If that was a beautiful thing to do, it was a beautiful thing to do — that was all.
有意思的是,他住在张方平家中是,一次宴席上,看到故友的侍妾改嫁,宴席上谈笑风生,让他几多感慨,故人不在,新人犹笑~ (Thinking of his dear friend, his eyes moistened with tears and his throat choked.)
元丰八年(1085)五月二十二日,苏东坡一家抵达太湖地区的新家,也原以为之后也就在此定居医生了,然而上天又一次 “眷顾” 了他,京城传来复官的消息……
今天读完这一章,很是感慨人的命运有时真是随波逐流,不由人定。还有那句话,性格决定命运。苏东坡这样性格的人,注定会是个爱民体恤的好官,会是个肝胆义气的朋友,但未必会是个好当家吧~ 身为他的妻子,子女,必是会时刻提心吊胆,东飘西荡一辈子的吧…… 然而,如人饮水,冷暖自知。
Words and Expressions:
But his enemies still tried to pick fault even in Su’s formal letter of thanks.
pick, 这里表示 “寻找…的口实,寻[衅];,找碴儿”,If you pick a fight or quarrel withsomeone, you deliberately cause one.
例句:He was clearly in a mood to pick a quarrel with anybody.
Now came the official farewell parties and requests from his many friends for autographed scripts, of which he tossed off a great many.
autograph, 可数名词,表示 “名人的亲笔签名”,a famous person’s signature that they give to someone who admires them;autographed, 形容词,意思是 “亲笔签名的”,如:an autographed photo - 签名照;文中句子里的 autographed scripts,可理解为苏东坡的题字;
注意与 signature 在意义上的差别:
signature 在中文是“签字”,有法律效力; autograph 则是纪念性的“签名”,例如“追星族”请影视明星或体育明星签名留念,签名者并不承担任何法律责任。但是有时候签名留念也有用 signature 的。[From: 英语常用词疑难用法手册]
toss off, 动词短语,表示 “毫不费劲的一口气做完”,to produce something quickly and without much effort;
例句: He tossed off a few lines of poetry.
此外,toss something off,在书面语中还可表示为 “一饮而尽”,to drink something quickly;
例句:When the brandy arrived, he filled a glass and tossed it off, in a gestureof childish defiance.
They whiled away several days before Su Tungpo finally left.
while away (time) / while (time) away, 短语动词,表示 “消磨,打发(时间)”, to spend (time) doing something pleasant and easy;
例句:We whiled away the afternoon with a walk around the garden.
例句:They whiled the hours away telling jokes and stories.
仿句:Her parents always while away the weekend playing mahjong [麻将].