美剧Billions/亿万 S1E3(23-25minute)

美剧Billions/亿万 S1E3(23-25minute)

作者: 笨言Ben语 | 来源:发表于2020-09-25 14:35 被阅读0次


Fuck, Wend. I never get used to how you live.


You know, I can see why you made the choice that you did. E.R., it's binary.

They come in bleeding to death, I get them back on the rails inside of a day. Or not. Either way, it's done. I'm forced to move on to the next, to be present.

It's satisfying.

I'm an adrenaline junkie anyway.

Well, we're both addicts. This thing I do... I get so fucking turned on doing it because I see the change happen immediately, too. They go from zero to 100, and I can watch exactly how they use what I give them.

Yeah, but something about it is not sitting right with you. You're in the horns of a dilemma. Horns...of a...dilemma.

There's this woman. She's a real badass. I like her a lot. And I know she's about to get crushed, and the guy who's gonna crush her is my patient,too. All these people matter to me, and I can't do my job if I judge them.

Do the triage. Figure out who needs what more and go that way. That's the short-term fix. Long term? This shit is gonna give you ulceritis. Worse. Talk to Chase, the headhunter.

That guy you...

Yeah, we had a little thing. It was years ago.

You were kinda into him.

He was...fun.

Good at certain things, if I recall.

Very conscientious.



it's binary 我们常用的binary是二进制的意思,这里表示只有两个选择

to be present. 全情投入

something about it is not sitting right with you 有些事你不太能接受

we had a little thing 有一腿,有私情

You were kinda into him. 你喜欢他


rails    n.    栏杆; 扶手; 围栏; (固定在墙上用以挂物品的) 横杆; 铁轨; 轨道;

inside of a day. 一天之内

adrenaline junkie玩的就是心跳

  adrenaline n.   肾上腺素   junkie  n.有毒瘾者; 吸毒成瘾者;

turned on用作形容词有以下几个意思:1.[吸毒者用语〗被(毒品)麻醉的;2.灵活敏捷的,警觉性高的;3.兴奋的,激发性欲的,性高潮的;4.赶潮流的,时髦的

horns of a dilemma进退两难

badass 可用于贬义,意为到处惹是生非的(人),坏蛋(的),恶棍(的)。也可用于褒义即牛逼的,厉害的。现在美语中常用于褒义

triagen.患者鉴别分类; 伤员鉴别分类; 治疗类选法;


conscientious   adj.勤勉认真的; 一丝不苟的;



Someone's gotta talk to Purkheiser. He made his money in meat processing.Feared by the bovineKills over a million cows a year. He's been described to me as a cool-headed Midwesterner who can smell bullshit in the colon of a bull from across the ranch.

Wanna try him?

I can't do that. He's folksy.


I've tried with folksy people. They find me to be a rapacious scumbag.

I'm sorry to break it to you, but... I don't think it's just the folksy people.

How 'bout you?

You're my rapacious scumbag.

This is what love is.



I'm sorry to break it to you相当于I hate to tell this to you 用于向某人坦白他不知道的事

bovine  adj.     牛的; 与牛有关的; 愚笨的; 反应迟钝的; 名词时译为“牛科动物”

colon   n.   冒号; 结肠;

ranch   n.   牧场,大农场(尤指北美或澳大利亚的);

folksy  adj.   淳朴友好自然的; 朴实热情随意的; 有民间传统的; 有民间风味的; 土里土气的;

rapacious  adj.     贪婪的; 贪欲的; 强取的;

scumbag   n.  讨厌的人; 卑鄙小人;



      本文标题:美剧Billions/亿万 S1E3(23-25minute)
