Day 12: Words & Phrases
- diagnostic
connected with identifying sth, especially an illness
- to carry out diagnostic assessments / tests
进行诊断性评估/检查 - specific conditions which are diagnostic of AIDS
- cardiac arrest
心脏停搏;A cardiac arrest is a heart attack. [MEDICAL]
- resuscitation
Resuscitation is the action of bringing someone back to consciousness. Ambulance workers are skilled at resuscitation.
To resuscitate is to revive someone who has passed out: this act is called resuscitation. If someone needs resuscitation, something serious has happened — the person has lost consciousness and may be on the verge of death. You've probably heard of "mouth-to-mouth resuscitation," which is one method of reviving. Medical professionals have many other techniques and gadgets that aid resuscitation. The Latin root word is resuscitare, "rouse again, or revive," from re and suscitare, "to raise."
- sensor
(探测光、热等的)传感器,探测设备,敏感元件;A sensor is an instrument which reacts to certain physical conditions or impressions such as heat or light, and which is used to provide information.
- grubby
- A grubby person or object is rather dirty.
- His white coat was grubby and stained.
- // with grubby faces.
- If you call an activity or someone's behaviour grubby, you mean that it is not completely honest or respectable. [disapproval]
- //...the grubby business of politics.
- manifestation
A manifestation of something is one of the different ways in which it can appear.
- Different animals in the colony had different manifestations of the disease...
- New York is the ultimate manifestation of American values.
- innovate
to introduce new things, ideas, or ways of doing sth
- We must constantly adapt and innovate to ensure success in a growing market.
我们必须不时地适应并创新,以确保在不断扩大的市场中取得成功。 - to innovate new products
- momentum
the ability to keep increasing or developing
- The fight for his release gathers momentum each day.
争取使他获释的斗争声势日益加强。 - They began to lose momentum in the second half of the game.
- age
- to become older
- As he aged, his memory got worse.
他随着年事增高,记忆力就变差了。 - The population is aging (= more people are living longer).
- to make sb / sth look, feel or seem older
- The shock has aged her.
这次打击让她显得苍老了。 - Exposure to the sun ages the skin.
- sift
To bake a cake, you sift the flour to get out the lumps. When you sift, you separate out one thing from another.
When you sort through the mail looking for the bills or go through your photos to find that shot of your dog, that’s sifting, too.
Detectives sift through piles of evidence when investigating crimes, and you might sift through the hundred applications you get from drummers eager to join your band, to find Ms. Right.
When you're at the beach, you can sift sand through your fingers, and you might see big machines that sift the sand to clean it.
- automated
An automated factory, office, or industrial process uses machines to do the work instead of people.
- The equipment was made on highly automated production lines.
- pharmaceutical
- connected with making and selling drugs and medicines
- pharmaceutical products......// 药物
- the pharmaceutical industry ....// 制药业
- (technical 术语) a drug or medicine
- the development of new pharmaceuticals ...// 新药的开发
- the pharmaceuticals industry ...// 药物业
- in bulk
bought or sold in large quantities
- large companies that buy and sell in bulk
- insurgent
Insurgents are people who are fighting against the government or army of their own country.
- By early yesterday, the insurgents had taken control of the country’s
main military air base.
- digitized
To digitize information means to turn it into a form that can be read easily by a computer.
- It also digitizes the letters, so the information can be stored in a computer...
- The picture is digitised by a scanner.
- a digitized map
- genomic
基因组的;染色体组的;Genomic means relating to genomes.
//...genomic research.
- reimbursement
If you receive reimbursement for money that you have spent, you get your money back, for example because the money should have been paid by someone else.
- She is demanding reimbursement for medical and other expenses...
- It can take up to six months before reimbursements are paid.
- advisor
An advisor is a person who gives advice or leads a group, like an advisor to the school yearbook club, guiding its members in putting together the pages, but not doing the work for them.
There are many situations in life when you may choose to seek the guidance of an advisor: a financial advisor can help you figure out what to do with all your money when you win the lottery, a tax advisor can help you pay the taxes on that money, a career advisor can counsel you in figuring out your dream job now that money is no object, and a travel advisor can help you decide where to spend vacation.
- give rise to
if a situation, event, or action gives rise to a particular feeling, situation etc, it starts the process that makes it happen:
- The canal project gave rise to a malaria epidemic in the region.
- The President’s frequent cancellations have given rise to concerns about his health.
- in this / that regard
concerning what has just been mentioned
- I have nothing further to say in this regard.
- deride
If you deride someone or something, you say that they are stupid or have no value.
- Opposition MPs derided the Government's response to the crisis…
反对党议员嘲弄政府针对危机作出的反应。 - This theory is widely derided by conventional scientists.
- backdrop
The backdrop to an event is the general situation in which it happens.
- The election will take place against a backdrop of increasing instability.
- joint
involving two or more people together
- a joint account (= a bank account in the name of more than one person, for example a husband and wife) 联合账户
- The report was a joint effort (= we worked on it together).
这个报告是大家共同努力的结果。 - They finished in joint first place.
他们获得并列第一。 - They were joint owners of the house (= they owned it together).
- startup
- connected with starting a new business or project
- start-up costs ...// 启动经费
- a company that is just beginning to operate, especially an Internet company
- hedge
~ against sth a way of protecting yourself against the loss of sth, especially money
- to buy gold as a hedge against inflation
- blockbuster
something very successful, especially a very successful book or film / movie
- a Hollywood blockbuster
- relevance
Something's relevance to a situation or person is its importance or significance in that situation or to that person.
- Politicians' private lives have no relevance to their public roles…
政治家的私生活与他们的公众角色不相关。 - There are additional publications of special relevance to new graduate
- count
~ sb / sth (as) sb / sth | ~ as sb / sth
to consider sb / sth in a particular way; to be considered in a particular way
- For tax purposes that money counts / is counted as income.
那笔钱算作收入,需要纳税。 - I count him among my closest friends.
我把他看作我一个最亲密的朋友。 - I count myself lucky to have known him.
和他相识,我觉得很幸运。 - She counts herself one of the lucky ones.
- lucrative
producing a large amount of money; making a large profit
- a lucrative business / contract / market
- inpatient
a person who stays in a hospital while receiving treatment
- ultrasound
- sound that is higher than humans can hear
- a medical process that produces an image of what is inside your body
- Ultrasound showed she was expecting twins.
- devise
to invent sth new or a new way of doing sth
- A new system has been devised to control traffic in the city.
- mammogram
an examination of a breast using X-rays to check for cancer
乳房 X 光检查
- spell
A spell of a particular type of weather or a particular activity is a short period of time during which this type of weather or activity occurs.
- There has been a long spell of dry weather...
- You join a barrister for two six-month spells of practical experience.
你跟着一位出庭律师进行两期为时 6 个月的实习工作。
- //...sunny spells.
....// 阳光灿烂的日子
- kidney
either of the two organs in the body that remove waste products from the blood and produce urine
(of people or behaviour) brave and confident; not afraid to say what you feel or to take risks
- It was a bold move on their part to open a business in France.
在法国开业是他们的一个大胆行动。 - The wine made him bold enough to approach her.
- concussion
脑震荡;If you suffer concussion after a blow to your head, you lose consciousness or feel sick or confused.
- Nicky was rushed to hospital with concussion...
- She fell off a horse and suffered a concussion.
- contraceptive
a drug, device or practice used to prevent a woman becoming pregnant
- oral contraceptives ....// 口服避孕药
- menopause
(often the menopause) the time during which a woman gradually stops menstruating , usually at around the age of 50
- onerous
needing great effort; causing trouble or worry
- an onerous duty / task / responsibility
- reckon
Reckon means guess, or imagine, and is often used by rural types in Hollywood movies who say things like "I reckon I'll be moseyin' on."
Reckon means guess or think, as in "I reckon he's put his nose where it don't belong one too many times.” If reckon sounds odd, that’s because it's mostly gone out of style. When used to talk about prediction, it's a little more common, as in "Who do you reckon is going to win the Super Bowl?" Still, it sounds a little old-fashioned. Many people use the word just for fun. Saying "I reckon" sounds more humorous than "Yes."
- sedentary
Scientists believe that one of the causes of the obesity epidemic sweeping the US is our sedentary lifestyle. Sedentary means sitting a lot and refers to a person or job that is not very physically active.
- materialize
If a possible or expected event does not materialize, it does not happen.
- A rebellion by radicals failed to materialize…
激进分子的叛乱没有得逞。 - None of the anticipated difficulties materialized.
- scrutiny
careful and thorough examination
- Her argument doesn't really stand up to scrutiny.
她的观点经不起认真推敲。 - Foreign policy has come under close scrutiny recently.
近来,政府的外交政策受到了认真彻底的审查。 - The documents should be available for public scrutiny.
- cavalier
not caring enough about sth important or about the feelings of other people
- The government takes a cavalier attitude to the problems of prison overcrowding.
- consent
Consent is permission that can be given or taken away. A father might give his consent to allow a young man to marry his daughter, but he might refuse that consent if he learns that the prospective groom has a prison record. A homeowner who won't give a developer consent to tear down her house and build a shopping mall might finally consent after receiving a very large check from the developer.
- unicorn
an animal like a white horse with a long straight horn on its head
• (传说中的)独角兽
- amid
- in the middle of or during sth, especially sth that causes excitement or fear
- He finished his speech amid tremendous applause.
他在雷鸣般的掌声中结束了演讲。 - The firm collapsed amid allegations of fraud.
- surrounded by sth
- The hotel was in a beautiful position amid lemon groves.
Day 13: Logical Lines

- 根据上一个主题安妮对于绘制逻辑图的一些讲解,这一次也做了相应的应用,抓住不变的因素先单独做出图谱,然后再完成整个内容的串接。但是,当时听起来的时候感觉恍然大悟,然后跃跃欲试,真的做起来的时候,感觉真心不容易,可能因为这种方法我用的比较少吧,所以很不熟练,所以做出的图还是没有安妮的图那么简洁。
- 大体的思路是这样的:
- 首先整个医疗价值圈里面的4个角色先抓住,分别是the technology insurgents, traditional innovators, incumbent players 和 customer, 也就是patients,而文章的其他内容,就在这四个方面分别进行联系和发展,而这些都是围绕着digital health care这一主题的。
- 从内容上来看,文章先讲了一个大背景,就是电子医疗的投资迅猛增长。这个大背景下的原因主要有两点,第一,是因为电子医疗能够降低现有医疗机构的潜在的成本,有比较好的发展空间和发展前景,第二,就是现代人们对于电子医疗的接受程度要远高于之前,所以电子医疗设备能够打开消费者的市场。
- 之后,文章则开始就电子医疗这一领域的迅猛发展开始讨论它对医疗价值链中的各方所带来的影响。有好的影响,当然也有不好的影响。
- 其中,patients 在电子医疗迅猛发展的过程中,为新的innovator提供了大数据,通过各种APP,sensor,或者其他种类的数据平台,而这些数据在促进电子医疗进一步发展的过程中,也给传统的innovator带来了威胁,因为各种先进的APP等要比传统的医院挥着药房等,更加的即时和快速,大大减少了医院的急救率,但同时,由于电子化医疗手段的进一步发展,也给医院等机构提供了很好的电子援助平台,辅助医院更好的进行诊断和测量。而对于technology insurgent来说,未来还有很大的发展空间,作者也对此展开了很多的设想,诸如电子医疗设备进家等等。
Day 14: Summary & Thoughts


- 其实我对于总结全文,和画逻辑图一直是比较头痛的,或者说是不擅长的,因为一方面太花时间,另一方面我自己在这方面的能力一直比较缺乏,所以我在以前的阅读中,或者是平时自己的看书的过程中,下意识会逃避总结全文,概括总结的部分,但是在甘比课堂,在笃师的带领下,学着慢慢的去画逻辑图,我觉得其实这种体验也挺好的,因为,我确实在这个过程中,学到了很多的东西,也学会了深入的去思考文章的内容等等的。不再像之前的那样,有点马虎的阅读方式,也会去根据文章的主题,了解更多的相关知识,所以收获还是比较大的。
- 然后,谈一谈个人对于这篇文章的一些感触和想法吧。不得不说,电子化社会发展的越来越快了,各式各样的电子产品都在快速的渗入人们的生活当中。从之前的电子商务,o2o,B2B, B2C, C2C等平台的发展,到现在电子医疗的迅猛发展,人们的生活真的是很便利。我看到作者在文章中写到的那些可佩带的sensors,AI,APP等等,我也非常的期待,但是现在由于电子医疗还没有大规模的发展,所以这些设施的价格都十分的昂贵,也还没有到人手普及的地步,但是也可以初现苗头。未来的前景绝对非常的好,一方面,现在各个医疗机构本身的成本都在上升,不仅仅是由于规模效应,还有很大一部分在于医疗机构本身由于长时间的垄断地位,所以,相关的自我改善与发展非常的缓慢,远没有电子医疗迅猛发展的势头,那么未来如何减少相关的医疗损失成本,就显得格外受关注了;另一方面,就是人们所处的电子化时代,使得人们脑海中电子化影响也慢慢的深刻起来。就好像支付宝一样,当它已经普及到全国各地了,你很难想象居然还有商店不能接受电子支付,所以人们本身对于电子医疗也是充满了期待的。
- 但是作者所提到的电子医疗的问题,也的确是切中要害。accuracy,security, privacy,每一个都是大问题。尤其是accuracy,医疗不比其他的设备,一旦不够精确,会造成很大的医疗事故,所以先关的技术支持非常的重要。还有就是安全和隐私的问题。这也是电子化时代的通病了,由于没有足够的信息保护体制和人们不够强的安全意识,使得人们的数据和个人信息在电子化时代非常同意被泄露,然后被用于一些不正当的地方,这些都会对人们的生活在成很大的困扰,所以也是未来亟待解决的大问题。
- 总的来说,电子医疗的推行面临着很大的挑战,也有着很好的前景,但是还需要进一步的完善和管理,才能更好的服务于人们。不管怎么说,至少电子化医疗的最大目标还是为人们提供更好的服务,只要将这个放在第一位,我想未来的发展会越来越好。