

作者: 徐林Grace | 来源:发表于2018-08-13 10:42 被阅读475次

在我残废的周日,nothing is better than a long time friend showed up from Brazil and brought to u in front of your dancing hotel. 我为了休息腿没有瑜伽,加入好友开始whisky品鉴会,我其实不是一个hardcore for whisky,但既然来了就好好学习,回头会分享学到干货。

只有一人的舞蹈,so what?

最好的是现场请来超级DJ配合大屏幕数字图片,我就high极了,尤其通常夜场Disc都是10.30开门,12点开始有人跳舞,对于一个早睡早起的我来说不得不放弃跳舞的热情,但舞劲从未消失,在我的血液中奔腾,借此下午就可以high现场live music,我就疯了。一直跳了几个小时,朋友陪了我一会就跳不动了继续品whiskey我也无所谓,自己跳,周围的人一会闹的要命逼人喝酒,要么就是看着不跳,对我没影响。人活在世上就是活得纯粹,跳舞就跳出疯狂,工作就做到极致,拘谨和在乎不相关人的看法失去一个自己high的机会都是遗憾。dance in afternoon是最好机会,我因为医生不允许用受伤的左腿,我的重心在右腿上,只是上身和腰部转动,其他人不跳舞也ok,能够随时平静随时 high才可以活在当下!淬炼自己意念,既然跳就要跳出最high。

三个女人和一个男孩子一起成长! 说的好,做得更好!

结果原本要加入好友XW发来video,说是惊喜,一看是曾经美国共事过的巴西同事Gisele,我们曾经一起去过Cape cod度过周末,在她比较低潮期:老公离开她带着孩子回到巴西她一个人在新泽西工作很困惑;她在我眼里一直是个工作极其认真专业脑袋灵光擅长沟通的可人儿,2012年因为家庭原因调回巴西很多年未见。我兴奋的冲出来,也没和朋友say goodbye,加入到三个女人无数场戏里。

试图吓唬一下她! 自己逗笑啦!

车上我就问她:你记得我们去过cape cod,一个lesbian云集的地方,住了一夜,还hiking吗?

G:我记得,你对我有企图,都是你特意安排的!我到了还疑惑,结果发现你暗示我很明显,你用手撩了我的下巴说:maybe there is a reason why we are here! 我记得酒店check in,你坚持我们住一个房间,还让我和你share一张床,一个劲说没事,不用担心;结果我坚决一个人住在一个小床上,第二天你带我hiking了7个小时,你啥事没有,我也坚持住了。


记忆如潮水涌向我,我记得她和老公碰到挑战她生活情绪很低,我好心邀请她一大早在我纽约penhouse里给她做了swiss muesli,但她和我说:这样的单身生活我不想过!也记得她美好的样子,但我完全不记得自己挑逗过她,而且现在她至少比当年胖了20磅,我实在挑逗不起来。

我:我就是太热情了,真的不是set up,我不知道那是一个lesbian 云集的地方,但我之后强烈感受到你对我很防范,其实我当时就想让你开心,认为你一个人美国生活也很好,不要为了老公回巴西就放弃美国的工作,你比我更适合公司环境!



几个记忆深刻回忆,一个刚到瑞士做trainee中国女人,被老板说“VIP,U?not even a million of years!”

no no no!你就是have a crash on me!

我在美国请主要客户吃饭,因为是我的客户我需要toast,当年戒酒期我就toast with water, 老板说“disgusting!"


关于女人在职场,有无数的故事,很多还不适合讲,但quote from XW: who laughs at last we laughs best! 事实是,我们都是非常坚韧的女性,碰到很多困难,误解和骚扰,但都骄傲自信坚持走下去,而且越来越好,会笑到最后!

我自己都没figure out!


Heard so many good things about Cape Cod, always want to go! Just before weather turns cold, with Gisele we go in the early Saturday morning. It is beautiful day and long drive. First stop is Chatham, a small village with a main street full of shop and gallery which excites us a lot. We went to the beach and feel the sand, soft and coastline is broad and wide. Saw the lighthouse which is about it. My highlight is the icecream, real pistachio, fantastic and fish is fresh but nothing comparable with a decent icecream.

Arrive in Provincetown, the final destination at late after is a bless, the light is just about right to have a nice walk in the long pier. It is a very happening coast village, with many touristic and real galleries! Gisele pointed out to me that there are many gay couples, yes, true then she told me there are a lot of lesbian as well. Yes, the percentage is even higher than New York. We thought there is a gay parade something like this..........all over the place and we have one findings: generally the gay couple are well dressed and fit but not the lesbian one.........we are assumed to be a lesbian couple for sure.


Finding a nice lodge is an interesting experience here: many old houses with nice terrace and facade and we entered many, either nobody inside with open door or only tenant there; u can sit in the nice salon having a nice espresso with a good view of the salon, or having some fruits with some readings, nobody will appear or answer the phone. We find it like an adventure to enter different houses and call many numbers, most unanswered and some are full............Quite a popular place. Anyhow we find a nice "rose crown inn" which we were in the salon for one hour without people turning up, we insistent on calling the number left there finally the landlord answered to say we can stay and she will back.


Earlier Sunday morning I got a nice/difficult run to the lighthouse in the far end of west side, basically crosss the sand dune and bushes then arrive in the beach, nobody just a big shining sun rising up along the sea border! The run is not easy with the soft sand and bushes cross, but the experience is precious. What  a beautiful morning particularly with a long strange shaped cost line!

We had a nice breakfast, one of the best sitting in front of the church with the slack look at the people who passed to have breakfast or cafe.............just beautiful as a perfect Sunday morning. We go for a nice hiking or walking along the bike trail in the Race Point. 5.45 miles which is nothing for me to start with but it can be extended a bit further though. With a nice breeze we had quite pleasant long walk to pass the small hills, beaches and the woods. We have a nice chat from time to time, about life, work and family, which adds the pleasure of the walk. Started at 11am end up at 2.30pm, reasonable walk I would say! We see many bikers, biker couples............Provincetown is indeed a nice place for some art and nature short stay, not more than 3 days though. Only 1.5 hours ferry to Boston and I met the New Yorker who actually fly to Boston then ferry to the port, what a journey.


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