Day 28
Julian Treasure: How to speak so that people want to listen
How to speak so that people want to listen_腾讯视频
今天主要关注三个维度中的第一个维度,语言提高,我以和线的形式highlight语言提高部分。 点(词汇) 收集了一些自己不认识/不常用的词汇,在以后的表达中可以有意识的去应用。
noun. an attempt to shift blame for your failures.
penultimate [penˈʌltɪmət]
adj. next to the last
embroidery [ɪmˈbrɔɪdəri]
noun. patterns that are sewn onto cloth using threads of various colours; cloth that is decorated in this way
dogmatism [ˈdɒɡmətɪzəm]
noun. behaviour and attitudes that are dogmatic
conflate [kənˈfleɪt]
verb. to put two or more things together to make one new thing
prosody [ˈprɒsədi]
noun. the patterns of sounds and rhythms in poetry; the study of this
- what would the world be like if we were creating sound consciously and consuming sound consciously and designing all our environments consciously for sound?