

作者: ShirleyTang1212 | 来源:发表于2017-04-26 17:52 被阅读11次


    1、stagnation 停滞 the state of not flowing or moving

    词组:a period of economic stagnation

    2、hallmark 特征 a distinctive feature, especially one of excellence

    例句:the tiny bubbles are the hallmark of fine champagnes.

    3、rotate 轮换 pass to each member of a group in a regularly recurring order

    例句:the job of chairing the meeting rotates.

    4、upheaval 混乱,大变动 a violent or sudden change or disruption to something

    词组:major upheavals in the financial markets

    5、insurgent 造反者

    例:an attack by armed insurgents

    6、exaggerate 夸大

    例:to exaggerate about [something] 对某事物言过其实

    7、realignment 再结盟

    例:social/political realignment 社会/政治重组

    8、reverberation 后果 a continuing effect

    例:psychological reverberations心理后遗症

    9、revitalize 使恢复元气 imbue (something) with new life and vitality

    例:investment in technology will revitalize the economy 对技术的投资将重振经济

    10、Les misérables 悲惨世界

    11、proximate 立刻,立即 (especially of a cause of something) closest in relationship; immediate例:that storm was the proximate cause of damage to it.

    12、fury 狂怒

    例:in fury 狂怒地

    to vent one's fury on or upon [somebody]/[something];


    his fury knew no bounds


    13、anguish 极度痛苦

    例:to be in anguish 痛苦万分

    14、grumbling 抱怨

    例:grumbling at or about [somebody]/[something];对某人/某事的抱怨

    15、sluggish 行动缓慢的

    例:the heat made us sluggish 高温使我们萎靡不振

    after a sluggish start 在经历起步阶段的不景气之后

    16、vim 活力

    例:full of vim and vigour 充满活力的

    17、malaise 莫名的不安

    例:a general air of malaise 普遍的不安气氛

    18、rift 分歧

    例:a rift between [somebody] and [somebody];某人与某人之间的分歧

    to cause a rift;引起分歧

    a growing or widening or deepening rift 不断加深的分歧

    19、grip 抓牢 take and keep a firm hold

    例:to come or get to grips with [somebody]/ [something] 开始与某人/某物搏斗

    20、overhaul 彻底检查

    to give ([something]) an overhaul(对某物)进行大修

    a complete/thorough/major overhaul 全面/彻底/大检修

    21、bum 乞求

    例:to bum [something] off or from [somebody] 向某人索要某物

    22、ail 给。。。带来麻烦

    23、remedy 改进措施

    例:to be past or beyond remedy无可救药

    desperate diseases require desperate remedies 重病需下猛药

    24、evict 驱逐

    例:to evict [somebody] from somewhere 将某人从某处赶走

    25、decry 公开谴责

    例:decries globalization as a threat to

    26、perilous 危险的

    例:such an investment seems a perilous undertaking 那样的投资似乎是十分冒险的事

    27、resurrect 恢复

    28、hefty 有力的

    例:a hefty blow 重重的一击

    Day 16 神句神词组

    1. Stagnation, both political and economic, has been the hallmark of a country where little has changed for decades, even as power has rotated between the established parties of left and right.


    2. The implications of these insurgencies are hard to exaggerate.


    3. The resulting realignment will have reverberations far beyond France’s borders. It could revitalize the European Union, or wreck it.


    4. Further fueling voter’s anger is their anguish at the state of France.


    5. Its vast state, which absorbs 57% of GDP, has sapped the country’s vitality.


    6. If she pulls France out of the euro, it would trigger a financial crisis and doom a union that, for all its flaws, has promoted peace and prosperity in Europe for six decades.



    1. Uselessness and self-dealing of the ruling class 无用自私的统治阶级

    2. Exposed deep cultural rifts with …暴露了深深的文化分歧

    3.  Get to grips with:应付

    4. Overhaul of pensions and social security 一场养恤金和社会保障革新

    5. Massive strikes:大规模罢工

    6. Tap into that frustration:尽可能利用挫败情绪

    7. Radically different 截然不同的

    8. Call a referendum on leaving the EU 呼吁脱欧公投

    9. Staunchly pro-trade/embraces cultural change and technological disruption.


    10. Be short on precise policies:缺乏清晰的政策

    11. Pitch himself as…自我标榜为

    12. Trim the state payroll by…削减工资

    13. Repudiation of the status quo 对现状的否定

    14. Appeal to sb 吸引某人

    15. Hefty loan 巨额贷款

    16. Suffer hacking attacks 遭受黑客攻击

    17. Slash labor code:削减劳动力法

    18. Enact agenda: 制定议程






