Never marry for money, fame, power or security. Always follow your heart.
follow [ˈfɒləʊ] v. ①追随 ②理解,明白
1. 对应汉语中的“理解”“明白”“看得懂”
Can you follow the plot so far? 目前为止的剧情你能看得懂吗?
2. follow up (on sth/ sb) 将…深入下去;追查,完美破解汉语中的“接着”“跟进”
You have to remember to follow up on it. 一定要记住跟进这个事。
money [ˈmʌni] n. 钱
1. put (your) money on sth 确信,对应汉语中的“十分确定”“深信不疑”
He'll be there tonight. I'd put money on it. 我十分肯定他今晚会在那儿。
2. get/ have your money's worth 值得花,对应汉语中的“花得值”“买的值”“值回票价”
At least I got my money's worth. 至少这钱我花得值。
英文: I didn't get my money's worth, for it was broken just for one day!
分析:(was broken是被动语态,但句子中是主动,应该用it broke,此外注意一天就坏了,broke是短暂性动词,不用段时间)
2.你肯定会被提拔,我敢打赌。(不用sure/ certain/ bet)
英文: You will be promoted, I put my money on it.
分析:没有用 I would put,而是 I put,个人认为表示的是一种虚拟,与现实相反,would do
英文: I don't follow what he said just now.
1. 这个东西我们买得不值,一天就坏了!
We didn't get our money's worth out of it — it broke in a day!
2. 你肯定会被提拔,我敢打赌。(不用sure/certain/ bet)
You will be promoted — I'd put money on it.
3. 我不太明白他刚才在说什么。(不用understand)
I didn’t quite follow what he was saying.
break:~ (sth) (in/into sth)to be damaged and separated into two or more parts , as a result of force; to damage sth in this way (使)破,裂,碎
•All the windows broke with the force of the blast. 爆炸的力量震碎了所有的窗户。
•She dropped the plate and it broke into pieces . 她把盘子掉在地上打碎了。
•to break a cup/window 打破杯子╱窗户
