
作者: 夏威一一 | 来源:发表于2017-02-10 22:34 被阅读9次

科比说 Be the best version of yourself.

If you can, why not?

In fact you can, everybody can! That's it.

鼓舞很多。从平静得像一潭死水开始满满复活,一点点地在找回状态。Just because he said: if you can, why not? 四次致命性的伤害,每一次都看似绝对不可能再回到原来,但是,if you were there doing nothing, then, nothing special happen, that's over, no more. But if, why if? Why not figure it out now? Yes! That's how did he respond to bad luck, to miserable, to what is so called destiny. Then you see what happened later? He himself made another legend again. He recovered, and he won the champion again.

No secret.

Keeping moving forward, playing it the hardest,  be tough enough, attention to details. All of the decisions are made based on the No.1, the champion, then, why is impossible?


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