美剧Billions/亿万 S1E3(8-12minute)

美剧Billions/亿万 S1E3(8-12minute)

作者: 笨言Ben语 | 来源:发表于2020-09-21 13:11 被阅读0次


What up, big Steve?

Good morning, Mr. Bailey.

Thank you, Cheryl.

Mr. Bailey's office.

I have Mr. Purkheiser on the line.

Thank you.

What do you say, Purk?

Word is, Bobby Axelrod is up to a 4.9% stake in YumTime.

Thanks for the heads up, Purk.


All right.

Cheryl, get in here!


I have someone on the line. Someone 想和你通话

Word is 据传


And you know what ATM stands for, right?


I don't wanna be the kind of person that gets off on that. I really don't. But...I've learned this,

and it's one of the positives of getting older. It's better to accept who I am than fight it. Ass-to-mouth, by the way. Just so that we are speaking the same language.

Oh, we are.

Sometimes on the drive home, I'll roll it over in my mind. You know, what is it about a woman

taking it into her mouth after a little raw-dogging that just seems so right? And it's this --that I'm accepted as I am. Completely. For my good qualities, sure, but also for all... of my filth. And I appreciate a woman who is that giving. I truly do.

But there's more to it, isn't there? The...act you're talking about has to do with power dynamics. Dominance. Maybe ask why this is coming up for you now. Is there a work connection? Someone you feel isn't looking at you like she should?

Maria Saldana.

What happened?

She was kind of a bastard about her bonus at quarterly review, and then she went and got an offer away.

Yeah, but she's still here.

Yeah, but she threatened to leave, leveraging us to make a bigger offer, which we will, and I think she stays.

You feel played.

Yeah, I do.

Then why did you make her the counter if you feel that way?

Because she's great at her job. Her P&L's always green. She grew her capital from 50 to $300 million.

Men renegotiate.

If they do it this way, they get fired.

So it's really not because she's a woman?

No, it's because she got out of line. You know that we're upping Donnie Caan's capital --tripling it. I asked Axe why. He said, "Donnie's loyal, a good soldier."

And in your mind, Maria's not.

It doesn't matter. I'll keep her.

You gonna tell me about that smile?

Well, I'll keep her, but she won't have much fun. It's my duty to make an example of her now.

You cannot leverage us. So over the next two years, she'll get cut back in ways she can't control.

She'll get less deal flow, less information will fall into her lap. At the end of her deal, she'll be worth a quarter of her current comp.

Ass-to-mouth, whether she likes it or not.


It's better to do A than do B    最好做A,而不要做B或 做A比B好多了

it's better to give than to receive?

But there's more to it, isn't there?  但还不至这些,对吗?

You feel played 你感觉被耍了

Then why did you make her the counter if you feel that way?

让她讨价还价 这里用了make her the counter

make an example of sb  杀鸡给猴看 杀一儆百


Leverage做名词时杠杆作用的意思,lever是杠杆。在杠杆上施力就会产生力量,所以leverage时杠杆作用。但leverage作为动词的意思是英语世界中老外常用的词中文意思是利用、运用。在这里翻译成讨价还价貌似有点不通,但剑桥词典中的英文解释是to use something that you already have in order to achieve something new or better

stands for  代表

raw-dogging  自己查,不可描述的表述



Hey, Christine.

Oh, hey, Lara. I have you in the 10:00, right?


So you get the whole book tour treatment? Local press, store signings?

Yes, all of that.

Oh, so fun. Hey, Lara.

Hi, ladies.

Congratulate June.

Oh, on what?

Goose Quill is publishing her memoir on how she got through 9/11.

Congratulations, June.

Yeah, it's just, you know, it's just a story I wanted to tell.

So cool, right?

Yeah, super-duper.

Well, congrats again. Can't wait to read it.

Hi. It's Lara Axelrod for Shari Strang in Communications.

Lara, hey.

Hey, Shari.

Listen, I need you to get something for me.


当询问别人预约是几点时可以说I have you in the (time)10:00, right?

super-duper =sooper-dooper 超级棒 很常用的口语

memoir   n.    (尤指名人的) 回忆录; 自传; 传说; 地方志; 大事记



      本文标题:美剧Billions/亿万 S1E3(8-12minute)
