

作者: 熙航君 | 来源:发表于2020-06-02 20:36 被阅读0次



Describe a piece of elestronic equipment you often use.
You should say:
what the equipment is
what it is used for
how to use it
and explain whether you think it is important.

To begin with, in reply to what the equipment is, I guess the thing of greatest importance to me is TV set, one of the best inventions in the past century and the most common electrical appliance in almost every modern family.

In addition, with respect to what it is used for, obviously a TV is for receiving visions and sounds containing information of all kinds, such as latest happiness, technological breakthroughs, entertainment news, to name a few.

Continuing then with how to use it, I guess it has already become a kind of common sense of modern time. You can switch the channels by pressing the buttons either on the remote control or the surface of the TV set.

Finally, regarding the subject of whether I think it is important or not, the answer is yes. Actually TV is always a fantactic platform for knowledge input, as long as we stay sensitive. What's more, the TV set is indeed a magical box, for it can really promote the relationship among family members through discussion over what is being played on screen. Therefore, I guess I can hardly live without it.



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