《普林斯顿数学指引》读书笔记——I.1 数学是关于什么的

《普林斯顿数学指引》读书笔记——I.1 数学是关于什么的

作者: 心皿 | 来源:发表于2017-02-07 23:12 被阅读386次





下一则笔记是《普林斯顿数学指引》读书笔记——I.2 数学的语言和语法

I.1 What Is Mathematics About? (数学是关于什么的)

Algebra, Geometry, and Analysis(代数、几何与分析)


Algebra versus Geometry(代数与几何的区别与联系)

The objects of geometry, and the processes that they undergo, have a much more visual character than the equations of algebra.


The methods used to solve geometrical problems very often involve a great deal of symbolic manipulation, although good powers of visualization may be needed to find and use these methods and pictures will typically underlie what is going on.


注:中文版将“pictures will typically underlie what is going on”译作“在它的下面,典型地有图形在”,非常生硬。这里尝试把“what's going on”当作“how it works”意会成了“内在机理”,不一定准确,请大家体会原文。

As for algebra, is it “mere” symbolic manipulation? Not at all: very often one solves an algebraic problem by finding a way to visualize it.



Mathematicians vary widely in their ability and willingness to follow an argument like that one. If you cannot quite visualize it well enough to see that it is definitely correct, then you may prefer an algebraic approach.

It is often possible to translate a piece of mathematics from algebra into geometry or vice versa. Nevertheless, there is a definite difference between algebraic and geometric methods of thinking——one more symbolic and one more pictorial——and this can have a profound influence on the subjects that mathematicians choose to pursue.





Algebra versus Analysis(代数与分析的区别和联系)

As a first approximation, one might say that a branch of mathematics belongs to analysis if it involves limiting processes, whereas it belongs to algebra if you can get to the answer after just a finite sequence of steps.


However, here again the first approximation is so crude as to be misleading, and for a similar reason: if one looks more closely one finds that it is not so much branches of mathematics that should be classified into analysis or algebra, but mathematical techniques.



注:mathematical techniques中文版译作“数学技巧”,容易引起误解,无论是技术、技艺、方法,都更准确一些。

There are two features......that are typical of analysis. First, although the statement we wished to prove was about a limiting process, and was therefore “infinitary,” the actual work that we needed to do to prove it was entirely finite. Second, the nature of that work was to find sufficient conditions for a certain fairly simple inequality to be true.


The ... argument is somewhat long, but each step consists in proving a rather simple inequality——this is the sense in which the proof is typical of analysis.


Succinctly, algebraists like equalities and analysts like inequalities.


The Main Branches of Mathematics(数学的主要分支)



(There is) a contrast that appears in many branches of mathematics, namely the distinction between general, abstract statements and particular, concrete ones. One algebraist might be thinking about groups, say, in order to understand a particular rather complicated group of symmetries, while another might be interested in the general theory of groups on the grounds that they are a fundamental class of mathematical objects.



Number Theory(数论)

Most number theorists are not directly trying to solve equations in integers; instead they are trying to understand structures that were originally developed to study such equations but which then took on a life of their own and became objects of study in their own right.


As a rough rule of thumb, the study of equations in integers leads to algebraic number theory and the study of prime numbers leads to analytic number theory.



Within the study of manifolds, one can attempt a further classification, according to when two manifolds are regarded as “genuinely distinct.”


......relative distances are not important to topologists, since one can change them by suitable continuous stretches. A differential topologist asks for the deformations to be “smooth” (which means “sufficiently differentiable”).


At the other, more “geometrical,” end of the spectrum are mathematicians who are much more concerned by the precise nature of the distances between points on a manifold (a concept that would not make sense to a topologist) and in auxiliary structures that one can associate with a manifold. See Riemannian Metrics [I.3 §6.10] and Ricci Flow [III.80]


注:“auxiliary structures that one can associate with a manifold”中文版和此处的译法都不太好,请体会原文。

Algebraic Geometry(代数几何)

Algebraic geometers also study manifolds, but with the important difference that their manifolds are defined using polynomials.


Algebraic geometry is algebraic in the sense that it is “all about polynomials” but geometric in the sense that the set of solutions of a polynomial in several variables is a geometric object.


An important part of algebraic geometry is the study of singularities. Often the set of solutions to a system of polynomial equations is similar to a manifold, but has a few exceptional, singular points.




Like algebra, analysis has some abstract structures that are central objects of study, such as Banach Spaces [III.64], Hilbert Spaces [III.37], C*-Algebras [IV.19 ∽3], and Von Neumann Algebras [IV.19 ∽2]. These are all infinite-dimensional vector spaces [I.3 ∽2.3], and the last two are “algebras,” which means that one can multiply their elements together as well as adding them and multiplying them by scalars. Because these structures are infinite dimensional, studying them involves limiting arguments, which is why they belong to analysis. However, the extra algebraic structure of C.-algebras and von Neumann algebras means that in those areas substantial use is made of algebraic tools as well. And as the word “space” suggests, geometry also has a very important role.


注:中文版对substantial use错译为“本质地应用”。

Dynamics [IV.15] is another significant branch of analysis. It is concerned with what happens when you take a simple process and do it over and over again.......The answer turns out to depend in a complicated way on the original number z0. The study of how it depends on z0 is a question in dynamics.


Much of dynamics is concerned with the long-term behavior of solutions to these (partial differential equations).


注:中文版在此处将原文的偏微分方程更正为常微分方程,理由不充分,存疑,此处不采纳;中文版将the long-term behavior of solutions(直接意思是“解的长期行为”)翻译为渐进性态,而渐进性态对应的英文术语是Asymptotic Behavior,不确定是否正确,待查证确认。


The word “logic” is sometimes used as a shorthand for all branches of mathematics that are concerned with fundamental questions about mathematics itself, notably set theory [IV.1], category theory [III.8], model theory [IV.2], and logic in the narrower sense of “rules of deduction.”


Category theory is another subject that began as a study of the processes of mathematics and then became a mathematical subject in its own right. It differs from set theory in that its focus is less on mathematical objects themselves than on what is done to those objects——in particular, the maps that transform one to another.


注:中文版将“another subject”误译作“另一个例子”。

A model for a collection of axioms is a mathematical structure for which those axioms, suitably interpreted, are true. For example, any concrete example of a group is a model for the axioms of group theory.



A first definition is that combinatorics is about counting things.


Combinatorics is sometimes called “discrete mathematics” because it is concerned with “discrete” as opposed to “continuous” structures.


A third definition is that combinatorics is concerned with mathematical structures that have “few constraints.”



The first question counts as number theory, since it concerns a very specific sequence—the sequence of squares—and one would expect to use properties of this special set of numbers in order to determine the answer, which turns out to be yes......The second question concerns a far less structured sequence. All we know about an is its rough size—it is fairly close to n^2—but we know nothing about its more detailed properties...The second problem belongs to combinatorics. The answer is not known. If the answer turns out to be yes, then it will show that, in a sense, the number theory in the first problem was an illusion and that all that really mattered was the rough rate of growth of the sequence of squares.




注:中文版将“a far less structured sequence”译为“构造要少得多的对象”,对理解并无帮助,且丢失了“序列”的信息量,不妥。

Theoretical Computer Science(理论计算机科学)

Theoretical computer science is concerned with efficiency of computation, meaning the amounts of various resources, such as time and computer memory, needed to perform given computational tasks. There are mathematical models of computation that allow one to study questions about computational efficiency in great generality without having to worry about precise details of how algorithms are implemented.



It may happen that there is a “critical probability” p with the following property: if the probability of infection after contact of a certain kind is above p then an epidemic may very well result, whereas if it is below p then the disease will almost certainly die out. A dramatic difference in behavior like this is called a phase transition. (See probabilistic models of critical phenomena [IV.26] for further discussion.)


Mathematical Physics(数学物理)

There is still a big cultural difference between the two subjects: mathematicians are far more interested in finding rigorous proofs, whereas physicists, who use mathematics as a tool, are usually happy with a convincing argument for the truth of a mathematical statement, even if that argument is not actually a proof. The result is that physicists, operating under less stringent constraints, often discover fascinating mathematical phenomena long before mathematicians do.


The articles Vertex Operator Algebras [IV.13], Mirror Symmetry [IV.14], General Relativity and the Einstein Equations [IV.17], and Operator Algebras [IV.19] describe some fascinating examples of how mathematics and physics have enriched each other.




本文标题:《普林斯顿数学指引》读书笔记——I.1 数学是关于什么的
