As members of the board of YumTime...
Gathered informally.
...you must wanna know if my acquiring almost 5% of your company is a vote of confidence. So let me put an end to the suspense -- it isn't.
Mr. Axelrod is prepared to increase his position and file with the SEC. In addition to its stake, Axe Capital controls a significant percentage of the silent money votes in this company. Which means, come proxy season,there's a road for all of you being out on your asses. It's all in the letter,which can be released publicly.
We're all aware of activist letters, and Mr. Axelrod's history with such.
A seat at the table and a say in management decisions.
Based on what?
The fact that YumTime profits have declined 8 years running, while executive compensation has soared 300%. And Hutch Bailey III has been CEO for exactly that span of time.
I'm not here as a declaration of war, but as a beacon of hope -- someone who knows how a business should be run, who sees exactly why your brand is bleeding market share, from the ingredients to the marketing.
You are in a room full of career business operators.
Absolutely. And I've been made to understand that you're the reasonable board members who see how tenuous the future of YumTime is.
We could be as reasonable as Phil Donahue, wouldn't change a thing. Hutch Bailey III is the CEO and will be until he decides otherwise.
The Bailey family is YumTime. YumTime is the Bailey family.
As the majority of the board of directors, you can change all of that in an instant.
Our chairman, Jerome Purkheiser, is a wise and smart man. And he has been like a second father to Hutch once Hutch II passed on.
And I do not think Purk would look upon this in a friendly way at all. So leave your letter. Put it on a billboard if you want. This meeting'sover.

put an end to 结束
proxy season 股东大会
executive compensation高级管理人员的报酬 (关注发音)
tenuous adj. 脆弱的; 微弱的; 缥缈的; 纤细的; 薄的; 易断的
和第二集tenure 的发音和拼写都很类似

We could be as reasonable as Phil Donahue, wouldn't change a thing
lookupon...in a way (以某种方式) 看待; 含有基于某种先决条件或看法去看待某人或某事的意思
So it's all about Purkheiser. Now we know that for sure.
Yeah. Did you see her react?
I did.
I am exposed here. This board seat gives me my own standing and $200,000 in income. Seats are always at risk during a take over.
You'll be fine.
I don't wanna hear those words from you until you divorce Betty fucking Crocker.
Cut the screen test, Evelyn. Let me read the goddamn letter. Jesus,really? "Hutch Bailey has betrayed the consumer and his own legacy by tampering with the recipe"?
The product tastes fine.
This isn't about the product. Bobby Axelrod knows about you and me.
What? How?
Not sure. But I'm impressed.He knows how important your happiness is to me, so he's making us his brushback pitch to my son. It's nice handiwork. We've got to stop it. He cannot get on a winning streak.
What are we gonna do?
I gave you my boardseat, so I don't have a voice. But here's what you can do. You can talk to Jerome Purkheiser.
And say what?
You're a persuasive woman. Persuade him to ride this thing out and block it.They're lobbying him. You should lobby him.
Okay, I'll go talk to him.
Well, not now.
Why not?
Honey, I took a pill.

Cut the screen test 别试探我了
screen test n.(挑选电影演员时) 试镜头;
Tampering v.干预; 篡改;

he's making us his brushback pitch to my son
brushback n. (迫使击球手退避的) 近身球
brushback pitch 在棒球中,brushback pitch是指投手故意掷出快速的 贴近击球手的近身球以迫使其后退,按规则是一个犯规动作。在美语中引申为一个被视为尝试威胁或恐吓某人的一个行为或言论
handiwork n. 手工(艺); 手工(艺)制品; 某人(或团伙)之所为(尤指坏事);

He cannot get on a winning streak.
winning streak. 连胜

Persuade him to ride this thing out and block it
ride….out 安然挺过(风暴或危机)