You Drive Your Own Life 20200216

作者: JackyHCXP | 来源:发表于2020-02-16 11:25 被阅读0次


    Through our future remains unknown, may our good luck last, my our past be past.

    Relative Automotive News

    1 The J. D. Power declared the dependability study for some vehicle companies, the Top 3 are Genesis from Hyundai, Lexus from Toyota and Buick from GM.

    2 Renault declared that they will reduce 2 billions Euros in the future 3 years.  they may be close the plant in China.

    it is Sunday and sunny today,  I went to the market to buy some vegetables and eggs.

    We must scan the code that can exit and enter my community.

    I had a very bad sleep last night, I thought that I only got sleep about three hours. so I feel uncomfortable now.

    My wife is doing morning excerise, her temperature is normal now and my children are watching cartoon.



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