开发者神器 Ubuntu Make 15.11.1 发布

开发者神器 Ubuntu Make 15.11.1 发布

作者: Devid | 来源:发表于2015-11-19 09:52 被阅读1438次

Ubuntu Make 原名 Ubuntu Developer Tools Center,是一款开源的命令行工具软件,用户可在主要 Linux 平台上轻易的进行安装,以开发 Android 应用。


最新版本 Ubuntu Make 15.11.1,发布日志

  • Added support for Netbeans IDE, with possibility of extension to support its flavours.
  • Add large and initial support for medium tests.
  • Add Rust support, installing the latest rust compiler and tools version.
  • Initial support for medium and large tests.
  • Override GOROOT value instead of appending it (Go doesn’t support GOROOT having multiple values).
  • Change android NDK env variable to use NDK_ROOT instead of ANDROID_NDK.
  • Fix webstorm icon renamed upstream.
  • Ship version file as part of the install (Now –version really works on packaged flavor as well) + stamp generated binary with correct version.
  • Fix BaseInstaller to not crash when all downloads assets are 404 + add medium tests for this.
  • Ensure -r global option behave like –remove.
  • Some style, refactoring and formatting tidy up for recent merges and changes.
  • Add medium assets, certificates and additional failure test cases for netbeans and rust.
  • Update docker container for medium tests with new certificates.
  • Readd Travis CI integration running pep8 and small tests (with badge status and updated wording in README). New pushes and pull requests are now automatically tested on those 2 kinds of tests.
  • Fix and updates dependencies for package and pip virtualenv deps.
  • Standardize the test environment so that people running tests using for instance zsh are not impacted.
  • Finish up shipping static files support for future frameworks.
  • Using scala framework for loading tests and making autopkgtests pass on armel64 (android not available on this arch).
  • Improve releasing script and migrate gbp config to new headers.
  • Refreshed translation template and updated translations. Thanks to all our translators!

Ubuntu 用户安装命令:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-make
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-make

卸载 umake 命令:

sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-make

使用说明:了解 Ubuntu,运行umake –help:要安装统一的三维:

sudo umake games unity3d

安装Arduino IDE,命令:

sudo umake ide arduino

安装 GO 命令:

sudo umake go go-lang

安装 dartlang 命令:

sudo umake dart editor

安装 pycharm 命令:

sudo umake ide pycharm

安装 eclipse 命令:

sudo umake ide eclipse

安装 IntelliJ IDEA 命令:

sudo umake ide idea-ultimate

安装 IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 命令:

sudo umake ide idea

安装 Webstorm 命令:

sudo umake ide webstorm

安装 pycharm-professional 命令:

sudo umake ide pycharm-professional

安装 pycharm-educational 命令:

sudo umake ide pycharm-educational

安装 Phpstorm 命令:

sudo umake ide phpstorm

安装 Rubymine 命令:

sudo umake ide rubymine

安装 Stencyl 命令:

sudo umake games stencyl

安装 Android NDK 命令:

sudo umake android android-ndk

安装 Android Studio 命令:

sudo umake android android-studio

安装 Firefox Dev 命令:

sudo umake web firefox-dev




    本文标题:开发者神器 Ubuntu Make 15.11.1 发布
