I'm considering this as part of my daily journal entries now. Who has time to come up with all those articles with some kind of opinions every day? To keep a journal live and current is another story. A person would always have something to say about his or her daily activities.
It's still Monday here but it's Tuesday morning Beijing time already. I found out that this website would examine the articles using Beijing time worldwide. Therefore I can write my daily article right after the noontime due to the time difference.
This is usually working out better for me because I can use my lunch break to finish my update quickly during the weekdays.
I have added the jump rope and Taichi practice in my daily exercise routine recently. I did the jump rope in the privacy of my garage because I didn't want other people to see me jumping crazily like a kid.
I am feeling more energized throughout the day. Hopefully, I can continue with these the same as I persevered with the article update.