

作者: 芳草June | 来源:发表于2023-12-22 22:20 被阅读0次

    (文  刘俊芳)

        这是南京市名师桂婷婷老师的一节写作课When I was a little girl.整节课桂老师都在启发、引导学生思考,说出自己的想法,这就是培养学生的思维品质和语言能力及学习策略,落实核心素养培养目标。桂老师的板书一如既往的是简笔画式的,图文并茂,赏心悦目。

    一、Get to know

      1.呈现四个关于新老师的句子,让学生猜测哪个是错误的描述。Which one is wrong?Why?

    When I was a little girl, I was like a ugly ducking

    When I was a little girl, l always felt hungry and ate a lot.

    When I was a little girl, I was like an active dog, I would jump into the water to catch frogs.

    When I was a little girl,I was like a lazy pig. I sometimes dodn't do my homework.

    (I was like a hard-working ant.I always did my homework well.)

    2.What's this about? Miss V's childhood.

    What your childhood? interesting ?colorful? 

    3. 引入新课题

    Today We are gonna to make a picture book.How to make a picture book?

    呈现绘本封面Maybe we can get some ideas from this picture book" When I was a little girl".


    1.What was she like?引导学生观察并归纳“使用了比喻句——形容词和名词”

    呈现五幅图片,描述When I she was a little girl, she was like

    a running horse,a naughty monkey, a dancing butterfly,    a curious explorer(What does it mean? 生She had a lot of  strange ideas/ questions.?)a sweet angel

    Was this girl a real horse? We use“was like”What does it mean? (像)When we use "be like" it can make your introduction more vivid/alike(更生动形象)老师用肢体语言She was like a dancing butterfly.



    My dad is like a lazy pig.启发学生有不同的想法a hard-working ant(躺在沙发上不是看手机,而是和学生交流)

    When I got 100 point in the English test, I am like a proud horse(a excited tiger)

    Miss V  is like a sweet cat.(friendly rabbit)

    鼓励学生用was like讨论童年的自己When I was a little boy/girl, I was like...

    生1  I was like a naughty monkey.(Why?Because  I like playing.)

    生2  I was  like  a  naughty  monkey.  Because  I like climb ing trees.

    生3 I was like a busy bee. because I always did  my homework and I did best.

    生4  I was like a happy pig, Because I had yummy food to eat.

    生5  I  was  like  a  happy  pig,too.  Because I had many friends.

    3.阅读绘本,学习绘本中是如何描写She was a sweet angel. 引导学生理解添加细节来支撑观点和丰富内容。

    生1She always made noodles for her mom and dad.

    生2 She loves animal friends. She always gave delicious food to them and cleaned their homes.

    引导学生理解,添加细节是为了支撑观点(She was a sweet angel.)和丰富内容。

    通过例子让学生明白细节是如何支撑观点的。Miss V is like a strong lion.

    A. Miss V can run and jump all day long and never feels tired. B. Miss V likes eating and sleeping.

    4.呈现图片让学生添加细节进行操练My mom is like a angry tiger.

    生1 She is always angry at my handwriting.(What does she say when she is angry? 生答You should write slowly and carefully.)

    生2 She always shout at me.(Why  does she shout? Because I do homework slowly.


    引导学生关注并使用 I would... ,    I could..., I liked...


    生1 I was like a naughty monkey. I liked climbing trees.

    生2 I  was like a quiet mouse. I was afraid of talking with people.

    生3  I was like a happy pig. I liked eating.

    生4 I was like a lazy cat. I liked sleeping.(教师提醒学生也要多运动,渗透育人。)


    1.呈现Miss V自己的习作,提示学生添加更多细节来支撑自己的观点。


    出示模板及提示(2~3 个细节,使用形容词和名词),提示词。


    4.教师引导学生理解,再画上图就是picture book.并升华育人目标。

    Everyone has a childhood. Good or naughty.                  Free or busy. Quiet or happy. Just write it and enjoy it. Childhood will surely pass      but the child in us will always last.




