阅读手记|罗马神话:The Oak and the Linden

阅读手记|罗马神话:The Oak and the Linden

作者: 一枝黄花菜 | 来源:发表于2021-01-25 23:58 被阅读0次


    Jupiter,朱庇特,即希腊神话中的宙斯Zeus, 是诸神之王,the king of the gods. 太阳系中最大的行星,木星,即以他命名,英语就叫Jupiter。

    Mercury,是Jupiter最喜爱的儿子,希腊神话中的名字叫Hermes,赫耳墨斯, 其标志是穿着一双带翅膀的凉鞋(winged sandals)。 九大行星中的水星以他命名,就叫Mercury.

    这个故事中还有两个凡人,是一对年老的贫穷的夫妻,丈夫叫Philemon, 妻子叫Baucis, 故事最后变成了两棵树,即题目里的橡树oak tree和菩提树Linden tree。


    But Jupiter, the king of the gods, was bored. He could not eat another bite of ambrosia, the food of the gods. He would not listen to another note sung by Apollo as he played his lyre. Jupiter shut his eyes tight so that he could not see the Graces do the same dance over and over. 

    It was too perfect to bear. 



    “Come with me down to Earth. We're going to test the kindness of the people of Phrygia to see if they are worthy of my special protection," Jupiter told him. 


    “No!" was the answer they got every time. The people of Phrygia slammed doors in their faces. They forced Jupiter and Mercury away from their homes. 


    "These people are not worthy of your protection, Father," Mercury said. Jupiter was angry. He could not believe that these people were so selfish and mean. 

    "Let's try one more home," Jupiter said, "or I shall have to take my revenge on these folks."


    They came upon a tiny hut with a rickety roof of reeds. The house offered no protection from the weather. It was the poorest and smallest home that they had found. In fact, it was so small and poor that it could hardly be called a house at all. In the garden there was one scrawny cabbage. In the yard there was one bony goose. 

    但是没想到这家人,Baucis和Philemon, 自己一无所有,却打开门迎了他们进去,并热情地招待了他们。

    "Come in!" Philemon said. "You look as though you've journeyed long."

    "You must be weary. Set your feet beside the fire, " Baucis offered. 

    From their nearly bare cupboards, Baucis and Philemon set out every morsel of food they had. They placed a dish of olives, a bowl of turnips, two roasted eggs, and two bowls of cabbage soup on the table. 

    从他们几乎空空如也的橱柜里,Baucis和Philemon把仅有的一点食物都拿出来摆到他们面前: 一碟橄榄,一碗萝卜,两片煎蛋,和两碗卷心菜汤。



          本文标题:阅读手记|罗马神话:The Oak and the Linden
