

作者: 英中老邢 | 来源:发表于2018-03-13 22:51 被阅读112次



她现在伦敦国王学院做实习医生,回头看学生时代所面对的一些痛苦经历和挑战,最后都变成了人生丰富的阅历和财富。正向她在进入伦敦一所著名女校(Henrietta Barnett School)读高中时竞选学生会领袖所发表的演讲:我曾经在四个不同的国家生活和学习过,这段经历让我学会了跟来自世界各地的人交朋友,不论你来自什么种族和文化背景,我都会用心去体会你的真实诉求。下面是她在就读布里斯托大学医学院和帝国理工双学位时对东西文化差异写的一点个人感悟,针对大家普遍认同的“香蕉人”“黄种人外表、白种人思维”这一理念进行了一些探讨。

by Eunice Xing (Bristol University)译 丁悦旸(上海外国语大学)

They call me “banana”, but personally I consider myself to be a “lemon”.


If you are a so called “BBC”, “ABC” or “CBC” you might be  familiar with the term “banana”, used to refer to foreign-born Chinese – whether they are British (BBC), American (ABC), or Canadian (CBC). It supposedly alludes to our yellow-skinned appearance but whiteness on the inside. In the normal sense, I am not a legitimate “banana” as I was actually born in China – a “Beijing-nese”, I would sometimes brag – not having left the motherland for Canada until I was eight, and the UK when I was fourteen. And perhaps it is those first eight years in China that helped me to retain my very yellow core. After all, there is nothing quite like standing all day on TianAnMen Square as a second grader – declaring your allegiance to Chairman Mao to earn the coveted red scarf honglingjin, an emblem for successors of communism – to really get in touch with your Chinese side.

如果你是所谓的“BBC”(British-born Chinese,英国出生的华人),”ABC”(”American-born Chinese”,美国出生的华人),或者”CBC”(”Canadian-born Chinese”,加拿大出生的华人),你一定对“香蕉人”这个词并不陌生。“香蕉人”指国外出生的华人,无论他们是英国人(BBC),美国人(ABC),还是加拿大人(ABC),都统称为“香蕉人”;他们拥有黄种人的外表,白种人的思维方式。我并不是严格意义上的“香蕉人”,因为我出生在中国——我自诩为北京人——直到8岁才离开祖国去了加拿大,14岁才到英国。也许正是在中国的那8年时光让我保留了我黄种人的本质。毕竟,没有什么事情比二年级时站在天安门广场一整天——向毛主席表忠心来获得梦寐以求的共产主义接班人象征,红领巾——更能触及你作为中国人的一面。Worlds apart天壤之别

In today’s globalized economy, where Western brands have conquered most of China’s large and medium sized cities, and Chinese international students in the West buy into more Western high-end brands than domestic students, it could be increasingly difficult to detect cultural differences. But to me – leaving China at a time when Beijing still had mud-path roads, travelling by three-wheel-cart sanlunche rather than the tube was the norm, and we shopped in open-spaced markets rather than department stores – the differences are more striking.


Conservatism and confidence


Perhaps the biggest difference I identified is the gap in the type of character traits that are admired and desired between the East and the West. This of course does not apply to each and every individual, and times are changing; however, I believe this contrast still underpins the difference in the ways we socialise, learn and love. Above all else, I have learnt this: that the Chinese are more conservative where West people are more confident.


First love, and affections


A good example of this distinction can be found in the media, and particularly in the increasingly popular topic of 'first love' in the Chinese film industry. The ideal female protagonist is innocent, sweet and quiet, and could not differ more from the women the West likes to portray: confident, sometimes sexy, but always strong. The female ‘first love’ in the recent hugely successful Taiwanese film, You Are the Apple of My Eye, would have been an unlikely protagonist in a Western film – unless she was a meek wallflower awaiting transformation over the course of the film (think along the lines of She’s All That, and other 'coming-of-age' rom-coms). These archetypes are echoes of real life: this character would be an ideal ‘first love’ in modern China, fitting into the popular “goddess” (or nushen) category – but in the West, she is more likely to be the awkward one in her social interactions, for her lack of expression and emotion. In relationships, only the most recent Chinese generations have begun to express affection comfortably, and display it outwardly. In the West, “public displays of affection” (PDA), within quite loose boundaries, have been a widely accepted societal norm for a while. It does not mean the Chinese love less – if anything, I would argue the Chinese are more family-centric – but rather that they have traditionally been more restrained when conveying feelings.

我们可以透过媒体,尤其是透过中国电影行业中越来越火爆的 “初恋” 这个话题,找到反映这个差异的绝佳事例。理想的女主角天真无邪,温婉安静,与西方热衷于塑造的自信、偶尔性感、但总是很坚强的女性形象迥然不同。最近大获成功的台湾电影《那些年,我们一起追的女孩》的“初恋”女主角,在西方电影中是不可能作为主角加以渲染的——如果她是性情温顺的“壁花”(舞会中没有舞伴而坐着看的人),随着电影剧情发展会进行蜕变,那就另当别论了(参照《窈窕美眉》以及其他“青春成长”型浪漫喜剧的剧情)。这些人物原型来源于现实生活:在现代中国,她们可能是理想的“初恋”,是“女神”——但是在西方,她们更可能是社交圈里格格不入的一员,因为她们缺乏情感,不善于表达。恋爱关系中,中国直到年轻的这一代人才会公开地表达爱慕,而不会感到局促不安。而在西方,社会长久以来对“公开秀恩爱”(PDA, public displays of affection)并没有一个严格的限定,接受度很高。这并不意味着中国人爱得不深——如果说中西方有区别的话,我坚信中国人更加以家庭为中心——而是说,在表达感情时,中国人历来更加委婉含蓄

Smaller social circles


Just as we are conservative in love, so the Chinese also like to socialise in tight-knit, familiar circles, whether for a ‘midnight snack' (yexiao) or karaoke. This is symbolic of the type of friendships that the Chinese cherish: close, devoted and lifelong. My grandmother’s recent funeral was attended by most of my father’s high school friends, and even some from primary school, despite him having left the country over a decade ago and only maintaining contact through WeChat. The Chinese treasure this sense of community and belonging – and by extension, the freedom and confidence shown in the West, the dancing amongst strangers at a party or a club, can seem almost sinful. The ability to make ‘small talk’ is a necessity in Western communities: during my work placements at investment banks in the UK, ‘networking’ was always a scheduled part of the programme. For the Chinese, formality and respect for hierarchy is often more appreciated in the building of connections (guanxi).


Modesty in education


This conservatism is likely to derive from China's cultural encouragement of modesty, in friendship, in love and also in learning. There’s a saying that goes: “the gun shoots the bird that flies first”. The best students in China are often the ones who diligently learn what they are taught the best, the ones who can memorize and recite word-by-word. In contrast, the West admires those who are inquisitive, innovative and have the confidence to defy the already-stated. This may have much to do with the Chinese inclination for ‘face’ – the much used term for dignity – and to not ‘lose face’ by refraining from stating a potentially wrong answer. In contrast, the phrase ‘it’s not about getting it right or wrong’ would be familiar to anyone who has studied in a Western classroom.


Learning to discuss


I remember that I used to be annoyed at attending meetings in the West that did not reach a conclusion – perhaps it was the Chinese in me. It perplexed me how much talking went on. Isn’t it more efficient, I would wonder, to repeat and follow what has been done successfully before? My ‘face’ wishes me to speak only when I know with certainty that a thought is ‘accurate’ or can be accomplished. Chinese people often do not discuss the process and problems, but rather only speak of achievements – and even these are often not mentioned, out of Chinese modesty. Ironically, it was becoming the president of a leadership society at my medical school that made me see the power of discussion, and the importance of holding class debates with everyone involved. Speaking itself can be an expression and sharing of thought processes, correct or otherwise; it pushes the boundaries and evokes the opportunities for innovative ideas and novel prospects to emerge.


Taking the best from both world


Identifying these differences is not about judging; rather, it is an act of appreciation by walking between the cultures. My younger years in Chinese education, rehearsing prose and poetry by memory and re-writing characters by the hundreds, has given me the discipline and dedication required to study medicine. On the other hand, my experiences of undertaking individual projects in Canada, participating in outside-the-box subjects such as media studies, and following extracurricular pursuits (such as being part of the head girl team at my school in the UK) have given me the necessary creativity for my second degree in business and management. For me, a big part of growing is learning and taking the best from both worlds.


Therefore I choose to remain not a “banana” but a “lemon”, yellow inside and out, as mother nature has intended for me – but my eyes and arms are wide open to embrace the diversity I am lucky to have around me.




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