however little know the feelings or vies of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of teh surrounding families, that he is considered the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters.
+ 他被认为是他们女儿其中之一应得的财产。 我会写成 he is considered as the rightful property of one of their daughters. 查阅后知道be considered as sth. 中的as是可以省略的。
+不管对这个男人的感觉和认识有多么少,这里however是连词,强调的是little know这个表语。使用的是表语前置表示强调。正常的语序是however, the feelings or views of such a man may be little know on his first entering a neighbourhood
I have no objection to hearing it.
+ 我不反对sth。 I have no objection to sth.
+这里如果写成 I have no objection to hear it. 就错了,这里no objecton to 是短语, to是介词。介词加动词,动词要变形
+ 对比i have nothing to do. 这里to do是做不定式修饰nothing。 i have nothing to say 等等。 写成i have nothing to saying就错了
a single man of large fortune
+ 对of的理解真的是弱,只记得教科书上说是"...的", 所有对two cup of tea. 和 two legs of the table. 会非常困惑,如果按翻译说明的应该是属于茶的两杯, 属于桌子的两个腿。
+ 知乎上一个回答真的是让我茅塞顿开。of是限定的作用。 two cups of tea. 用名词限定名词的。 首先提现重点是two cups, 然后限定有茶。 two legs 限定是桌子的。 a single man of a good fortune. 首先强调的是单身男人, 限定有很多财富。
how so, how can it affect them
+ 对别人描述的一件事情表示怀疑, how so。
+ 动词影响有affect impact, 两者的区别在于impact指剧烈的冲击影响。effect做动词的时候,准确的说是使发生,引起的意思。做名词是影响的意思。这个影响指的是产生,引起的某种效果。
+ 没有effection这个词。 affect很少做名词。 affection指喜爱之情,感情。跟影响没有关系。
how can you be so tiresome
+ tiresome 讨厌
Is that his design in settling here?
+ design 这里比用target aim好很多
therefor you must visit him as soon as he comes
I see no occasion for that
when a woman has five grown-up daughters, she ought to give over thingking of her own beauty.
+停止,不在 我只会用stop。 give over 和stop的意思相同。 但stop 有两种用法。 stop to do, stop doing, 含义不同。 give over 只加doing
it is more than i engage for.
+ 等同于it is more than I would will to do.
+ that's all i can engage for. engage for 应承,保证的意思。
+这里more than 的用法也特别好。
Only think what an establishment it would be for one of them.
you are over-scrupulous, surely.
+过于谨慎 over-scrupulous, scrupulous 一丝不苟的。
I mush throw in a good word for my little Lizzy
+ throw in a good word for sb, put in a good word for sb. 称赞sb几句
I desire you will do no such thing.
+ desire 这里的含义是wish, long for
she is not half so handsome as Jame, nor half so good-humoured as Lydia. But you are always giving her the preference.
Lizzy has something more of quickness than her sisters.
how can you abuse your won children in such a way?
+abuse 语意是错误的使用,不正确的使用。滥用。 另一个语义是带侮辱性的,刻薄的说。 to speak insultingly or cruelly to; 辱骂,斥责
you take delight in vexing me.
you have no compassino for my poor nervers.
I have heard you mention them with consideration these last twenty years at least.
+with consideration 郑重的
Mr.Bennet was so odd a mixture of quick parts, sarcastic humour, reserve, and caprice.
+ sarcastic humour 挖苦的,讽刺的幽默
+reserve 保守