Long ago in the Italian city-kingdom of Alba Longa, there lived a good king named Numitor with his lovely daughter, Princess Rhea. King Numitor's brother, Amulius, was an evil man. Amulius overthrew King Numitor from his throne. He then banished Numitor from the kingdom and forced him to live in the caves on the outskirts of the city. The new, evil king told Numitor he could never come back.
国王King Numitor 被坏心的兄弟Amulius篡位,然后被驱逐出城,只能住在山洞里。老国王有一位美丽的公主,Princess Rhea. 成了新国王的Amulius总是害怕Rhea公主会生下儿子,然后把王位抢回去,于是把她关进了Vesta神庙,在那里的任何人都不能结婚。
The new king, Amulius, was afraid that Princess Rhea would have sons who could take the throne back from him. So he imprisoned Princess Rhea in the Temple of Vesta. Anyone in the Temple of Vesta was not allowed to marry.
战神Mars听说这样的不平之事,就发誓要拨乱反正。他拜访了Rhea,并给了她一对双胞胎儿子,名字就叫做Romulus和Remus. 但新国王很快发现了并命令将这对男孩杀死,于是Mars和Rhea决定将他们藏起来。
They placed the infants in a small wooden canoe and set them afloat on the Tiber River. The babies floated along the river for quite some time. At last, they washed up on the shore. Without their mother or father to care for them, the babies began to cry. Their little voices were heard by a nearby she-wolf that had just given birth to wolf pups of her own.
The she-wolf, a favorite animal of Mars, approached the tiny canoe with caution. If the creatures in the canoe were dangerous, she would not let them hurt her pups. But when the she-wolf peered into the canoe, she saw the two screaming, helpless babies. Her heart melted. The she-wolf gently carried them back to her den. There she cared for them as if they were her own pups.