It is our imagination that is responsible for love, not the other person.
imagination [ɪˌmædʒɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n]
1. 破解汉语中的“错觉”的概念
Is it my imagination or have you lost a lot of weight?是我的错觉吗,还是你确实瘦了很多?
2. leave nothing/ little to the imagination(暴露身体)没有想象的余地
Her tight-fitting dress left nothing to the imagination. 那件紧身连衣裙,让她的身材显露无遗。
other [ˈʌðə(r)] adj & pron. 另外;其他
1. the other day/ morning/ evening 用于指说话前不久的日子
I saw him the other day. 前几天我还看到他了。
2. go in one ear and out the other 一只耳朵进,另一只耳朵出
Everything I tell him just goes in one ear and out the other. 无论我跟他说啥,他都当耳边风。
1.这是前几周的事了。(不用thing/ ago)
英文: It happened the other day
英文: It's your imagination. You considered me as an imaginary enemy.
3.我早就警告过他,说这事有风险,但他就是不听。(不用listen/ hear)
英文: I have already warned him that there was risk on it, but everything just went in one ear and out the other.
考核点:the other day/ morning/ evening 用于指说话前不久的日子
It happened the other week. 这是前几周的事了。
the other week前几周
考核点:imagination 作名词-“错觉”
❶It’s your imagination. 这是你的错觉。
imaginary enemy 假想敌
You regard me as your imaginary enemy. 你把我当成了假想敌。
regard v.看待;把…视为
考核点:go in one ear and out the other 一只耳朵进,另一只耳朵出
I warned him of the risk我早就警告过他,说这事有风险
but that just went in one ear and out the other 但他就是不听