生活中为什么那么多不如意?我们为什么总是那么焦虑?社交媒体上的各种晒,让我们自觉不自觉地“和别人比”, 结果是越比越焦虑,越比越觉得自己差劲。
Our crisis is no longer material ; It's existential ,it's spiritual .
在我看来,作者提出的“not giving a fuck ”的观点,其实和之前“高效能人士的七个习惯”中提出的Begin with the end in mind 和 Put first things first 如出一辙。
人终有一死,纵观个人短暂而有限的一生,你是愿意用有限而短暂的一生关注各种纷纷扰扰,还是真正找到自己所要追求的end, Begin with the end in mind,继而去关注那些对于自己而言真正重要的事情,Put first things first . “高效能人士的七个习惯”的两个原则其实就是“The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck ”的潜台词。
In the short amount of time between here and there , you have a limited amount of fucks to give very few, in fact .
how to pick and choose what matters to you and what does not matter to you based on finely honed personal values .