

作者: 苍茫3 | 来源:发表于2020-05-26 08:01 被阅读0次




Human beings cannot distinguish right from wrong.  The key is what is needed in the depths of your consciousness?  Instead of being swayed by other people's ideas.  A handful of people in mankind have fabricated a lot of conceptual cultures in various secrets of their own vulnerabilities. So, do the consequences of these moral concepts and values ​​ultimately bring to humanity meet the needs of your heart?  All the moral and legal rules fabricated by human beings and everything humans follow are not necessarily right.  The law of the jungle of weak meat, strong food, survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest is the natural law of nature, is that right?  It is not necessarily right, the key is whether the consequences of this law meet your deep needs?  If you think it meets your inner needs, you can follow this rule. If you don't think you can meet your inner needs, you can object.  Are the so-called human social values ​​of gifted human rights, equality and freedom correct?  Does the key match your deep voice?  In fact, the sky only endowed everyone with life and the initial sense of autonomy.  It does not give you human rights, it only gives you the opportunity to fight for and defend your own human rights. At the same time, it also gives you the opportunity to survive the fittest and survive the fittest.  Humans are generally willing to obey the consequences of whatever choice is made.

Human beings cannot think right or wrong, but they can hear the voice deep in their consciousness, start from the voice deep in their consciousness, discover their souls, and pursue what they really want.  In reality, most people do not have their own independent and complete souls, these are living dead or walking dead.  They only have the most primitive instincts of animal nature. These living dead people will be led by the gangsters in various religions, various doctrines, various ideological and cultural concepts.  The living dead do not have an independent and complete soul. The soul of the living dead must be attached to the souls of others and to the concepts conceived by the gangsters of certain religions, doctrines, sects, collectives, races, and countries, and accept the slavery of gangsters.  If you give those living and dead people freedom, maybe they will be confused. They are like children who cannot find their homes in the wilderness.  There is his place of ownership.  That's right, anyone is very small in nature and in the universe, so small that it is as insignificant as dust.  But man is also important to himself, so no matter how small you are, you must grasp your own short and short fate.  Don't give destiny to any collective built in the name of country, geography, mountain, race, culture, religion, etc.  The collectives constructed by human beings in any name and rhetoric are wrong and anti-free.  Giving yourself to the collective is to the gangsters who control the collective.  Any traitor is extremely evil, and will definitely sacrifice your destiny for his destiny.  Those who participate in society as individuals with independent and complete souls are considered living.


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