun affects the tower more. As the sun-facing side of the tower heats up, the top moves as much as 7 inches (18 centimeters) away from the sun.


    🍅The French have a nickname for the tower: La Dame de Fer, and you can translate it as "the Iron Lady."

    法国有一个塔的绰号:la dame de fer,你可以把它翻译成“铁娘子”。


    🌺①​Whether you're lucky enough to have visited Paris or have only ever dreamed of going there, chances are you know of the French capital's most beloved landmark: the Eiffel Tower.

    1. the Eiffel Tower

    🍄Eiffel 英语发音:[ˈaɪfəl]

    2. chances are…

    🍄chance is/chances are that…“有可能……”

    e.g. Chances are that the new machine will arrive tomorrow.


    e.g. The chance is (that)she’s already heard the news.




    🌺②​You may not believe that The Eiffel Tower was built as a temporary building at the very beginning.

    🍄You may not believe that…  说出来你可能都不信……(话里话外带着些许的小紧张和小激动)

    e.g. You may not believe that I finally passed the exam!

    🍄(意同)You may not believe it, but…

    e.g. You may not believe it, but it’s true!

          You may not believe it, but I really passed the exam!

    🌺③​Determined to avoid the Tower’s destruction, Gustave Eiffel went to great lengths to prove its scientific utility.

    🍄go to any length to do…/go to great lengths to do… 竭尽所能;不遗余力

    e.g. Bill will go to any length to keep Dick from getting a date with Mary.比尔将尽一切努力阻止狄克与玛丽的约会

    e.g. He will go to great lengths to get what he wants.他将不顾一切要得到他想要的东西。


    铁塔的顶层和二层是不同电梯(take the elevator)运行的,如果要登上顶层,到了第二层以后还是要跟大家一起排队再坐另一层电梯。夏季登顶一趟至少需要2个小时。其实铁塔真的可以走楼梯,但是只能走到第二层,一来费用便宜,二来排队人少,而且还能挑战下自己的体能(步行:go on foot)

    ​💫生存口语训练 说再见

    🍄Catch you later!

    🍄Take care…

    A: Thank you for your help today and I will catch you later!

    B: Bye!

    A: Today I come to say goodbye to you for I’m going back to China tomorrow!

    B: Take care friend!

    e.g. Take care girls!

          Take care dude!

          Take care bro!



    欢迎来到埃及开罗,The Great Pyramid of Giza(吉萨大金字塔), Let’s hit the road!

    💫The Great Pyramid of Giza


    🍅The last of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World standing, and more than 3,000 years old, the Great Pyramid rises 479 feet from a 754-feet square base.


    🍅Scientists still don’t understand how the ancient Egyptians were able to move, carve and erect more than 2 million stone blocks, each weighing from 2 to 60 tons.



    🍅Although many theories persist as to the purpose of the pyramid, the most widely accepted understanding is that it was constructed as a tomb for the king.


    🍅Although the Great Pyramid of Giza, and the other smaller pyramids, temples, monuments, and tombs there, continued to be respected throughout Egypt's history, the site fell into a decline after the Roman occupation and then annexation of the country in 30 BCE.


    🍅The Romans concentrated their energies on the city of Alexandria and the abundant crops the country offered, making Egypt into Rome's "bread basket", as the phrase goes.


    🍅The site was more or less neglected until Napoleon's Egyptian Campaign of 1798-1801 CE during which he brought along his team of scholars and scientists to document ancient Egyptian culture and monuments.

    该遗址或多或少被忽视了,直到1798-1801 CE(公元)拿破仑远征埃及期间,他带来了他的学者和科学家团队来记录古埃及文化和遗迹。


    🍅Napoleon's work in Egypt attracted others to the country who then inspired still others to visit, make their own observations, and conduct their own excavations.



    🌺①​Scientists still don’t understand how the ancient Egyptians were able to move, carve and erect more than 2 million stone blocks, each weighing from 2 to 60 tons.


    -ian 词尾

    含义一:One from, belonging to, relating to…

    埃及Egypt 埃及人Egyptian

    加拿大canada 加拿大人canadian




    含义二:Having a certain profession.

    electric电 electrician电工

    veterinary兽医/兽医的 veterinarian兽医

    music音乐 musician音乐家

    magic魔法 magician魔法师


    内部参观不准照相(No pictures),相机在入口处需交给工作人员保管。

    建议自备饮用水(drinking water),在沙漠中要注意补充水分。

    ​🌺②the site fell into a decline after the Roman occupation and then annexation of the country in 30 BCE.

    🍄fall into a decline

    客观上:衰退    主观上:衰弱

    e.g. The site fell into a decline.

          The original tourist attractions in my hometown falls into decline now.

    e.g. After his wife's death, he fell into a decline. 他在妻子死后一蹶不振。

          I fell into a decline when I found that my travel plan fell apart. 我发现我的旅游计划泡汤了之后就很崩溃。

    🌺③​The site was more or less neglected until Napoleon's Egyptian Campaign of 1798-1801 CE during which he brought along his team of scholars and scientists to document ancient Egyptian culture and monuments.

    🍄ignore v.忽视,不理睬,指“有意识地”拒绝。

    e.g. She saw him coming but she ignored him.她看见他走过来,但是装作没看见。

    🍄neglect v.忽视,忽略,疏忽,指“无意识地”忽视或忘记。

    He neglected to make repairs in his house.他忘记了修理房子。

    法官:Why do you tread on the lawn?

    你:Sorry, but I neglect the warning signs.

          Sorry,but I ignored the warning signs.



    金字塔内部有微型摄像头,不要在内部墙上涂鸦、破坏。(scribble  e.g. Don’t scribble[ˈskrɪbəl] on the wall.)

    ​💫生存口语训练 请求帮助

    老套路:Can you help me? Can I help you?



    🍄Can/could you do me a favor?

    🍄Excuse me, could you give me a hand?

    🍄Would you kindly drive me home?



    🍄With pleasure!

    🍄Ok, let me see.

    🍄Certainly. It’s a pleasure. What can I do for you?


    A: Danny, do me a favor, will you?

    B: That depends on what it is.

    A: Give it here. I’ll do it,

    B: Thanks. I owe you one.



    欢迎来到英国伦敦,来到泰晤士河, 来到伦敦塔!Let’s hit the road!

    💫The Tower of London


    🍅The Tower of London is a 900-year-old castle and fortress in central London that is notable for housing the crown jewels and for holding many famous and infamous prisoners.


    🍅Throughout its history, the tower has served many purposes: it housed the royal mint (until the early 19th century), a menagerie (which left in 1835), a records office, an armory and barracks for troops. Until the 17th century, it was also used as a royal residence.


    🍅Throughout its history the tower was used to imprison a wide range of prisoners, from deposed monarchs to more common criminals. Prisoners included Lady Jane Grey, who was queen for about a week in the 16th century before she was deposed by Mary I.



    🍅Also imprisoned there were two princes, Edward and Richard, ages 12 and 9, who were the sons of Edward IV (died 1483). They appear never to have left the tower alive and some thought they were killed by Richard III, their uncle who took the throne for himself.


    🍅The crown jewels are one of the most popular attractions at the Tower of London. The jewels include the crowns worn by the monarch at coronation and at the opening of Parliament.



    🍅The tower also contains an impressive collection of armor, which is a treasure unto itself. Shown in an exhibit called the “Line of Kings,” a show at the tower that first started more than 300 years ago, it features such items as a life-size wooden horse carved about 1690 and a set of armor, gilded with gold, created for Charles I around 1612.

    这座塔还收藏了令人印象深刻的盔甲,它本身就是一件宝藏。在一个名为“国王之行”的展览中展出,这是300多年前首次在塔上举办的展览,它展示了一件1690年左右雕刻的真人大小的木马和一套镀金的盔甲, 1612年左右为查理一世制作。


    🍅Today, the Tower of London is one of the most famous castles in the world and is now a World Heritage Site attracting more than 2 million visitors a year. The main threat to the site today is not rebels, foreign armies or falling bombs but rather the exhaust of cars. It’s a problem that threatens to turn the White Tower into a yellow color, something which none of the previous threats could ever do.

    今天,伦敦塔是世界上最著名的城堡之一,是世界遗产,每年吸引超过200万游客。 今天对该景点的主要威胁不是反叛分子,外国军队或坠落炸弹,而是汽车尾气。 这是一个有可能将白塔变成黄色的问题,这是以前的威胁都无法做到的。


    🌺①The Tower of London is a 900-year-old castle and fortress in central London that is notable for housing the crown jewels…

    🍄house 既可作名词也可作动词,这里作动词

    e.g. He tried to find a place in the village to house his family.


    e.g. Can you lemon my tea, please?


    e.g. The man was sandwiched between the two cops.


    e.g. My teacher red-penciled all my errors.



    参观伦敦塔要走许多不平坦的道路,有时还会打滑,请穿舒适的鞋子,建议女士不要穿高跟鞋(high-heeled shoes)。

    🌺②Throughout its history the tower was used to imprison a wide range of prisoners…

    🍄a wide range of… 广泛的, 许多的, 大量的, 各种各样的

    e.g. A wide range of plastic bags. 大量的塑料袋

    e.g. A wide range of colours and patterns are available. 各种颜色和样式都有。

    e.g. His reading covers a wide range of subjects. 他阅读的书籍涉及广泛的学科。

    🌺③​They appear never to have left the tower alive and some thought they were killed by Richard III

    🍄appear to…  好想,貌似

    e.g. She appeared to have caught a cold.她好像感冒了。

    🍄appear to… V.S. seem to…

    appear 强调自身表现出,流露出;appear 指外表给人的印象,可能是真象也可能是假象,appear的不确定性更大一些;seem 侧重指根据某种迹象作出的推断,也不一定是事实.

    e.g. She seemed to have caught a cold.  她好像感冒了。(根据别人说的,或自己看到某些迹象作出的推断,也不一定是事实,只是’看起来像,貌似’)

    She appeared to have caught a cold.她好像感冒了。(她像似感冒了,从表面看她又咳嗽有流鼻涕,但到底感没感冒你也不知道,你只是猜测而已)


    伦敦塔里还是有很多东西值得参观一下的,可能会花费2到3个小时,所以要合理安排一下时间。(arrange your schedule)(How’s your schedule? 你今天有什么安排?)

    💫生存口语训练 天气



    🍄It looks like rain. 看来要下雨了。

    🍄I don’t think the rain would last long. 我看这雨不会下很久的。

    🍄It seems to be clearing up. 天似乎要晴了。

    🍄I’m so glad it has turned out fine. 我真高兴天气转晴了。



    欢迎来到日本富士山!Let’s hit the road!

    💫The Mount Fuji


    🍅When you talk about Japan, aside from its flag, what other image comes into your mind? Isn’t it the Mt. Fuji? It is one of the must-see and must-visit attractions of locals and foreign tourists. It is sometimes elusive to our eyes, but most of the times, it is visible from different parts of Japan, especially in Tokyo.


    🍅Mt. Fuji is considered one of the famous mountains in the world, and the highest peak in Japan. It plays a vital role on the country’s preserved culture and tradition, especially that of Shinto.



    🍅Fuji-san is a stratovolcano, which means it is made of lava and ash, located at the Honshu Island, 60 miles south west of Tokyo. It has an elevation of 12,388 feet, with a summit crater of 1,640 feet wide and 820 feet deep, and a base diameter of 31 miles.



    🍅Here are several interesting facts about Mountain Fuji.


    🦄Goddess of Fire: Its name itself, Fuji, is believed to be derived from “Huchi” or “Fuchi” which are the words for the Aino people’s Goddess of Fire. It was also believed that women weren’t allowed to climb Fuji-san until the 1860s because legend says the Fire Goddess would be jealous of any woman. 火神:正如它的名字本身,富士,被认为是源于“胡池”或“富池”,代表了阿诺人的火神。据说直到19世纪60年代,女人才被允许爬富士山,因为传说火女神会嫉妒任何女人。

    🦄The Birth of Fujiyama: One famous tale about the creation of Mt. Fuji is a folklore about a woodsman who was awakened by a loud noise he thought was an earthquake. When he checked near his house he saw that in the land that used to be flat appeared a mountain. The woodsman was amazed by the mountain’s mysterious existence that he called it Fuji-yama or the Never-Dying Mountain. 富士山的诞生:关于富士山有一个著名的民间传说,讲的是一个樵夫被他认为是地震的巨响吵醒。当他在他家附近检查时,他发现原来平坦的土地上出现了一座山。这位樵夫对这座山的神秘存在感到惊奇,他称之为富士山或永垂不朽的山。

    🦄Did you know that it is privately-owned? Yes, it is! May be you will get mixed-emotions when you hear the news but the mountain is actually owned by a person, and it is already a private property since 1609. 你知道它是私有的吗?是的,是的!也许当你听到这个消息时,你会有一种复杂的情绪,但是这座山实际上是一个人所有的,而且自1609年以来它已经是一个私人财产了。


    🌺①​When you talk about Japan, aside from its flag, what other image comes into your mind?

    🍄aside from/except/besides


    🍄aside from 除此之外

    🍄except 除了A,不包括A

    🍄besides 除了A,包括A

    例句一:Aside from the little savings I have no other money.


    例句二:Everyone is tired except me.


    例句三:Everyone is tired besides me.

    除了我,大家也都可累了。 (我累,大家也累:除了我,包括我)

    🌺②​Its name itself, Fuji, is believed to be derived from “Huchi” or “Fuchi”……

    🍄be derived from…/derive itself from…  源自…… 衍生于……

    e.g. “soccer” is thought to be derived from “association”.


    e.g. The word “soccer” derives itself from “association”.



    富士山由于天气原因(weather conditions),一年中只有规定的夏季的一段时间可以登山,一般为每年7月1日的“山开”到8月26日的“山闭”之间。(不要白跑一趟哦)

    🌺③When he checked near his house he saw that in the land that used to be flat appeared a mountain.

    🍄used to 曾经,过去常常(用于过去持续或经常发生的事)

    e.g. I used to live in London.


    e.g. I didn’t use to like him much when we were at school.


    🍄和此短语相近的还有一个be used to + doing 的表达,表示习惯于做某事

    e.g. I am used to eating quickly. 我习惯很快地吃东西

    e.g. A majority of people are used to drinking boiled water in China. 大多数中国人喜欢喝开水。

    🌺④​it is already a private property since 1609.

    Private 私有的

    e.g. this is a private conversation.


    e.g. The sign said,“Private property, Keep out”



    一天中看富士山最好的时间是早晨。根据富士市上午8:00、下午12:00和下午4:00的数据,看到整座山的机会最大的是早上8:00。随着时间的推移(as the time goes on),到了下午,这座山越来越难看到。

    💫生存口语训练 在机场

    🍄place sth on the scale 把东西放在称重器上。

    🍄fly to somewhere 飞往某地

    🍄go straight through to + 地点,直达某地。

    🍄boarding passes 登机牌


    Agent: Good afternoon! Where are you flying to today? 下午好!您要飞往哪里?

    Dan: Los Angeles. 洛杉矶。

    Agent: May I have your passport, please? 请问我能看一下您的护照吗?

    Dan: Here you go. 给。

    Agent: Are you checking any bags? 您有要托运的行李吗?

    Dan: Just this one. 只有这一件。

    Agent: OK, please place your bag on the scale. 好的,请把您的包裹放在称重器上。

    Dan: I have a stopover in Chicago – do I need to pick up my luggage there? 我要在芝加哥中途停留,请问我需要在那取一下行李吗?

    Agent: No, it’ll go straight through to Los Angeles. Here are your boarding passes – your flight leaves from gate 15A and it’ll begin boarding at 3:20. Your seat number is 26E. 不需要,行李直接发到洛杉矶。这是您的登机牌 – 登机口是15A,登机时间是3:20. 您的座位号是26E.

    Dan: Thanks. 谢谢。



    欢迎来到美国拉斯维加斯,来到The Las Vegas Strip!Let’s hit the road!

    💫The Las Vegas Strip


    🍅Las Vegas Boulevard -- the world-famous Las Vegas Strip -- is the central artery of Sin City and the main line to a majority of the city's best sights, gambling, food and fun.


    🍅With neon signs and dancing fountains along an eight-mile stretch of awesome, the Strip delivers sensory overload.


    🍅Once you pass the famous "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas" sign along Las Vegas Boulevard South, it won't be too long until you're cruising the Strip. Sin City's notorious artery acts as the epicenter of any Vegas getaway. Here you'll find Las Vegas' most iconic landmarks, including the Bellagio Fountains, the Eiffel Tower at Paris, Las Vegas, the pyramid and sphinx belonging to The Luxor and The Venetian's Grand Canal.

    一旦您沿着拉斯维加斯大道南路经过“欢迎来到神话般的拉斯维加斯”标志,不久您就会游弋在拉斯维加斯大道上。 罪恶之城的臭名昭著的动脉是任何拉斯维加斯度假胜地的中心。 在这里您可以找到拉斯维加斯最具标志性的地标,包括贝拉吉奥喷泉,巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔,拉斯维加斯,金字塔以及属于卢克索和威尼斯大运河的狮身人面像。


    🍅If you have the stamina, you can explore the Strip on foot – just make sure to wear comfortable shoes. Alternatively, the Deuce bus offers rides 24/7 from the  Fremont Street Experience in downtown Vegas all the way to the southern end of Las Vegas Boulevard. The Monorail is another option, which travels from the MGM Grand and Sahara Avenue. You can also book a variety of guided tours, from helicopter rides to bar crawls.

    如果你有耐力,你可以步行探索拉斯维加斯大道 - 只要确保穿舒适的鞋子。 另外,Deuce巴士每天24小时提供从拉斯维加斯市中心的弗里蒙特街体验到拉斯维加斯大道南端的全程游乐设施。 单轨列车是另一种选择,从米高梅大酒店和撒哈拉大道出发。 您还可以预订各种带导游的旅行,从直升机游览到酒吧爬行。

    🍅Travelers say it's best to visit the Strip at night to see all the casinos and attractions light up in the desert. You can wander the Strip any time of day or night, but note that individual businesses feature their own operating hours. Be mindful of your surroundings (and your wallet) after dark – the last thing you want is to lose your winnings to a pickpocket.




    🌺①Las Vegas Boulevard -- the world-famous Las Vegas Strip -- is the central artery of Sin City and the main line to a majority of the city's best sights, gambling, food and fun.

    🍄a majority of 大多数


    majority 只用来修饰可数名词,如果要修饰不可数名词就要用most, 例如 a majority of the users, most of the pie.

    🌺②If you have the stamina, you can explore the Strip on foot – just make sure to wear comfortable shoes.

    🍄Stamina    n.毅力;体力,耐力,持久力;

    老大爷说“一口气上六楼,腰不酸腿不疼”, 我们说 the old man has a lot of stamina(大爷体力真好)

    去年Trump参加了北京马拉松,他说It took me a lot of stamina to run a marathon in 2 minutes. 我们说Trump was a blowhard(吹牛大王)

    🍄on foot 步行(乘坐交通工具用by,by bus, by air, by train)

    e.g. I used to go to work on foot.



    美国有些地区冬季天气较冷,请注意保暖。此外因美国日照非常强,可准备阳伞(sunshade)、遮光帽(shading cap)、太阳眼镜(sun glasses)和防晒乳液(sunscreen cream)注意防晒等

    🌺③The Monorail is another option, which travels from the MGM Grand and Sahara Avenue.

    Travel 一词大家都知道有旅行的意思,作为篮球迷的Danny想要告诉你,travel在篮球运动中还有“走步”的意思,所以有球迷老爱抱怨说 “LeBron James often travels, and the refs never see it”

    🌺④the last thing you want is to lose your winnings to a pickpocket.

    🍄The last thing you want 你最不想要的

    一天你满身酒气的回家,身上还有香水味,你说你只是和哥们儿一起喝酒聊天,你老婆这时可能就会对你说I promise you that the last thing you want is to lie to me.

    🍄Pickpocket 扒手 很形象哦



    💫生存口语训练 搭乘出租

    🍄How long will it take to the station? 到车站需要多久?

    🍄take the expressway 走高速

    🍄extra charge 额外的费用

    🍄fasten your seatbelt  系紧安全带

    🍄Keep the change 不用找零了

    Conversation between a taxi driver and passenger.

    A: Hi. Where are you going? 您好!请问您要去哪里?

    B: To the train station, please.  去火车站

    A: Shall I put your bag in the trunk? 要我把您的包放在车箱子里吗?

    B: No thanks. I'll keep it with me. How long will it take to the station? 不用了,谢谢。我拿着就好。到车站需要多久?

    A: About 30 minutes. Are you in a hurry? 大约30分钟。您赶时间吗?

    B: Yes, I'm a bit late.  是的,我出发的有些晚了。

    A: We can take the expressway. There's an extra charge, okay? 我们可以走高速,会有额外的费用,您看行吗?

    B: That's okay, thanks. 好的,谢谢。

    A: Fasten your seatbelt, please. 请您系好安全带。

    B: Okay. 好的。

    A: Here's the expressway. Can I have $3 for the fee? 到高速了。能给我3美元的高速费吗?

    B: Here you are. 给您。

    A: Okay. Here is the station. 好了。我们到车站了。

    B: Thank you. How much is it? 谢谢您,总共多少钱?

    A: $55. 55美元。

    B: Here's $60. Keep the change. 这是60美元,不用找零了。

    A: Thanks. Don't forget your things. 谢谢,不要落下您的东西了。

    B: Okay. Bye. Have a good day! 好的,再见。祝您愉快!



    欢迎来到罗马,来到罗马斗兽场!Let’s hit the road!

    💫The Colosseum


    🍅The Colosseum is the main symbol of Rome. It is an imposing construction that, with almost 2,000 years of history, will bring you back in time to discover the way of life in the Roman Empire.

    罗马斗兽场是罗马的主要象征。 这是一座宏伟的建筑,拥有近2000年的历史,它将带您回到从前去探索罗马帝国的生活方式。

    🍅The construction of the Colosseum began in the year 72 under the empire of Vespasian and was finished in the year 80 during the rule of the emperor Titus. After completion, the Colosseum became the greatest Roman amphitheater, measuring 188 meters in length, 156 meters in width and 57 meters in height.



    🍅During the Roman Empire and under the motto of "Bread and Circuses" the Roman Colosseum (known then as Flavian Amphitheatre) allowed more than 50,000 people to enjoy its finest spectacles. The exhibitions of exotic animals, executions of prisoners, recreations of battles and gladiator fights kept the Roman people entertained for years.



    🍅The Colosseum remained active for over 500 years. The last recorded games in history were celebrated in the 6th century.

    Since the 6th century the Colosseum has suffered lootings, earthquakes and even bombings during World War Two.


    🍅Demonstrating a great survival instinct, the Colosseum was used for decades as a storehouse, church, cemetery and even a castle for nobility.


    🍅At present the Colosseum is, along with the Vatican City, Rome's greatest tourist attraction. Each year 6 million tourists visit it. On 7 July 2007 the Colosseum became one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World.



    🌺①It is an imposing construction that, with almost 2,000 years of history, will bring you back in time to discover the way of life in the Roman Empire.

    🍄Bring sb back in time to 把某人带回过去

    听水木年华的《在他乡》,唱到“我多想回到家乡 再回到她的身旁”满满回忆,这时你可能会说,this song brings me back in time to see her sitting by the window.

    🌺②​After completion, the Colosseum became the greatest Roman amphitheater, measuring 188 meters in length, 156 meters in width and 57 meters in height.

    🍄Completion    n.完成,结束,实现

    e.g. The project is due for completion in the spring.


    🍄xxx meters in length/xxx meters in width/xxx meters in height


    e.g. The box is 2 meters in length, 1.5 meters in width and 1 meters in height.




    (这让我想起一句霸气的警匪片台词You better not cry, You better not pout,You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you. 你最好不要哭,也不要撅嘴,你有权保持沉默, 你说的每句话都将成为呈堂证供.)

    🌺③the Roman Colosseum allowed more than 50,000 people to enjoy its finest spectacles.

    🍄Spectacle  n. 眼镜; 奇观,壮观; 光景,景象

    e.g. The carnival parade was a magnificent spectacle.


    a spectacle case 眼镜盒

    make a spectacle of oneself 让自己大放异彩?

    I will make a spectacle of myself in front of all my classmates tomorrow,让自己在全班同学面前大放异彩? 哈哈,同学make a spectacle of oneself 是让某人出洋相的意思,可不是大放异彩啊,哈哈。


    意大利是个宗教国家(Religious country),很多艺术珍品是诞生并保存在教堂(大的叫Cathedral,小的叫Church)里的,所以参观教堂也是必修课之一。进教堂不可穿短裙、短裤或背心,特别是梵蒂冈的圣彼得教堂,在广场上入教堂的必经之路上有专人负责检视来客的服饰。所以,若当天有安排去教堂,而天气又酷热难当,请别忘了带上长裙、长裤和不露膀子的上装以备换。

    💫生存口语训练 入住酒店

    🍄check in 登记入住

    🍄check out 退房

    🍄room service 客房服务

    ​A: May I help you sir? 先生,请问需要帮助吗?

    B: I’d like to check in to my room. 我要登记入住。

    A: Can I see your ID please? 请出示一下您的身份证件?

    B:Here you go. 给。

    A:You are in 211, here is your keycard. 您的房间是211,这是您的房卡。

    B: Do I need to pay for a room service? 请问客房服务需要付费吗?

    A: there is free for room service once a day. 每天一次免费的客房服务。

    B: Thanks! 谢谢!




