大海漂流记 20200521

作者: JackyHCXP | 来源:发表于2020-05-21 10:32 被阅读0次


What do you do when things go wrong? Oh, You sing a song!

It's Thursday and rainny this moring, i woke up about 4:40 this morning, now it is sunny.

i didn't had breakfast this morning.

I attended the Skype meeting with Wallace, he asked us to run a DOE, and study why we have a big variation between left and right sides, and the right side is lower than left side. and weill use the follwoing factors to run the DOE:

1, spray gun or spray bottle, because the R&D center use the spray bottle to spray the mold release;

2, molded solts or not;

3,leveling the mix sequency is 1-2-3-4, including put the mix into the mold;

we should preheat the mold 1.5 hours before we run the DOE, and to keep the temperature of the mold is under control.

Morning Meeting:

To Elizabeth

She should communicate this task with Rain and Murphy and then arrange the DOE to do the trails as soon as possbile.



    本文标题:大海漂流记 20200521
