Concepts become forces when they resist one another_Ideas Beyond Awareness 思想在相互对抗中产生国对抗力--无意识
In 1704,Gottfried Leibniz (German philosopher), discusses petite perceptions in his 《New Essays on Human Understanding》德国哲学家布尼茨在其著作《人类理智新论》中提出 国”微知觉“的概念:先于意识产生的知觉。
Ideas beyond awareness: for example, he pointed out that we often recall having perceived something - such as the details in a scene - even though we are not aware of noticing it at the time. This means that we perceive things and store a memery of them despite the fact that we are unaware of doing so. 比如:他指出,我们经常加快起曾经古籍的东西-比如场景中的细节-即使当时我们没有意识到注意国它。这意味着我们古籍事物并存储记,尽管我们不知道自己这么做了。

Johnn Herbart (German philosopher, 1776-1841)
1.He used "Vorstellung" as the term for ideas - it encompasses thoughts, mental images, and even emotional states. Herbart thought these make up the entire content of the mind, and they were dynamic elements, abot to move the interact with one another. 赫尔巴特称这些为”思想“。他认为它包含想法,心里影像甚至情感状态。这些组成了大脑中的所有内容,并且且他们是动态的,相互交流。
2. He said similar ideas attract each other and combine to form a more complex idea. However, if two ideas are unalike,they contradict one another, then resistance occurs and concepts become forces. One of them would be repelled beyond consciousness into a place of "a state of tendency". 他认为思想可以吸引别的相似思想,组成更强大思想,但是如果两种思想不同,他们就会互相排斥,并形成两股力量。其中一方会被推出”意识“,去往”无意识“区域。
3. Key works -
1808, General Pratical Philosophy
1816 A Text-book in Psychology
1824 Psychology as Science

In 1869, Eduard von Hartmann (German philosopher, 1842-1906), publishes his widely read 《Philosophy of the Unconscious》。 德国哲学家Eduard von Harmann出版了他广为流传的作品《无意识的哲学》。
In 1895, Sigmund Freud and Josef Breuer publish 《Studies on Hysteria》, introducing psychoanalysis and ites theories of the unconscious. He combined Herbart's concepts with his own theories of unconscious, which drives to form the basis of the 20th-century's most important therapeutic approach: psychoanalysis. 西格蒙德.弗洛伊德和约瑟夫.布罗依尔出版了《癔症研究》,介绍心理分析以及其无意识原理。他将赫尔巴特的观点和自己的理论结合起来,这为20世纪最为重要的心理疹疗手段-心理分析学埋下国根基。

In 1912, Carl Jung (Swiss psychoanalyst, 1875-1961) writes 《The Psychology of the Unconscious》, suggesting that all people have a culturally specific collective unconscious. 弗洛伊德的同事瑞士心理分析学家荣格在他著作《无意识心理学》中提出, 所有人都共有一个具备文化特异性的无意识。
