1 你真是客气。
You are very welcome.
2 不客气。
You are quite welcome.
3 别客气。
Don't mention it.
4 它也让你看起来更谦虚。
It also makes you seem a little bit more humble.
5 就像“你真的不需要感谢我。”
Like "You really don't need to thank me."
6 这没什么。别客气。
It's okay. Don't mention it.
7 别客气。别担心。
No worries. Don't worry about it.
8 不用谢,因为这个任务并不麻烦。
No need for thanks because this task was not a hassle.
9 “这是我的荣幸”或者“我的荣幸”。
It was my pleasure. Or "my pleasure "
10 乐意效劳。
Happy to help.