1. row v. 划(船);When you row a boat, you use oars to make it move through the water.
2. rub v. 擦;
3. rubber n. 橡胶;橡皮;
A strong elastic(有弹性的) substance used for making tires, boots and other products.
4. rubbish n. 垃圾
unwanted things or waste material
If you rub something, you move your hand, or a cloth, very firmly backwards and forwards over it.
5. rude a. 粗鲁的
not polite
6. ruler n. 统治者
a person who rules a country
7. rush v. 冲; 猛冲;
If you rush somewhere, or if you are rushed there, you go there quickly.
8.rust n. 锈
a reddish brown substance that forms on metal when it exposed to water and the oxygen in the air.
9. sad a. 伤心的
If you are sad, you feel unhappy.
10. safe a.安全的
If you are safe, you are not in any danger.
11. safety n. 安全,protection, being safe
12. sail v. 航行
When a ship sails, it moves across water.
13. sailor n. 水手;船员;
a member of a ship’s crew
14. salary n. 工资
a payment made each month to an employee
15. salmon n. 三文鱼;鲑鱼;大马哈鱼;橙黄色
a large, edible, sliver-colored fish with pink flesh
16.salt n.食盐
a white substance used to flavour and preserve food
17. satellite n. 人造卫星
a spacecraft sent into space to orbit the earth, to collect information, or as part of a communication system
18. sauce n. 调味汁
a liquid eaten with food to add flavor
19. sausage n. 香肠
mixture of minced neat and herbs formed into tubular and served cooked
20. save v. 营救
If you save someone, you rescue them or help to keep them safe.
Oct. 28th, 2022