1. 电子票
The electronic tickets
The electronic tickets, which can be used on Beijing’s metro network apart from airport lines, will be available on the app Yitongxing, the official online Beijing Subway payment platform.
一日票(one-day pass)
二日票(two-day pass)
三日票(three-day pass)
五日票(five-day pass)
七日票(seven-day pass)
在给定期限内不限次数乘坐北京轨道交通全路网所有线路(unlimited travel in Beijing's subway network within designated time period)。
不再享受轨道交通其他优惠政策(not eligible to other favorable subway fare policies)
一经激活不予退票(no refunds can be issued once the tickets are activated online)
按里程计价制度(a metered fare system)
开卡(creating account)
充值(topping up)
公交、地铁联乘的日票(day-calculated tickets for joint bus and subway rides)
单程票 single ticket/one-way ticket
往返票 return ticket
高峰期 rush hour
换乘站 interchange station
自动售检票系统 automatic fare collection(AFC)
2. 火车上该不该设“儿童车厢”?
Should trains have children's carriages?
The idea is very creative, and they always welcome new ideas and suggestions being put forward to the rail services.
Whether or not it's necessary to concentrate noisy children in one compartment, all public transport faces a similar situation.
There are people suggesting that those who like to watch films or listen to music should be concentrated in one carriage. These suggestions provide inspiration for the improvement of the public transport sector, but also bring new challenges about how we can further improve and refine the services of public transportation.
女宾包房(ladies-only compartment)
优先将票分配到女宾包房中(get priority in ticket allocation in the ladies-only compartments)
购买整包(book an entire compartment)
季节性折扣(seasonal discount)
车厢:英式coach/carriage 美式car
乘客车厢passenger coach/passenger car
卧铺车厢中独立的隔间 compartment
行李车厢(baggage car)
餐车(dinning car)
卧铺车厢(sleeping car)
硬座车厢(chair car)
3. 2019年达沃斯年会
“全球化4.0:打造第四次工业革命时代的全球架构(Globalization 4.0: Shaping a Global Architecture in the Age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution)”。
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is best described by its leading technologies: artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, and the Internet of Things. These are technologies that will affect many industries in the decades to come and accord unprecedented importance to the digital world.
In this world, globalization won’t disappear; it will deepen. If in the past global integration grew as trade barriers came down, it will now rely on the connectivity of national digital and virtual systems and the related flow of ideas and services. This is the core of Globalization 4.0.
This fourth wave of globalization needs to be human-centered, inclusive and sustainable.
First, the dialogues that take place to shape Globalization 4.0 must involve all the relevant global players.
Second, the preservation of social and national cohesion should be placed front and center.
Third, coordination—achieving shared objectives—will yield more successes than cooperation—acting out a common strategy.
“地缘政治和观念多元化的世界”全球对话(a global dialogue on the geopolitics and a “multiconceptual” world)
“和平与和解”全球对话(a global dialogue on peace and reconciliation)
“经济的未来”全球对话(a global dialogue on the future of the economy)
回顾经济和社会决策原则(review principles for economic and social decision-making)
“金融和货币体系”全球对话(a global dialogue on financial and monetary systems)
利用加密货币和区块链等新技术共同塑造货币和金融体系(jointly shape our monetary and financial systems by leveraging new technologies, such as cryptocurrencies and blockchain)
“风险复原力”全球对话(a global dialogue on risk resilience)
“人力资本”全球对话(a global dialogue on human capital)
“新社会愿景”全球对话(a global dialogue on a new societal narrative)
“制度改革”全球对话(a global dialogue on institutional reform)
“工业系统”全球对话(a global dialogue on industry systems)
“技术政策”全球对话(a global dialogue on technology policy)
“网络安全”全球对话(a global dialogue on cybersecurity)
“经济合作”全球对话(a global dialogue on economic cooperation)
“推进‘一带一路’倡议:展望中国的万亿美元愿景(Advancing the Belt and Road Initiative: China’s Trillion-Dollar Vision)”
“中国经济展望(China Economic Outlook)”
“全球化4.0:中国如何塑造全球商业的未来(Globalization 4.0: China's Role in the Future of Global Commerce)”