

作者: 阁香书院 | 来源:发表于2019-11-24 09:51 被阅读0次


    A little mouse living on a farm was looking through a crack(裂缝) in the wall one day and saw the farmer and his wife opening a package. The mouse was intrigued(好奇的) by what food the package may contain.

    有一天,一只住在农场里的小老鼠透过围墙上的裂缝看到农夫和他的妻子打开了一个包裹。 小老鼠很想知道里面装着什么食物。

    He was aghast(惊骇的) to discover that it was a mousetrap. The mouse ran to the farmyard warning everyone “there is a mousetrap in the house, there is a mousetrap in the house.”



    The chicken raised his head and said, “Mr. Mouse, I can tell you this trap is a grave concern to you, but it has no consequence to me and I cannot be bothered with it.”


    The mouse turned to the pig, “I am so sorry Mr. Mouse, but the trap is no concern of mine either!”The mouse then turned to the bull, “It sounds like you have a problem Mr. Mouse, but not one that concerns me.”

    老鼠又去找猪,猪却说:“抱歉,老鼠先生,那个夹子和我也没关系!” 老鼠后来又去找牛,牛说:“老鼠先生,听起来你好像摊上麻烦了,但这与我无关。”

    The mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected(沮丧的) that no one would help him or has concern about his dilemma. He knew he had to face the trap on his own.

    老鼠回到了家里,耷拉着脑袋,沮丧极了,怎么就没有一个人愿意帮帮他或是对他遇到的麻烦事儿上心呢? 他很清楚,麻烦还得自己面对。

    That night the sound of a trap catching its prey(猎物) was heard throughout the house. The farmer's wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness she could not see that it was a venomous(有毒的) snake whose tail the trap had caught. The snake bit the farmer's wife.

    当晚,老鼠夹抓到猎物的声音传到了屋子的每个角落。农夫妻子跑去看到底抓到了什么。四下里漆黑一片,她根本不可能看见老鼠夹夹住的是一条毒蛇的尾巴。 蛇把农夫的妻子咬伤了。

    The wife caught a bad fever and the farmer knew the best way to treat a fever was with chicken soup. The farmer took his hatchet(短柄小斧) to the farmyard to get the soup's main ingredient.


    The wife got sicker and friends and neighbors came by to take turns sitting with her round the clock. The farmer knew he had to feed them, so he butchered the pig.


    The farmer's wife did not get better, in fact she died and so many friends and family came to her funeral that the farmer had to slaughter the bull to feed all of them.






